Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life

Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
We don't know that. I think it's sad and awful when someone kills himself. I also think it stinks to spit on a guy's grave with assumption and prejudice.
Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
We don't know that. I think it's sad and awful when someone kills himself. I also think it stinks to spit on a guy's grave with assumption and prejudice.
Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.
This guy was a nutjob.
IS that your professional assessment, doctor, over the internet?


Given what he claimed he did? No need for a professional. Although it sounds like he was a professional liar.

What did Moore claim he did that makes it apparent to those of us who are not partisan hacks that Moore was a nutjob?

Does he occasionally forget why he is where he is and why,like Pelosi?

Does he lose control of his own body on ocasion like Hillary Clinton?

Does he espouse lunatic ideas like an island might tip over or the world is going to be dead in ten years twenty years ago?

Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.

You dont know that the guy did what is claimed he did.

But you will dance on his grave and spit on any mention of him anyway because you are a partisan shill.

Just like Senator Wells funeral, you Dems have no conscience or sense of decency about when to push your agenda and when not to.

That is why the Democratic Party has gone from the powerhouse it was under LBJ to the pathetic regional party it is today.
Heart of Fire 'Gun Choir' with Pope Dan Johnson

A real holly roller. From caption under video.
According to Johnson, the choir may travel soon, but for now, they can be heard every Sunday at noon at the Heart of Fire Church.

Heart of Fire is known as a ‘biker church’. In fact, half of the church is an actual biker bar. This means is that if you’re a tattooed, sunburnt gun-toting, leather-wearing biker that might get kicked out of a regular church, you’re definitely welcome at Heart of Fire. There’s lots of music and fellowship and Johnson’s fiery and passionate sermons will light a fire in your heart.

Good Lord, at least learn how to spell words. It is "holy" roller. Not "holly" roller. I wouldn't have said anything but you keep repeating the same spelling error over and over!

Thank you, but he is was full of holly and not at all holy. Of course you are not going to comment on his fake church.

His "tax except" church? Are you even American? If so, in what state did you attend public school?

Oh my are you an English teacher, tax exempt. I am doing two things at a time, sorry , I do hope you could figure it out.

:eusa_shhh: Stop right there. TMI. I don't need to know any more. :lalala:
I used to be sexually harassed all the time, but I put up with it.

I heard things like "Get your phat ass over here!", and "You are such a dick!" quite often in basic training, and that was from other males, too.

Nurses have touched my private parts without asking my permission many times, and I catch women staring at my 'package' quite often.

But some how, I have survived.


Edit: Maybe I should stop carrying my extra pair of sox in my front right pocket?

Nothing soars like an unfunny person taking a stab at snarky humor. Way to go, pal. Way to go!
Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
We don't know that. I think it's sad and awful when someone kills himself. I also think it stinks to spit on a guy's grave with assumption and prejudice.
Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.
Yes, I've been following this thread. I still don't know enough about the man to justify disparaging him.
This guy was a nutjob.
IS that your professional assessment, doctor, over the internet?


Given what he claimed he did? No need for a professional. Although it sounds like he was a professional liar.

What did Moore claim he did that makes it apparent to those of us who are not partisan hacks that Moore was a nutjob?

Does he occasionally forget why he is where he is and why,like Pelosi?

Does he lose control of his own body on ocasion like Hillary Clinton?

Does he espouse lunatic ideas like an island might tip over or the world is going to be dead in ten years twenty years ago?


Your response is idiocy. This is about one person, and the things HE ChOSE to do or say. It is not about Hillary or Roy, or Pelosi. Stick with the actual topic please.

But, if you insist on bringing those people up, Hillary lost. That is a good thing.
Roy lost, and that is also a very good thing. Both are liars.
Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.

You dont know that the guy did what is claimed he did.

But you will dance on his grave and spit on any mention of him anyway because you are a partisan shill.

Just like Senator Wells funeral, you Dems have no conscience or sense of decency about when to push your agenda and when not to.

That is why the Democratic Party has gone from the powerhouse it was under LBJ to the pathetic regional party it is today.

Oh please spare us the pretense at being respectful despite party differences. I have seen you all but dance of graves of people you dislike.
Blame Satan. Yes this holly roller who considered himself the Pope of his church certainty was innocent.

You cant help stepping all over your own message due to your hatred of a Christian.

What a shame, but by all means, Penny, keep on firing.

You are the best advertisement for Christian Dominionism out there.

If you are defending Roy Moore claiming he is a Christian., then you are part of the problem.

You are not a Christian if you are a bigot & racist. You certainly are not a Christian if you molest under aged girls.
Good thing I am not a politician, because I groped my girlfriend when I was 16...and that was a long time ago.
Was she 7 years old?
Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
We don't know that. I think it's sad and awful when someone kills himself. I also think it stinks to spit on a guy's grave with assumption and prejudice.
Did you read about his background? I'm not saying he is as bad as Hitler but that he was too cowardly to face what he had done.
Yes, I've been following this thread. I still don't know enough about the man to justify disparaging him.

He did have a somewhat sketchy background, if you can believe the wiki

Dan Johnson (Kentucky politician) - Wikipedia
Blame Satan. Yes this holly roller who considered himself the Pope of his church certainty was innocent.

You cant help stepping all over your own message due to your hatred of a Christian.

What a shame, but by all means, Penny, keep on firing.

You are the best advertisement for Christian Dominionism out there.

If you are defending Roy Moore claiming he is a Christian., then you are part of the problem.

You are not a Christian if you are a bigot & racist. You certainly are not a Christian if you molest under aged girls.
Good thing I am not a politician, because I groped my girlfriend when I was 16...and that was a long time ago.
Was she 7 years old?
How did you know?
“The witch hunt” will stop when these perverts stop abusing people.

Hopefully this guy will rot in hell for what he has done. His guilt drove him to kill himself.

I don’t give a shit this pervert took his own life.
“The witch hunt” will stop when these perverts stop abusing people.

Hopefully this guy will rot in hell for what he has done. His guilt drove him to kill himself.

I don’t give a shit this pervert took his own life.

He sent out some kind of media message before he killed himself, something about PTSD. But I see nothing about any military or combat background or what the source of trauma could be. I agree with you. He was driven by feelings of guilt.
“The witch hunt” will stop when these perverts stop abusing people.

Hopefully this guy will rot in hell for what he has done. His guilt drove him to kill himself.

I don’t give a shit this pervert took his own life.

He sent out some kind of media message before he killed himself, something about PTSD. But I see nothing about any military or combat background or what the source of trauma could be. I agree with you. He was driven by feelings of guilt.

Over the years he repeatedly claimed he watched the 2nd plane hit the WTC, and that he set up the morgue for the 9/11 victims. He claimed to have administered Last Rites for each body as they pulled them from the rubble. He also claimed to have a doctorate of divinity from some college. The college records show he took some classes, but never graduated. There is no record of him working at the makeshift morgue after 9/11, to say nothing of setting it up. He lied over and over and over.
IS that your professional assessment, doctor, over the internet?

No, it's the conclusion that anyone would make about this guy reading his history of lies, crazy comments and bad behavior.

And the inbreds in KY said, "Let's send him to the state capital!"

He should have been forced to prove his innocence, just like the women in Salem didn’t prove they weren’t witches? Perfect justification to do anything you want to the accused. Like burn them at the stake.

How very 1690s of you Joe.

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