sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

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  • no

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Honestly, I don't think most guys have an issue with that. :lol:

Probably not. Yet so many people still can't figure out why we have such s high divorce rate and Society is falling apart.

Well, about the divorce rate, I've read that some of those figures are so high because of people who are kind of dysfunctional and are married and divorced multiple times and kind of skew the stats.
Well, about the divorce rate, I've read that some of those figures are so high because of people who are kind of dysfunctional and are married and divorced multiple times and kind of skew the stats.

Yes, some are multiple divorces. Others are couples who plan a wedding, not a marriage.
Well, about the divorce rate, I've read that some of those figures are so high because of people who are kind of dysfunctional and are married and divorced multiple times and kind of skew the stats.

Yes, some are multiple divorces. Others are couples who plan a wedding, not a marriage.

Oh, I totally agree with that. Some people are in a very big hurry to get married and for all the wrong reasons.
It's not like when I was a kid and most couples waited for sex until they married. There is no real reason not to take a prospective spouse for a test drive.
It's not like when I was a kid and most couples waited for sex until they married. There is no real reason not to take a prospective spouse for a test drive.

Well to me, that is just the smart thing to do. You want to know as much as you can about a person before you commit to them for the rest of your life.
Well, about the divorce rate, I've read that some of those figures are so high because of people who are kind of dysfunctional and are married and divorced multiple times and kind of skew the stats.

Yes, some are multiple divorces. Others are couples who plan a wedding, not a marriage.

Some don't even plan that far. I remember when I was stationed with VFA-131 in Cecil Field, there was an AME2 who got divorced, walked down the hall to the JP, and was remarried ON THE SAME FREAKING DAY!!!!!! It turned out to be a problem for me, because according to regs, when a sailor divorces someone, they remain their dependent until 2400 that day, and the new spouse (like in his case) gets to be a dependent at 0001 the following day. He was pissed because I had to make him wait until the following day to process his new wife's ID card.

As far as multiple divorces, wanna talk about people like Larry King (that paragon of conservative talk shows), who has been divorced no less than 5 times?
Well, about the divorce rate, I've read that some of those figures are so high because of people who are kind of dysfunctional and are married and divorced multiple times and kind of skew the stats.

Yes, some are multiple divorces. Others are couples who plan a wedding, not a marriage.

Some don't even plan that far. I remember when I was stationed with VFA-131 in Cecil Field, there was an AME2 who got divorced, walked down the hall to the JP, and was remarried ON THE SAME FREAKING DAY!!!!!! It turned out to be a problem for me, because according to regs, when a sailor divorces someone, they remain their dependent until 2400 that day, and the new spouse (like in his case) gets to be a dependent at 0001 the following day. He was pissed because I had to make him wait until the following day to process his new wife's ID card.

As far as multiple divorces, wanna talk about people like Larry King (that paragon of conservative talk shows), who has been divorced no less than 5 times?

God, if anyone makes a mockery of marriage, it is celebrities. Lol.
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.
Honestly, I don't think most guys have an issue with that. :lol:

Probably not. Yet so many people still can't figure out why we have such s high divorce rate and Society is falling apart.
a lack of equality regarding sex? what guys would have problems with women, if it was normal for women to come up to us and simply ask us for sex, just to get us to put out a free sample relationship?
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?
what about the abomination of hypocrisy instead of human sexuality? the former is much worse than than the latter.
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

What makes Christian morals better than Buddhist morals? Or Taoist, or Jewish, for that matter?
Would you continue dating/marry a significant other you had sex with on the first date?
Is used to be taboo, but people are slowly opening their minds to the most natural human act available.
Personally, it wouldn't bother me.

Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

What makes Christian morals better than Buddhist morals? Or Taoist, or Jewish, for that matter?

Tell you what. Show me one societal ill, that is the result of human action, that is not contrary to what the Bible teaches about morality. You can't.
That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

What makes Christian morals better than Buddhist morals? Or Taoist, or Jewish, for that matter?

Tell you what. Show me one societal ill, that is the result of human action, that is not contrary to what the Bible teaches about morality. You can't.

What if a person never marries? Should that person live a sexless life? Should another person have to live by your personal morals to prove that they are "moral?" No. If you want to wait until you are married, that is fine. By all means, but you have no right to say someone else is immoral for merely having sex. That's silly.
Sex is something that should be reserved for marriage. That's not just a Christian view point, it's just common sense. Think about it. How many problems would disappear if everyone waited until they were married, or at LEAST until they made the commitment to marry. How many lives have been ruined because someone couldn't wait? How many babies have been murdered in the womb because of it?

That is from not using protection, in most instances, I would think. Smart people know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and disease.

The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

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