Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life

This shit is not "hitting the fan".

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.
Why should I vote for a slut .....

I explained why, and you did not address my point.

Thus my point stands. YOu want to protect women, vote for Trump.

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.

Unfortunately, I have to speak rather harshly in this instance. The Democrats and the independents don't try to chip away at female Americans' rights and laws against violence against women, try to shove a trashy version of "religion" up our genitals, or attempt to subjugate us in both sexual and political areas, like the woman-hating whores and perverts you love do. Remember their refusal to even allow Sandra Fluke to speak. Don't insult my intelligence. As I said, we have to protect our women who are just emerging as adults. It's ironic that Republicans hate women and hate LGBTs simultaneously. I feel sorry for their house pets.

The scandals coming out of Hollywood, ever one of which is years in the making, show that liberals, talk the talk, but only walk the walk when it serves their agenda to do so.

You lose Trump, they go back to talking shit, while letting powerful liberals like Weinstein play their games unchallenged.
That's hilarious.
but nonetheless true
As a white married heterosexual male I say if these guys were innocent perhaps they wouldn't have committed suicide. Its time to quell abnormal urges.
Hey your judicial buds tired their best to hang Mueller and those on his team yesterday. Moses who?? I believe strongly in the Separation of Church and State so don't preach your holly roller jargon to me.

A innocent Godly man would not take his life, as we know suicide is against the Christian religion.

Thats a pretty bold statement. . Im glad these pervs are bieng caught but the shame game "justice" system can involve the innocent. Depends how much backing they have.
You have no idea of his guilt or innocence ...or his emotional state.

And I don't care. He ran a motorcycle club church that doubled as his home and didn't pay taxes. I have little use for people that cheat and push politics in a "church " setting. Now his wife is going to run for his job.
These fake churches that make a profit and do not pay taxes should be gone.
No more, churches should NOT be tax exempt.

What does that have to do with his suicide. Maybe your right... idk. Point is...if someone gets to that final act they are very desperate. I cant even imagine how/why someone decides on ending themself...forever.
The VAST majority of the time we don't have to protect women. Think about that.

Men don't protect women. Men harm women. Were you thinking it was something else that was the problem? Elephants? Anteaters? Nope, it's men.

Women have to protect women. Men are mostly engaged in harming women, and children.
I can't say "mostly". Right-wing "conservative" men are "mostly" engaged in harming women and children. Yes they are, and that is their shame because they fail the tests of love and respect, tests that must be passed for heterosexual life to continue.But there are men out there who believe in a decent society and positive heterosexuality. Many men do choose to live with love and honor and do their best. There is room in society for heterosexual men to live and love. You can't condemn someone for the type of body they are born in, and I won't do that with male persons, either. It's not what you are born with, it's what you choose to do with it. I've seen some wonderful videos of males who have made their female partners pregnant, and when the fetus was ready to come out, stepped into a bath with their female partners and held them and comforted them as their baby came out, been their partner's strong support during the birth process, and been there to unite their families for the first time.

So many men from the right-wing are such assholes, trying to be some sort of commanders of their female partners, but so many are enthusiastic supporters of their female partners and the children they conceive together. I can't condemn an entire biological sex, but I can condemn the bigotry of those men who sleep with women and then disparage both their intimate partners and the children they create together. I cannot fathom the 'morality' of a man who has intimate relations with a woman one night and then turns around and tells persons of his partner's gender that they should not take part in America's political process, like moore and his ilk did. Either one respects, loves, and supports one's intimate partner, or not.
People bitch about same-sex partners, but run away like cowards from the issues facing heterosexual folks.
The VAST majority of the time we don't have to protect women. Think about that.

Men don't protect women. Men harm women. Were you thinking it was something else that was the problem? Elephants? Anteaters? Nope, it's men.

Women have to protect women. Men are mostly engaged in harming women, and children.

Men protect women all the time. Your word are absurd man hating bigotry.

You are exactly the type of feminists that have turned feminist from a movement about equality into a sexist witch hunt oppressive problem.
All men, regardless of their behavior? Are you being serious?

Only men, but not all men, happily. Of course I'm serious: men commit nearly all the crime, nearly all the violence, and almost totally all the injury and harm to women. I don't know who you suppose our enemies are --- bluebirds? Skunks? Tortoises?

It's men. Duh.

But in your previous post, which you cut, you rejected ALL MEN as possible feminists.

But when I point out how absurd and bigoted your action was, now you walk it back.

BUT, you don't really mean it, as you demonstrate by immediately restating your position that your enemies, "it's men".

A person like you, a movement led by people like you, is not going to be the source of any good change to society.

You are out to harm men, well males really, because often your target is boys.

You are the bad guy here. All people of good will need to fight against people like you.
This thread is about how tha commendable sentiment is being used to whip up a witch hunt with no regard for the lives of innocent men who might be falsely accused.

That is this thread topic.

I don't know about that ! Looks to me as though you were throwing a pity party for a completely nutso psycho fake preacher of some made-up biker religion.

One who was also acused of molesting some female, and given all the other extremely dubious things he was up to, he probably is guilty of a whole lot more than that. I think the planet is better off without this character and appreciate that he saw that and finally at long last responded appropriately.

As for witch hunts, I worried about that at first, but of the guys accused so far, ALLLLLLLLLL, 133%, clearly have a pattern of abusive and criminal behavior and have gone after lots of young women and young girls.

So I am content to let this play out and redress a lot of bad behavior. Later on I'd like to see quick, open reporting of criminal or abusive sex behavior and involvement of legal processes. But now, let this play out. I sure don't want to stop this! It has a lot of potential for changing some of the worst things that happen in the world. And men do all of them. Did you hear that? Men do ALL of them. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Considering that you have repeatedly stated that "men" are your enemy, your pretense of reasoned analysis of the issue, has zero credibility.

How many witches were killed in Salem, circe?
This shit is not "hitting the fan".

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.
Why should I vote for a slut .....

I explained why, and you did not address my point.

Thus my point stands. YOu want to protect women, vote for Trump.

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.

Unfortunately, I have to speak rather harshly in this instance. The Democrats and the independents don't try to chip away at female Americans' rights and laws against violence against women, try to shove a trashy version of "religion" up our genitals, or attempt to subjugate us in both sexual and political areas, like the woman-hating whores and perverts you love do. Remember their refusal to even allow Sandra Fluke to speak. Don't insult my intelligence. As I said, we have to protect our women who are just emerging as adults. It's ironic that Republicans hate women and hate LGBTs simultaneously. I feel sorry for their house pets.

The scandals coming out of Hollywood, ever one of which is years in the making, show that liberals, talk the talk, but only walk the walk when it serves their agenda to do so.

You lose Trump, they go back to talking shit, while letting powerful liberals like Weinstein play their games unchallenged.
That's hilarious.

Because it is true.
The VAST majority of the time we don't have to protect women. Think about that.

Men don't protect women. Men harm women. Were you thinking it was something else that was the problem? Elephants? Anteaters? Nope, it's men.

Women have to protect women. Men are mostly engaged in harming women, and children.

I think that MOST men do not harm women. There are some men who do. Women obviously aren't very good at "protecting" other women either. You have to protect yourself!
The VAST majority of the time we don't have to protect women. Think about that.

Men don't protect women. Men harm women. Were you thinking it was something else that was the problem? Elephants? Anteaters? Nope, it's men.

Women have to protect women. Men are mostly engaged in harming women, and children.

Men protect women all the time. Your word are absurd man hating bigotry.

You are exactly the type of feminists that have turned feminist from a movement about equality into a sexist witch hunt oppressive problem.
And I bet you don't think women protect men.
The VAST majority of the time we don't have to protect women. Think about that.

Men don't protect women. Men harm women. Were you thinking it was something else that was the problem? Elephants? Anteaters? Nope, it's men.

Women have to protect women. Men are mostly engaged in harming women, and children.

Men protect women all the time. Your word are absurd man hating bigotry.

You are exactly the type of feminists that have turned feminist from a movement about equality into a sexist witch hunt oppressive problem.
And I bet you don't think women protect men.

Nothing I said, gave any justification for you to say that.

I am not responsible for the voices in your head.
Well the poor man was a congressman, so PTSD for 16 years, I think he probably had a drinking problem.
I agreed, but I also think we may have it backwards. He seems to have been surrounded by loving people, wife, children, grandchildren, who could have comforted him and brought him out of his black hole of despair, and yet he chose to say goodbye. If he was drinking, I think that it was a way of trying to cope with his mental illness by himself, given that he could never find that the love of his wife and the rest of his large family would never be enough to pull him through, and they must have tried. I just feel for his family, particularly his wife. If they loved each other, and he said that they did, I'm sure that she would have done all she could to heal him, and they are the two who shared intimate moments together when the lights were turned off. It just wasn't enough.

We don't deal well with mental and emotional health issues in this country. In fact, it is a relatively new field of medicine.
How many witches were killed in Salem, circe?

Google is your friend.......

Twenty so-called witches were executed in Salem. All young girls and women, all by MALE judicial action, which was later walked back and some of the men made confessions of guilt for doing it.

I can't imagine why you asked that question: it was one of the worst atrocities by men against females --- including very young girls --- ever done in this country. If you are using that example to prove something about how wonderful men are, wow, did you ever fail big time.
Why should I vote for a slut .....

I explained why, and you did not address my point.

Thus my point stands. YOu want to protect women, vote for Trump.

The moment Trump is out of the picture, one way or another, everything goes back to the way it was.

YOu want to protect women? Vote Trump in 2020 and keep this game going for another 4 years.

Unfortunately, I have to speak rather harshly in this instance. The Democrats and the independents don't try to chip away at female Americans' rights and laws against violence against women, try to shove a trashy version of "religion" up our genitals, or attempt to subjugate us in both sexual and political areas, like the woman-hating whores and perverts you love do. Remember their refusal to even allow Sandra Fluke to speak. Don't insult my intelligence. As I said, we have to protect our women who are just emerging as adults. It's ironic that Republicans hate women and hate LGBTs simultaneously. I feel sorry for their house pets.

The scandals coming out of Hollywood, ever one of which is years in the making, show that liberals, talk the talk, but only walk the walk when it serves their agenda to do so.

You lose Trump, they go back to talking shit, while letting powerful liberals like Weinstein play their games unchallenged.
That's hilarious.

Because it is true.

Utter nonsense. All that The Perv, his minions, and his holy roller howlers do poses a threat toward women.
Tried to forget it. There was nothing to do at the time, except that I was with my aunt during the Turkey and Italy trips, and I finally told her about it in an embarrassed way, since the guy who did it was a friend of hers ,
That is a physical assault.
Yes. It was. I remember it down through the years. But there was no place safe to report it. The local cops (Washington, DC.), just would have laughed. Same with the guy who tried to unbutton my clothing (Washington, D.C.). Wall-pinning: Izmir, Turkey, Rome, Italy, Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine.
I am so happy that the shit is hitting the fan now.

What did you do about it?
Nothing except to tell my aunt about her friend (professional adult in his 30's--journalist) who did the Turkey and Rome things (I was in my teens) and I think that she had a real sit-down with him and told him to keep his wandering hands off of her niece. She was always protective of me from the moment I was born. I don't think that she ever told my mother. Otherwise, what do you do?

Beat the shit out of him? Slap him? Get one of your male friends to beat the shit out of him?
Not in those days. We were always conditioned not to fight back, just accept it. This, I think, is the fault of religion and culture not teaching us girls right. I am so glad that it is changing and girls are now being raised to exercise their full power and take their places in the world. I love the "Me, Too" movement. Let's get it all out into the open. Now, with "Me, Too", women across the world are rising up, U.S., Canada, U.K., India, the African Nations, Australia. I am so happy to see it. Finally. Talk back, act back. Across the planet.

I've never heard where you arent suppose to fight back. Not in an actual attack. We all need to trust our survival instinct in a situation. It should never be up for debate.
Typically people who get away with things keep themselves well connected, the culture is primitive or its a family member and the victim doesnt know how to handle it. That's what "Me Too" is about and you're right its a great thing for sure.
All men, regardless of their behavior? Are you being serious?

Only men, but not all men, happily. Of course I'm serious: men commit nearly all the crime, nearly all the violence, and almost totally all the injury and harm to women. I don't know who you suppose our enemies are --- bluebirds? Skunks? Tortoises?

It's men. Duh.

Its mostly men, but it certainly include both genders.

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