Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life

Women lie about sex??? How about all the men who lie about sex? "I didn't do that!" Yeah, honey. You did. I was there. Weren't you the one who pinned me against a wall and tried to stick your tongue down my throat? Weren't you the one who tried to unbutton my clothing? These events have been vastly under-reported because there was no place to report them. Why does anyone think that all women are liars, but don't think that men are?
Signed by someone who, in addition to the above, once was bitten so hard through her jeans and underwear that she had a bruise on her butt, all for the crime of rising up out of a chair on a front porch to go into the house. The guy who did it was sitting in the chair by the front porch. Guess he thought that it was "funny" to inflict injury on me. Just who was I supposed to report this to?

That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

This shit is not "hitting the fan".

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.
trump and the religious kooks that he has enlisted are a disaster for women. They hate women. There is NO WAY that I, as a woman, would ever vote for a Republican again unless they completely cut their ties with the "religious" right and their misogynist agenda. I wash my hands of them and seek only to protect the younger women coming after me.
This is what I mean when I say that some people NEED to be punched in the face or kicked in the nuts. Then they might think TWICE before trying to assault someone (sexually or physically) again. Some people get away with TOO much, and they need to be taught a lesson!
Women lie about sex??? How about all the men who lie about sex? "I didn't do that!" Yeah, honey. You did. I was there. Weren't you the one who pinned me against a wall and tried to stick your tongue down my throat? Weren't you the one who tried to unbutton my clothing? These events have been vastly under-reported because there was no place to report them. Why does anyone think that all women are liars, but don't think that men are?
Signed by someone who, in addition to the above, once was bitten so hard through her jeans and underwear that she had a bruise on her butt, all for the crime of rising up out of a chair on a front porch to go into the house. The guy who did it was sitting in the chair by the front porch. Guess he thought that it was "funny" to inflict injury on me. Just who was I supposed to report this to?
Tried to forget it. There was nothing to do at the time, except that I was with my aunt during the Turkey and Italy trips, and I finally told her about it in an embarrassed way, since the guy who did it was a friend of hers ,
That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

What did you do about it?
Nothing except to tell my aunt about her friend (professional adult in his 30's--journalist) who did the Turkey and Rome things (I was in my teens) and I think that she had a real sit-down with him and told him to keep his wandering hands off of her niece. She was always protective of me from the moment I was born. I don't think that she ever told my mother. Otherwise, what do you do?

I would have turned around and punched him right in the face, after biting me like that? There is just no WAY someone is going to get away with doing something like to me!
I think that you are younger than I am. As a shy 20-year-old, with a staid, middle-class Catholic background, I just walked back into the house in pain. Today, as a much older person, I would do exactly as you suggest. This points out the necessity of teaching our girls to fight back instantly. When I was in high school, I visited my aunt when she (USAF) was stationed in Maryland and met girls who actually fought. This was far from my upbringing. The concept of fighting back was a big social/emotional change for me. I was taught not to defend myself and to take the guilt of another person's wrong-doing on myself. This is a problem of culture. Our society has for too long conditioned girls to tolerate abuse.
Tried to forget it. There was nothing to do at the time, except that I was with my aunt during the Turkey and Italy trips, and I finally told her about it in an embarrassed way, since the guy who did it was a friend of hers ,
That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

What did you do about it?
Nothing except to tell my aunt about her friend (professional adult in his 30's--journalist) who did the Turkey and Rome things (I was in my teens) and I think that she had a real sit-down with him and told him to keep his wandering hands off of her niece. She was always protective of me from the moment I was born. I don't think that she ever told my mother. Otherwise, what do you do?

I would have turned around and punched him right in the face, after biting me like that? There is just no WAY someone is going to get away with doing something like to me!
I think that you are younger than I am. As a shy 20-year-old, with a staid, middle-class Catholic background, I just walked back into the house in pain. Today, as a much older person, I would do exactly as you suggest. This points out the necessity of teaching our girls to fight back instantly. When I was in high school, I visited my aunt when she (USAF) was stationed in Maryland and met girls who actually fought. This was far from my upbringing. The concept of fighting back was a big social/emotional change for me. I was taught not to defend myself and to take the guilt of another person's wrong-doing on myself. This is a problem of culture. Our society has for too long conditioned girls to tolerate abuse.

It doesn't have anything to do with my age or how I was raised. It has more to do with my temper. I would be bullshit if some guy bit me in the ass, and I would retaliate.
Blame Satan. Yes this holly roller who considered himself the Pope of his church certainty was innocent.

You cant help stepping all over your own message due to your hatred of a Christian.

What a shame, but by all means, Penny, keep on firing.

You are the best advertisement for Christian Dominionism out there.
So let me get this straight, you want me to cry for a grown ass man who offed himself over being accused? Am I to take the fact that he killed himself as a sign of innocence? You think the real Jim Bowie would shed a tear for this guy? He was either guilty or a coward or both either way he was not leadership material. We going to talk about this guy like he was Daniel Boone, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crocket. Ya, hey there some Indians out there that want to kill us so let’s just off ourselves that will get us respect in the history books!!!! I find it uncomfortable to find myself right of the alt right on the pendulum here!
I think the feminist movement, like many worthwhile movements, ends up being seen and judged by the comments of the whackjobs on the fringe.

Who or where are the leaders or spokesmen for this movement, that resist or differ themselves from this "fringe"?

The women who demand equal pay for equal work.
The women who refused to stay barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen.
The women who worked to get laws passed that women could have their own bank accounts (in the 1970s).
The women who will not stay in a bad marriage.

And many more.
Women lie about sex??? How about all the men who lie about sex? "I didn't do that!" Yeah, honey. You did. I was there. Weren't you the one who pinned me against a wall and tried to stick your tongue down my throat? Weren't you the one who tried to unbutton my clothing? These events have been vastly under-reported because there was no place to report them. Why does anyone think that all women are liars, but don't think that men are?
Signed by someone who, in addition to the above, once was bitten so hard through her jeans and underwear that she had a bruise on her butt, all for the crime of rising up out of a chair on a front porch to go into the house. The guy who did it was sitting in the chair by the front porch. Guess he thought that it was "funny" to inflict injury on me. Just who was I supposed to report this to?
Tried to forget it. There was nothing to do at the time, except that I was with my aunt during the Turkey and Italy trips, and I finally told her about it in an embarrassed way, since the guy who did it was a friend of hers ,
That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

What did you do about it?
Nothing except to tell my aunt about her friend (professional adult in his 30's--journalist) who did the Turkey and Rome things (I was in my teens) and I think that she had a real sit-down with him and told him to keep his wandering hands off of her niece. She was always protective of me from the moment I was born. I don't think that she ever told my mother. Otherwise, what do you do?

Beat the shit out of him? Slap him? Get one of your male friends to beat the shit out of him?
Not in those days. We were always conditioned not to fight back, just accept it. This, I think, is the fault of religion and culture not teaching us girls right. I am so glad that it is changing and girls are now being raised to exercise their full power and take their places in the world. I love the "Me, Too" movement. Let's get it all out into the open. Now, with "Me, Too", women across the world are rising up, U.S., Canada, U.K., India, the African Nations, Australia. I am so happy to see it. Finally. Talk back, act back. Across the planet.
I think the feminist movement, like many worthwhile movements, ends up being seen and judged by the comments of the whackjobs on the fringe.

Who or where are the leaders or spokesmen for this movement, that resist or differ themselves from this "fringe"?

The women who demand equal pay for equal work.
The women who refused to stay barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen.
The women who worked to get laws passed that women could have their own bank accounts (in the 1970s).
The women who will not stay in a bad marriage.

And many more.

Those are the women that have stopped defining themselves as feminists, long ago.

They certainly are NEVER presented as spokesmen for the movement by the media today.

If they are there, they need to do more to make their presence felt, because all evidence is that they have left or been purged.
Signed by someone who, in addition to the above, once was bitten so hard through her jeans and underwear that she had a bruise on her butt, all for the crime of rising up out of a chair on a front porch to go into the house. The guy who did it was sitting in the chair by the front porch. Guess he thought that it was "funny" to inflict injury on me. Just who was I supposed to report this to?

The police, immediately. We have GOT to report more of these assaults. That's where we are falling down --- we don't report it, and we stew for YEARS, and then 38 years later, out it comes. This is no good and needs changing bad.
No way, no how am I going to let some disgusting dude get away with hurting me or humiliating me.

That guy needed killin'. Self-defense. You think I'm kidding?


There needs to be a whole lot more elimination of criminals like this; if they aren't around, they won't do crimes. I think the whole society is turning that way -- you see vigilantism justified as positive now in novels and movies everywhere, and in video games it's the normal game play: kill the criminals. I won't be surprised if there is a sudden turnaround back to just getting rid of them --- right now our justice system is dysfunctional and serves only to protect the criminals, and Great Britain is even worse than America, I read.
The way to solve this would be to subject women making a fake claim to the exact same punishment as the perpetrator would have had if the accusation had been true. I know that Crystal Mangum is in prison now, but she should have been put in prison as soon as her fake claim was discovered. Twana Brawley should have gone to prison AND lost all her benefits as her co-claimant, Al Sharpton. Emma Sulkowitz, the "mattress girl" is the one that should have been expelled and lost all her student benefits instead of Paul Nungesser. The girl that accused Brian Banks of rape should be sent to prison for 5 years, no trial is necessary.

THEN and only then will there be a place for the Me Too Flu.
Women lie about sex??? How about all the men who lie about sex? "I didn't do that!" Yeah, honey. You did. I was there. Weren't you the one who pinned me against a wall and tried to stick your tongue down my throat? Weren't you the one who tried to unbutton my clothing? These events have been vastly under-reported because there was no place to report them. Why does anyone think that all women are liars, but don't think that men are?
Signed by someone who, in addition to the above, once was bitten so hard through her jeans and underwear that she had a bruise on her butt, all for the crime of rising up out of a chair on a front porch to go into the house. The guy who did it was sitting in the chair by the front porch. Guess he thought that it was "funny" to inflict injury on me. Just who was I supposed to report this to?

That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

This shit is not "hitting the fan".

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.
Why should I vote for a slut and pervert whose policies directed toward women are misogynistic and whose policies toward the general public are hurtful toward women? Remember that he sent filthy pigpence around to vote against Planned Parenthood. The Republicans have not acted well in seeing to women's healthcare and just suck up to the scum from the woman-hating "religious" right. Together with the slut/pervert's foreign-policy blunders, his traitorous ties to the Russians, his lying, and his attempts to ruin the nation's economy by jacking up the failed "trickle down" idea, and ruin our environment, I would be a fool to vote for such a failure of a human being, if he in fact is one. Aside from his policy failures, we older women have a duty to protect the futures of the younger women coming up behind us from those who want to place their futures in jeopardy and abuse them sexually.

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