Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life

“The witch hunt” will stop when these perverts stop abusing people.

Hopefully this guy will rot in hell for what he has done. His guilt drove him to kill himself.

I don’t give a shit this pervert took his own life.

He sent out some kind of media message before he killed himself, something about PTSD. But I see nothing about any military or combat background or what the source of trauma could be. I agree with you. He was driven by feelings of guilt.

Over the years he repeatedly claimed he watched the 2nd plane hit the WTC, and that he set up the morgue for the 9/11 victims. He claimed to have administered Last Rites for each body as they pulled them from the rubble. He also claimed to have a doctorate of divinity from some college. The college records show he took some classes, but never graduated. There is no record of him working at the makeshift morgue after 9/11, to say nothing of setting it up. He lied over and over and over.

Sounds like a total flake. You have to wonder how he got elected.
Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
We don't know that. I think it's sad and awful when someone kills himself. I also think it stinks to spit on a guy's grave with assumption and prejudice.
Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.
Yes, I've been following this thread. I still don't know enough about the man to justify disparaging him.

He did have a somewhat sketchy background, if you can believe the wiki

Dan Johnson (Kentucky politician) - Wikipedia
Uh huh. Sketchy.
He should have been forced to prove his innocence, just like the women in Salem didn’t prove they weren’t witches? Perfect justification to do anything you want to the accused. Like burn them at the stake.

Yawn, guy, the thing is, you want to make this guy out to be a 'victim', but he was really a life-long con artist and grifter who finally got caught.

We should thank him for saving us the cost of a trial.
Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.

And to anyones knowledge Moore did not do anything he was accused of, so your point is irrelevant and unwarranted.

As to what the topic is about, I will introduce side issue for analogy and contrast as much as I want, dear. :p
Oh please spare us the pretense at being respectful despite party differences. I have seen you all but dance of graves of people you dislike.

I laugh at the insanity we live in today, but I am not 'dancing'. I have three left feet, I cant dance.

But the give and take, as long as it is friendly enough, is fun and I love the banter.

I try to avoid actually hurting anyones feelings, except Jake Starkey.

He has no feeling as, I have it on good authority, he is a turnip.
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

There's nothing more self-righteous and repugnant than someone who commits suicide and blames someone else. That's a cowardly act and is all on him.

And I VERY much doubt he'd have offed himself unless he knew he was guilty as sin and it was all going to come out.
Oh, so the mans suicide also proves his guilt?

Of COURSE it proves his guilt! What, you think he just woke up and thought, let's see, what do I need to do today --- hey, I know, I'll commit suicide today and blame somebody else for it!

He had a weak mind and a lot of guilt.
Democrats may be on to something. Kill someone with the defense is they had it coming anyway. Gads, if someone wanted to get rid of Colin Kaepernick this is the ideal defense. Make it look like a suicide and stop all investigation by saying he had it coming, fuck him, Glad he's dead.

It's all over, tons of money saved.
Milo talks about who few women describe themselves as feminists, because the vast majority of women do not want to be a part of this shit.

Naaaaaah, Milo is dead wrong. As a "Second Wave" Feminist, I know that what has happened is that now ALLLLL women are feminists, of the kind of mild feminism that we promoted and that now rules. This workplace flap derives from reasonable feminism: of course men shouldn't do that stuff! Migod!!

Milo is too young to realize that what he is talking about is "Third Wave" feminism, which is pretty seriously weird --- all the horror stories you've heard of.
I am sure he had to have considered the same thing himself, but despair causes this sort of thing.

Sometimes people are in such mental pain that death is their only way they can see to stopping it.

No, can't agree: suicide is almost always a furiously hostile act: I'll show them!!!
He wanted to hurt everyone he could. What a bad man.
We should also note what the current witch hunt has in common with all witch hunts. No judicial process or protections, unfounded and unprovable accusations, piling on and bandwagon accusations, and accusers who are considered beyond questioning due to their special victim status...and finally the desire for the most extreme penalty possible...the civil death at minimum.

This is the part I am interested in. I'd like to see the law involved, not the court of public opinion. I want the accusations to have a statute of limitations of one year. I'd like to see companies address these issues sooner rather than try to sweep it under the rug for so long!

In Short, this guy had some mental issues to start with, blaming this woman or the "hysteria" is a bit of a stretch.

"Some mental issues"?!!? This guy was crazy as a hoot owl and did us all a favor offing himself. I take it all back: he's a public benefactor.
I also have a bit of experience.

Helped investigate an alleged rape. Woman reported an abduction and rape after leaving work. Claimed two men forced her into their van as she left work, drove her out to the country and raped her violently. Gave complete descriptions of both.

Turns out a neighboring business had a security camera trained on the parking lot that showed her calmly walking to her car and leaving the lot alone.

In the end it turns out she left, met her boyfriend, engaged in rough sex and made up the story to cover the bruises from her husband.

Good story. Something like that happened in my county. A woman was having an affair with a county councilman. Things happened, and she told her husband it was all because, see, he raped her.

Okay, says her husband: then go report the rape to the police.

Trouble then ensued and our county weekly was as happy as it had been in a long time. In the end, the councilman didn't get charged, because of course.......she'd made up the rape when her husband found about her being with him.
Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.

And to anyones knowledge Moore did not do anything he was accused of, so your point is irrelevant and unwarranted.

As to what the topic is about, I will introduce side issue for analogy and contrast as much as I want, dear. :p

Ok, then I will do the same.

As far as your "to anyone's knowledge..." comment, there are still women who are saying he did. Whether he did or not warrants investigation, at least.

As far as what Roy Moore did? He put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution. And he violated that and was removed from office. The next time, he put his hand on the bible and swore the same oath. And the exact same thing happened. He violated that oath and was removed from office. Such reckless disregard for the laws of your land is unconscionable from a politician. From a judge it is despicable.
Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.

And to anyones knowledge Moore did not do anything he was accused of, so your point is irrelevant and unwarranted.

As to what the topic is about, I will introduce side issue for analogy and contrast as much as I want, dear. :p

Ok, then I will do the same.

As far as your "to anyone's knowledge..." comment, there are still women who are saying he did. Whether he did or not warrants investigation, at least.

As far as what Roy Moore did? He put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution. And he violated that and was removed from office. The next time, he put his hand on the bible and swore the same oath. And the exact same thing happened. He violated that oath and was removed from office. Such reckless disregard for the laws of your land is unconscionable from a politician. From a judge it is despicable.
But he is exactly right about it.

There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the display of Ten Commandments on public property or a courtroom, nor student p[raying before a football game.

In fact the First Amendment was written to PROTECT RELIGIOUS expression, not hinder it.

You libs have turned the First Amendments religion clause inside out.
Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.

And to anyones knowledge Moore did not do anything he was accused of, so your point is irrelevant and unwarranted.

As to what the topic is about, I will introduce side issue for analogy and contrast as much as I want, dear. :p

Ok, then I will do the same.

As far as your "to anyone's knowledge..." comment, there are still women who are saying he did. Whether he did or not warrants investigation, at least.

As far as what Roy Moore did? He put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution. And he violated that and was removed from office. The next time, he put his hand on the bible and swore the same oath. And the exact same thing happened. He violated that oath and was removed from office. Such reckless disregard for the laws of your land is unconscionable from a politician. From a judge it is despicable.
But he is exactly right about it.

There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the display of Ten Commandments on public property or a courtroom, nor student p[raying before a football game.

In fact the First Amendment was written to PROTECT RELIGIOUS expression, not hinder it.

You libs have turned the First Amendments religion clause inside out.

It also defends ones right to talk about cock and pussy. ;) This may turn you off but it is true.
Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.

And to anyones knowledge Moore did not do anything he was accused of, so your point is irrelevant and unwarranted.

As to what the topic is about, I will introduce side issue for analogy and contrast as much as I want, dear. :p

Ok, then I will do the same.

As far as your "to anyone's knowledge..." comment, there are still women who are saying he did. Whether he did or not warrants investigation, at least.

As far as what Roy Moore did? He put his hand on the bible and swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution. And he violated that and was removed from office. The next time, he put his hand on the bible and swore the same oath. And the exact same thing happened. He violated that oath and was removed from office. Such reckless disregard for the laws of your land is unconscionable from a politician. From a judge it is despicable.
But he is exactly right about it.

There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits the display of Ten Commandments on public property or a courtroom, nor student p[raying before a football game.

In fact the First Amendment was written to PROTECT RELIGIOUS expression, not hinder it.

You libs have turned the First Amendments religion clause inside out.

The biggest problem with what Moore did is not the display of the 10 Commandments, per se. It is that Moore refused to allow ANY other display in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building. In effect, citing the 10 Commandments as the only acceptable religion. That is the problem.

And the US Constitution does, in fact, set the hierarchy for the courts in our nation. And he refused to accept the ruling of a superior court.
The biggest problem with what Moore did is not the display of the 10 Commandments, per se. It is that Moore refused to allow ANY other display in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building. In effect, citing the 10 Commandments as the only acceptable religion. That is the problem.

I have not read him doing that, though I think historically he has a point in that it was the Jewish elevation of the law above monarchs and all society that became our foundation of what the law's status should be. I dont think that came to us from Odin worship.

But still, he should not have prevented other art that was relative to the heritage of legal procedure.

Can you provide a link to what you are referring to so I can see what his explanation/rationale was?

I suspect it was purely a religious motivation.
I have not read him doing that, though I think historically he has a point in that it was the Jewish elevation of the law above monarchs and all society that became our foundation of what the law's status should be. I dont think that came to us from Odin worship.

No, but it probably came from Jupiter Worship. Most of our legal traditions have come down to us from the Romans.

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