Several very large food processing plants in the US have blown up/burned down in the past few days

Why is it that you won't share this bit of information?
Leftist rules of engagement

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

Always the same.
Most Leftards think veggies appear out of thin air in grocery stores. Let’s not even get into preparing an animal to eat.
We had a couple families over for dinner some time ago. A discussion about food shortages came up and one of the teenage boys said if there was no food in the stores he would eat at Mickey Ds. The room got silent and everyone just stared at him. He said, "What?" To this day I don't think it penetrated his bony skull.
Why are you Leftards so fucking ignorant?

It is a debate tactic, although calling it 'tactical' is being quite generous. Again, we have Jacques Derrida to thank and his postmodernist brain rot. The idea is that the 'left tard' in question will continue to ask the same baseless question over and over and over again, hoping that their opponent will become so frustrated by the intentional obtuseness he gives up and walks away. You ask me, however, I have come to believe that 'left tards' in general truly do believe they will get different answers to the same question if they ask it enough times. It is the "tactic" of imbeciles, truly.
We had a couple families over for dinner some time ago. A discussion about food shortages came up and one of the teenage boys said if there was no food in the stores he would eat at Mickey Ds. The room got silent and everyone just stared at him. He said, "What?" To this day I don't think it penetrated his bony skull.
I think that’s about 60% of the US population.
That’s why I buy ammo, the day is coming.
It is rather humorous. All I did was ask where theses explosions occurred and the result was nothing but name calling.
This combined with railways stopping deliveries of fertilizer right at the start of planting season, and the world's largest port, Shanghai, backed up with shipping containers over a few Covid deaths, and it is pretty clear they mean to starve us starting in a few months at most.

Americans are happily oblivious that they will be living in hell by end of year.


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