Sexual Education


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something that came to mind the other day was sex-ed in public schools. We love talking about that as a society yet before we expend too much energy and time into such subjects I think it's worth investigating what adults with children entering such programs know.

It shocks me reading counselling websites when women in particular write in complaining about how they've never had an orgasm despite being over 40, with kids, been married decades, etc. So before we worry about teaching our kids about sex, how about we teach our adults first?

Porn isn't sex education (although in my case it did show me where the clittoris is which all my female lovers probably appreciated.) :) But in lieu of proper education it's better than nothing. As a culture, we in the US are amazingly uncomfortable with our own bodies and bodily functions, whether sexual or being naked, using the toilet, etc. So it makes the prospect of teaching sexual education a daunting one to say the least. Since religion is inexorably tied to such subject matter, ask yourselves this: If you believe humans are a divine creation, what's wrong with looking at, and admiring what God created? Religious people should be the least uncomfortable with the naked natural human form, not the most.

I think though that porn, and social condemnations of it over the years has had an unintended and negative impact on sexual education. Pretty much everyone in authority is going to have seen pornography at least enough to know what it is and why they're objecting to it. So when the subject of sexual education comes up, porn is what they think of and why they then advocate abstinence-only education, which is no education at all. But by telling pupils not to have sex, they logically are then thinking about sex so you're just shooting yourself in the foot. Can't not do or think of something until you think of it. Just one of those things. :)

I strongly encourage anyone facing the sex-ed of their kids to learn about sex themselves. There's no shortage of online resources with frank explicit discussions about sexuality. I'd like to see sex-ed removed from public schools completely and handled once more by parents, but if parents can't teach it then someone has to.
Unfortunately, in our current public school system, the parents get very little say in what their children are taught about "sex."
Doubt I'll have kids, but if I did, I'd probably wanna home-school them. At least by the later grades when academics are the focus moreso than learning how to sit quietly. :)

In a time when just about every American youngling has access (unsupervised access at that) to the internet, we need to radically adapt our education programs about sex to allow for their knowing a lot more than we did at their age. I remember my first time and how I had no earthly idea what to do. I knew from what R-rated movies I'd seen that in involved a man lying on top of woman and a lot of hugging and kissing but I hadn't yet seen porn to know what was going on beneath the covers. Today though, kids have access to celebrity sex tapes and some of the soul-annihilating porn ever made. Trying to tell them 'sex should wait until married' is just a denial of reality. If the goal is to help kids not get pregnant or communicate something icky, we need to show them graphicly how to enjoy sex as safely as possible. Ideally at home, but failing that, in the classroom.

But asking ignorant parents to teach their kids about sex when they themselves dunno much (most pregnancies today are unplanned so apparently how pregnancies occur is something we need to readdress) is a bit much. For kids, we should be emphasizing masturbation and self-reliance. If you can make yourself orgasm you'll be less tempted to have sex with partners. And if it being taught and encouraged to do so, the guilt over it will lessen so that it's actually something you opt to do. Should masturbate everyday. Numerous physical benefits for both men and women and googling 'health benefits of masturbation' is a good place to start.
Joycelyn Elders

Comments on human sexuality and termination

In 1994, she was invited to speak at a United Nations conference on AIDS. She was asked whether it would be appropriate to promote masturbation as a means of preventing young people from engaging in riskier forms of sexual activity, and she replied, "I think that it is part of human sexuality, and perhaps it should be taught." This remark caused great controversy[citation needed] and resulted in Elders losing the support of the White House. White House chief of staff Leon Panetta remarked, "There have been too many areas where the President does not agree with her views. This is just one too many."[1] Elders was fired by President Clinton in December 1994

Joycelyn Elders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amazing that kids know nothing when they start school and when they leave school, mostly know what they learn from other kid.

When adults can't even call body parts by their real name, you know they're in trouble. Reading some of the remarks about sex on this board .... well, let's just say I would not want my kids being taught by people who know less than many teenagers.
Great thing about not being a politician, you can speak truth to stupid at will. :)

Ironic that Clinton fired her. I guess he was either racist or wanted her to promote blow jobs.:suck:

Like to think of that as a politically-expediant decision moreso than he disagreed with her. Why I'll never be involved in politics so long as political-expedience is the rule and not the exception.
One of the best sexual info sites here,
The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality: United States of America

All text and very academic so kinda dry by comparison to others, but the info presented is very helpful and revealing. Epsecially when you go to the index and look at other countries entries.
The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality: Index by Countries

Can't recommend it strongly enough. Others I'd suggest violate the rule about not posting links to explicit materials, whereas this one's all-text so doesn't :)

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