Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".
It wasn’t this that. It was his overall demeanor Towards Congress.
then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense
Whwn he is a supreme court nominee, in the actual hearings? He has a rigjt to act any stupid way he wants. And we have the right and probably the duty to point at that man and say he is of unfit temperament for the court.
then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense
Whwn he is a supreme court nominee, in the actual hearings? He has a rigjt to act any stupid way he wants. And we have the right and probably the duty to point at that man and say he is of unfit temperament for the court.

Blasey Ford and her accomplices didn't accuse Kavanaugh of having an "unfit temperament", they accused him of forcible rape of a minor child.
then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense
Whwn he is a supreme court nominee, in the actual hearings? He has a rigjt to act any stupid way he wants. And we have the right and probably the duty to point at that man and say he is of unfit temperament for the court.
You have no duty to lie about anyone, douchebag.
Its an opinion, dummy. Haha, i can only imagine what would happen if you applied your idiotic standards to yourself. Call an ems , bripat wont stop punching himself in the face....
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".
It wasn’t this that. It was his overall demeanor Towards Congress.
You mean his demeanor towards scumbag Democrats who pulled the lowest stunts in the book.
then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense
Whwn he is a supreme court nominee, in the actual hearings? He has a rigjt to act any stupid way he wants. And we have the right and probably the duty to point at that man and say he is of unfit temperament for the court.
You have no duty to lie about anyone, douchebag.
Its an opinion, dummy. Haha, i can only imagine what would happen if you applied your idiotic standards to yourself. Call an ems , bripat wont stop punching himself in the face....
You have a vivid imagination.
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".
It wasn’t this that. It was his overall demeanor Towards Congress.
1/2 of the senate deserved that demeanor, especially when not even Ford's friend could corroborate her story. Yet they still called Ford credible. She was not credible.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
Lol, well now seven women have come out against Biden, so that makes it multiple women. You gonna be a hypocrite?
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
It's easy to get women to make accusations against a Republican when you are paying them $100,000 a pop.
Haha, was that before or after trump paid for a bunch of abortions?
You just proved that you don't need a shred of evidence to make a sleazy accusation about Trump.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir
Of course, there isn't a shred of evidence to support anything she says.
Did you forget Trump’s own lawyer Cohen confirmed much of what she said?
He confirmed that Trump paid for the NDA. That's all he confirmed.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.
Trump a “classy ladies man”? LOL!!!
According to “Honey Bunch” Daniels ...

‘she recalled him being a “terrible kisser.” Daniels also reveals that their intercourse only lasted “two to three minutes” and was the “least impressive” she’s ever had.’

Stormy Daniels Details Trump Romp, Death Threats in New Memoir

Mr. Trump admitted that he never had sex with Ms. Daniels. Further, during the 2016 campaign, the question of the size of Trump's genitalia came up during the debates. Trump testified, when challenged by Señor Rubio, that "Believe me, there is no problem there".

It seems pretty obvious that Daniels had mistaken some other individual she was have relations with Mr. Trump. Mistakes are made, that's not a problem.

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