"Sexual assault" the new left wing political strategy

It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve

Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?
It's a sad comment on you that you're worried about whether it's a good politicial tactic rather then whether he's guilty or not.
I absolutely don’t think it should be a political tactic, sexual assault transcends politics. You are misreading my statements
It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve

Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?

This supposed victim is now in her 50s, Moore has been a very public figure, running for office many times, why now? I think I'll stick to the bedrock of our justice system, you know, that old outdated notion of innocent until proven guilty. You'd be wise to do the same.

There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all
Fact: Most women don’t lie about being sexually assaulted.

Plenty of women do. Fact.

Fact: most women are afraid to come out and report about being assaulted for fear of what you deplorables are doing right now. Calling the victims names.

You can blame all the lying bimbos and their Dim facilitators for that.

Fact: now that there’s been some courageous women to come out against Harvey Weinstein, more women feel more at ease to report their own horrendous stories they’ve kept bottled up for many years.

The Weinsteins, Trump’s, Moore’s, Louis CK’s, Jeremy Pivens’ of the world ought to be sent to prison.

Nice trick where you tried to lump Trump and Moore in with Weinstein, Louis CK and Piven. The accusations against Trump were all debunked, asshole. The evidence on Moore isn't in yet, but this shows all the signs of being another sleazy Dim smear.
You lie like you breathe. Not one of Trump’s accusers accusations were debunked.
Only one scumbag who secured young boys for British politicians defended trump.
Your type of guy!
Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?

This supposed victim is now in her 50s, Moore has been a very public figure, running for office many times, why now? I think I'll stick to the bedrock of our justice system, you know, that old outdated notion of innocent until proven guilty. You'd be wise to do the same.

There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

The WP reporter talked to many people in Alabama about Moore. It’s been whispered about for decades what Moore did by many.
The WP reporter didn’t make up anything.
You think it is a good weapon to defend a guy that assaulted a 14 year old? If he did what he is accused of, and it was very carefully vetted by the reporters, what are you going to think of Bannon? Will you make excuses for him or damn him as a piece of shit?

This supposed victim is now in her 50s, Moore has been a very public figure, running for office many times, why now? I think I'll stick to the bedrock of our justice system, you know, that old outdated notion of innocent until proven guilty. You'd be wise to do the same.

There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

For the 1000th time women are fearful to come forward to tell their stories of abuse for decades.
Now that many women are coming forward and speaking out the climate has changed. They feel more emboldened to get this off their chests.

It would appear that the political rights new strategy is to assume all accusations are lies and attack the victim.
It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve

Yep, and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons. Republicans probably are, I don't think Steve Bannon is. 2018 is going to be a real hoot.

"and they think they can skate because republicans are too civilized to fight using their weapons"

OMG you people are just too fucking hilarious!

It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve

Should people not to be responsible for their actions?

Or is it just that you think women, like animals, were put here for YOUR entertainment?
This supposed victim is now in her 50s, Moore has been a very public figure, running for office many times, why now? I think I'll stick to the bedrock of our justice system, you know, that old outdated notion of innocent until proven guilty. You'd be wise to do the same.

There were multiple women. Are you saying you think they are all just making it up? Are you going to look into their story’s or be a puppet and ignorantly dismiss it as fake news?

Just know that if it is true and he did assault a 14 year old then you gotta live with ignoring and excusing those actions

I'm surprised the WAcompost stopped at 4, they went a full monty of 16 with Trump, where are they now? I'm not ignoring or excusing anything, after all the misfires I've seen coming form the commiecrats, I'll reserve judgment till I see real evidence. This she said, he said doesn't get a rush to judgment out of me anymore. There's a pattern emerging, you might want to pay attention to it. Are you really buying this "a reporter overheard a conversation at dinner" story, that supposedly kicked off the search for these long suffering women. Personally I find it a bit fishy.

I agree we shouldn’t jump to conclusions either way. And no I don’t think a reporter overhead anything, I think it was given to him. Probably for political purposes. Just like the access Hollywood tape against trump. Just cause they are being used for political purposes doesn’t mean the events didn’t happen. And if they did happen then the offenders should be shamed by all

These incidents supposedly happened 30-40 year ago, like I said, Moore was a very prominent and very public figure all that time. From what I get from his bio he ran in at least 10 elections, so why did these "victims" not surface earlier, like during the primary? It doesn't make any sense that they waited till he was the nominee for the senate and a month away from the special election. Like I said in another post, I smell a regressive rat. It's a shame a political party has proven themselves so dishonest that the public is very cynical on a topic like this one, but that's the world we live in.

For the 1000th time women are fearful to come forward to tell their stories of abuse for decades.
Now that many women are coming forward and speaking out the climate has changed. They feel more emboldened to get this off their chests.

This supposed 14 year old waited more than a decade to tell her mom, does that make sense to you? And why did the mom stay silent? If you were the parent would you?

This supposed 14 year old waited more than a decade to tell her mom, does that make sense to you? And why did the mom stay silent? If you were the parent would you?
Many so-called christains bring up their kids to FEAR them as parents.



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This whole thread is a sack of shit. Again you nuts blow me away with your adhesion to the low road dim lit underbelly of life.
I am a woman and I could tell some stories on Me,Too. Decades ago, there was no place, no system, for reporting this kind of behavior. If you tried, you were the one who was accused, not the perp. All of this "why did she wait so long to come forward" is a load of crap put out by people who supported the system of ignoring this sort of behavior, like slamming someone against a wall and pinning her there to be groped or biting someone's butt through their jeans, leaving a bruise and a human bite mark (both in my experience and have never been reported). I'm so glad that all of this shit is now coming to light. If the accused did these things, s/her belongs in jail and not in any public office. Our society has, finally, come to a place in which all feel free to speak out. The key factor is whether the accused actually did these things or did not. If s/he did, rot in hell.
It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve
How else is a Republicans gonna get laid. Take your tip from Trump. Do what he does. Evangelicals don't seem to mind.
The political partisans are once again going to take an important issue and turn into nothing more than a bludgeon.

Ugly, ugly, ugly.
Wow just wow. I'm reading the bullshit out there and it's stunning. BBC is claiming that all four women claimed Judge Moore made sexual advances towards them.

Flat out lie. Only one did.

"Leigh Corfman and three other women say Mr Moore made sexual advances on them when they were between the ages of 14 and 18, the Washington Post reports."

Flat out lie at the freaking BBC.

Senate candidate denies child sex abuse
Fact: Most women don’t lie about being sexually assaulted.

Plenty of women do. Fact.

Fact: most women are afraid to come out and report about being assaulted for fear of what you deplorables are doing right now. Calling the victims names.

You can blame all the lying bimbos and their Dim facilitators for that.

Fact: now that there’s been some courageous women to come out against Harvey Weinstein, more women feel more at ease to report their own horrendous stories they’ve kept bottled up for many years.

The Weinsteins, Trump’s, Moore’s, Louis CK’s, Jeremy Pivens’ of the world ought to be sent to prison.

Nice trick where you tried to lump Trump and Moore in with Weinstein, Louis CK and Piven. The accusations against Trump were all debunked, asshole. The evidence on Moore isn't in yet, but this shows all the signs of being another sleazy Dim smear.
You lie like you breathe. Not one of Trump’s accusers accusations were debunked.
Only one scumbag who secured young boys for British politicians defended trump.
Your type of guy!

Still trying to pull your bullshit off in this thread that all 16 would never lie?
It will become the norm for nearly every male politician to have to fight off sexual assault allegations.

...especially Republicans.

I think most men have an ex-girlfriend that hates his guts.

The Democrats want to remove statute of limitation rules, so they can keep the pervert accusations going for 2 years until they are found not guilty in court.

It will be another problem created by the Democrats that will be impossible to solve
Uhh, we are talking about sexual assault, don’t you think that just might transcend politics is most cases?

What’s the leftist agenda behind going after Weinstein, spacey, and Louis CK?
Its not the left "going after them" per say... But it is the left "not letting a crisis go to waste". Simply put; they're trying to make lemonade out of the lemons they've just been handed. The only question now is, "who's buying"?
Fact: Most women don’t lie about being sexually assaulted.
Fact: most women are afraid to come out and report about being assaulted for fear of what you deplorables are doing right now. Calling the victims names.
Fact: now that there’s been some courageous women to come out against Harvey Weinstein, more women feel more at ease to report their own horrendous stories they’ve kept bottled up for many years.

The Weinsteins, Trump’s, Moore’s, Louis CK’s, Jeremy Pivens’ of the world ought to be castrated and sent to prison for Bubba to deal with.
Cool facts. So... Being facts, and all... You have the required links that prove it...? Don't you...?

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