Several very large food processing plants in the US have blown up/burned down in the past few days

Just to inform the befuddled........

Info taken from the OP link and double checked.......

Azure Standard HQ---OR---fire--04/19/22
Shearer's Foods---OR---EXPLOSION/fire--02/22/22
Gem State Potato Processing Plant---ID---plane crash/fire---04/14/22
Walmart Distribution---IN---fire---03/16/22
Maricopa Food Pantry (50,000lbs food)---AZ---fire---03/29/22
Rio's Fresh Onion Warehouse---TX---fire---03/31/22
Taylor Farms---CA---fire---04/13/22
East Conway Beef and Pork Plant---NH---fire---04/12/22
Bonanza Meats? Maid Rite Steak CO---PA---fire---11/30/21
Patak/Cobb County Meat Co---GA---fire---08/24/21
JBS Beef Plant---NE---fire---11/13/21
Tyson Poultry Plant---AL---fire---07/31/21
Nestle(?) Hot Pocket Plant---AR---fire---03/16/22
Wisconsin River Meats---WI---fire---02/03/22
Westside Food Processing Plant---TX---fire---12/13/21
Potato Processing Plant---ME---fire---03/24/22
Louis Dreyfus Soybean Processing Plant---IN---fire---02/16/22
Kellogg's Foods---TN---fire---07/25/21
Cargill Nutrena Feed Mill---LA---fire---01/14/22

Those^^^ are just in the US and since July of 2021. Even if you only count those since the beginning of this year is 13 facilities out of 19 total.

Then add in the fertilizer issues, shipping/transport backlogs, etc.........oh and we can't forget the bird flu where 27 MILLION chickens and turkeys have been culled in 30 states so far, and counting.

If I left anything out, then that's too bad, it's late & I'm tired.......find it yourself
We had a couple families over for dinner some time ago. A discussion about food shortages came up and one of the teenage boys said if there was no food in the stores he would eat at Mickey Ds. The room got silent and everyone just stared at him. He said, "What?" To this day I don't think it penetrated his bony skull.

Government schooling.

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