Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

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    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

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You're lying of course. Only one pornstar/prostitute accused him of anything, and she has no evidence to back her claims. The other accusations were all discredited.
Dems will try to use the Stormy Daniels thing for all they can. They got nothing else to run on.
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".

It would have happened regardless of who Trump nominated. Ford was a huge pro abortion advocate.

Had Trump named Kavanaugh to the first open SCOTUS seat and Gorsuch the 2nd, Ford would have undoubtably made the exact same accusation against Gorsuch.

Absolutely correct.

She was banking on book deals and TV appearances to pad her bank account. Meanwhile, she could bask in the spotlight as she was toasted for being the hero that saved us from Kavanaugh. She wasn’t afraid of the anxiety and she didn’t fear for her safety. But she sure tried to play the “poor me” card.

She was a total fraud. Dimms really showed their asses. Her social media was cleared of all her Trump hate prior to sending the letter to the Senate.
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This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir

Mr. Trump admitted that he never had sex with Ms. Daniels. Further, during the 2016 campaign, the question of the size of Trump's genitalia came up during the debates. Trump testified, when challenged by Señor Rubio, that "Believe me, there is no problem there".

It seems pretty obvious that Daniels had mistaken some other individual she was have relations with Mr. Trump. Mistakes are made, that's not a problem.
Trump never had sex with Daniels?
How do you know? Trump is The most prolific POTUS liar of all time!
Why did he pay off Daniels to keep quiet?

Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and testified that he didn't. Its really up to the libs to prove their case here.

Just because someone pays hush money, doesn't mean they did it.
LOTS of hush money is EVIDENCE.

To be consistent, you agree that Biden is innocent until proven guilty, right?
Corporate media doing all they can for their Dimm overlords. Putting lipstick on pig Biden. Not going to work.

Dimm bench is so bad they couldn’t find anyone better than HIllary. Just the worst. Biden is brain dead.

Biden can run but he can't hide. Sooner or later Trump will ask Biden during a televised debate about the former staffer who has filed a police report against him for PENETRATING her.
She was banking on book deals and TV appearances to pad her bank account. Meanwhile, she could bask in the spotlight as she was toasted for being the hero that saved us from Kavanaugh. She wasn’t afraid of the anxiety and she didn’t fear for her safety. But she sure tried to play the “poor me” card.
She was a total fraud. Dimms really showed their asses.
Dems were desperate to block Kavanaugh. Desperate enough to bring out a lying slut and put her on the national stage.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir

Mr. Trump admitted that he never had sex with Ms. Daniels. Further, during the 2016 campaign, the question of the size of Trump's genitalia came up during the debates. Trump testified, when challenged by Señor Rubio, that "Believe me, there is no problem there".

It seems pretty obvious that Daniels had mistaken some other individual she was have relations with Mr. Trump. Mistakes are made, that's not a problem.
Trump never had sex with Daniels?
How do you know? Trump is The most prolific POTUS liar of all time!
Why did he pay off Daniels to keep quiet?

Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and testified that he didn't. Its really up to the libs to prove their case here.

Just because someone pays hush money, doesn't mean they did it.
LOTS of hush money is EVIDENCE.

To be consistent, you agree that Biden is innocent until proven guilty, right?

Which he is. Why aren’t Dimms consistent?
You're lying of course. Only one pornstar/prostitute accused him of anything, and she has no evidence to back her claims. The other accusations were all discredited.
Dems will try to use the Stormy Daniels thing for all they can. They got nothing else to run on.
You got to be kidding!
The Dems have lots to run on, including Trump’s incompetence in dealing with a looming pandemic & spending TRILLIONS of big-gov money to try and fix the crap he fanned ...
If a woman makes an accusation such as this, I believe she should be forced to produce evidence to support it. If she can't do that, she should face charges, and those charges, if the woman is found guilty, should carry ridiculously paralyzing penalties...
That's unfair. Then Biden would escape in this case.
Money,? 15 min of fame,? realizing that some creepy guy is getting a chance to have control over some aspect of how our country is run,? I stay away from every ones sex life.
Joe Biden voted to invade Iraq. He pushed the war hard. He was the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and only allowed 2 days to debate. Biden was as responsible for the war as Bush.

Yet idiot Dimms will vote for the war criminal Biden who lied us into war.
Creepy old Senile white man. Perfect Dimm candidate.

How many liberal women will vote for him even though he is creepy and really dumb?
I don't think trump supporters want to do this.

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