Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

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    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?

Mr. Cohen is a Convicted Liar sitting in stir in the federal penitentiary for being a lying piece of shit.

His word really isn't worth very much
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir

Mr. Trump admitted that he never had sex with Ms. Daniels. Further, during the 2016 campaign, the question of the size of Trump's genitalia came up during the debates. Trump testified, when challenged by SeĂąor Rubio, that "Believe me, there is no problem there".

It seems pretty obvious that Daniels had mistaken some other individual she was have relations with Mr. Trump. Mistakes are made, that's not a problem.
Trump never had sex with Daniels?
How do you know? Trump is The most prolific POTUS liar of all time!
Why did he pay off Daniels to keep quiet?
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?

Mr. Cohen is a Convicted Liar sitting in stir in the federal penitentiary for being a lying piece of shit.

His word really isn't worth very much
Neither is a proven liar like Trump.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.

Trump confessed to doing this moron. "You can even grab 'em by the pussy".

One of Epstein's girls sued Trump for beating and raping her. She filed an Affadavit in Court, along with the affidavit of an eye witness who witnessed both the beating and the rape. If she was lying, why didn't Donald Trump have her charged with perjury, or sue her for slander?

And she's the least credible of Trump's accusers. All of whom Trump has attempted to smear and denigrate. Except the girl who sued him for rape. She dropped the case after her life and that of her family, was threatened.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?

Mr. Cohen is a Convicted Liar sitting in stir in the federal penitentiary for being a lying piece of shit.

His word really isn't worth very much
Word in PRINT on behalf of his client Trump is worth tons! Trump is the real chump.
The N.Y. Times thinks assaulting women is no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

And this is the paragraph preceding that statement:

Soon after Ms. Reade made the new allegation, in a podcast interview released on March 25, The Times began reporting on her account and seeking corroboration through interviews, documents and other sources. The Times interviewed Ms. Reade on multiple days over hours, as well as those she told about Mr. Biden’s behavior and other friends. The Times has also interviewed lawyers who spoke to Ms. Reade about her allegation; nearly two dozen people who worked with Mr. Biden during the early 1990s, including many who worked with Ms. Reade; and the other seven women who criticized Mr. Biden last year, to discuss their experiences with him.

NYT is not saying it didn't happen. They are saying they could find no similar pattern of behavior by Biden or anyone who recalls Reade ever mentioning it, OR filing a complaint about it. They admit two friends and her brother say she told them about it at the time or alluded to it afterward.

They're reporting what they found. Were they hoping to find that? Maybe so. But I believe it more than an earlier article linked here arguing she was a Russian spy based on nothing but her Twitter history!
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir

Mr. Trump admitted that he never had sex with Ms. Daniels. Further, during the 2016 campaign, the question of the size of Trump's genitalia came up during the debates. Trump testified, when challenged by SeĂąor Rubio, that "Believe me, there is no problem there".

It seems pretty obvious that Daniels had mistaken some other individual she was have relations with Mr. Trump. Mistakes are made, that's not a problem.
Trump never had sex with Daniels?
How do you know? Trump is The most prolific POTUS liar of all time!
Why did he pay off Daniels to keep quiet?

Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and testified that he didn't. Its really up to the libs to prove their case here.

Just because someone pays hush money, doesn't mean they did it.
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".

It would have happened regardless of who Trump nominated. Ford was a huge pro abortion advocate.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?

Mr. Cohen is a Convicted Liar sitting in stir in the federal penitentiary for being a lying piece of shit.

His word really isn't worth very much
Word in PRINT on behalf of his client Trump is worth tons! Trump is the real chump.

So you think that Mike Cohen is a stand up guy that never lies? Maybe you can hire him after he gets out of the joint?
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".

It would have happened regardless of who Trump nominated. Ford was a huge pro abortion advocate.

Had Trump named Kavanaugh to the first open SCOTUS seat and Gorsuch the 2nd, Ford would have undoubtably made the exact same accusation against Gorsuch.
"Obviously she is lying. else she would not have waited so long."

Every trump cultist, until they find out she accused Biden.

Female accusers must be believed, Dem's said so during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Yeah, but that was different, and stuff.

I love rubbing the left's nose in their hypocrisy and double standards. It's like the fools have a decision tree...IF Dem THEN Nothing ELSE Demand Hearing.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

But, but, but, they're all lying..............right Trumpleton's?

We are discussing the PENETRATION allegation against creepy Joe Biden by a former staffer. She filed a report with the DC police. You idiots need to scrape up a new presidential candidate quick.
Corporate media doing all they can for their Dimm overlords. Putting lipstick on pig Biden. Not going to work.

Dimm bench is so bad they couldn’t find anyone better than HIllary. Just the worst. Biden is brain dead.
The N.Y. Times thinks assaulting women is no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

And this is the paragraph preceding that statement:

Soon after Ms. Reade made the new allegation, in a podcast interview released on March 25, The Times began reporting on her account and seeking corroboration through interviews, documents and other sources. The Times interviewed Ms. Reade on multiple days over hours, as well as those she told about Mr. Biden’s behavior and other friends. The Times has also interviewed lawyers who spoke to Ms. Reade about her allegation; nearly two dozen people who worked with Mr. Biden during the early 1990s, including many who worked with Ms. Reade; and the other seven women who criticized Mr. Biden last year, to discuss their experiences with him.

NYT is not saying it didn't happen. They are saying they could find no similar pattern of behavior by Biden or anyone who recalls Reade ever mentioning it, OR filing a complaint about it. They admit two friends and her brother say she told them about it at the time or alluded to it afterward.

They're reporting what they found. Were they hoping to find that? Maybe so. But I believe it more than an earlier article linked here arguing she was a Russian spy based on nothing but her Twitter history!
Why did you bypass the N.Y. Times blowing off Biden’s sexual assaults as no big deal. And yes, kissing and grabbing women against their wishes is sexual assault.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.

Trump confessed to doing this moron. "You can even grab 'em by the pussy".

One of Epstein's girls sued Trump for beating and raping her. She filed an Affadavit in Court, along with the affidavit of an eye witness who witnessed both the beating and the rape. If she was lying, why didn't Donald Trump have her charged with perjury, or sue her for slander?

And she's the least credible of Trump's accusers. All of whom Trump has attempted to smear and denigrate. Except the girl who sued him for rape. She dropped the case after her life and that of her family, was threatened.

He didn’t say he grabbed women by the pussy. He said when you are famous and wealthy you “can”.

I can lick doorknobs. Doesn’t mean I do.
I'm sure candy does.
You'll have to do a whole lot better than FaceBook posts, and obscure right wing blogs. The accusations have to be "credible", which means they have to make them to an accredited media source with a strong history of factual reporting, the police, FBI, or their Congressional Representative. They have to be prepared to sign an affidavit and face perjury charges if their allegations are proven false.
I don't expect any of these "victims" to be prepared to do this. If they really were victims, they wouldn't be making allegations in such a fake way.
Typical Dem strategy, hire a lawyer in times like this.

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