Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?
It's more of a commentary of social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

Pretty much right on the money with this post, as far as the hustlers go. They will talk to anyone as if they're your "friend." You have to know how to handle yourself when you're walking down the street in the seedier sections of the city, and probably shouldn't be alone either. I would never walk through those sections of the city by myself, day or night, doesn't matter. Lol.
What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

I beg to differ.

That was one of the things I remember the most about London. There's a comedian on every corner there.

I wonder if these people have ever been to a city?!!! People will approach you for all kinds of things, to sell you things, to beg you for money, etc. There are street vendors who have "lines." They will call EVERY female they see "beautiful."

"Hey beautiful, come on over and check out these engagement rings, do you have a special someone?" A typical street vendor line. Lol.

Depends on the city.

In New York, if someone smiles at you they're either crazy or they want to kill you.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."
It's more of a commentary on social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

Pack heat then.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."

I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on the second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."

I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Yup, baby's got back. Plenty of junk in that trunk.
It's more of a commentary on social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

I agree that there are some who have that attitude but i do hope that it is not a very common one. I've worked in some very "blokey" jobs and the old "wolf whistle" was around, but inappropriate comments were not a part of that. I did hear someone yell out "show us your t**ts" but that was the exception and definitely not the rule. (That person wasn't well thought of even prior to the event). I didn't approve of it at all. But it does say a lot more about them than the target:; it says that they really are common. The wolf whistling and the comments like that are to me quite inappropriate.


Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."

I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Yup, baby's got back. Plenty of junk in that trunk.

I'm clueless on those???

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

I beg to differ.

That was one of the things I remember the most about London. There's a comedian on every corner there.

I wonder if these people have ever been to a city?!!! People will approach you for all kinds of things, to sell you things, to beg you for money, etc. There are street vendors who have "lines." They will call EVERY female they see "beautiful."

"Hey beautiful, come on over and check out these engagement rings, do you have a special someone?" A typical street vendor line. Lol.

Depends on the city.

In New York, if someone smiles at you they're either crazy or they want to kill you.

Nah? I've seen movies about that place. Something about Valentines day....what a way to spread the lurve!!!...or was that Chicago?? Anyway, it went off with a bang!

Well: dressing like a tart is one thing, but even so a gentleman does not notice that sort of thing...deliberately!!


Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Rightwinger is more than likely a vegan asshole and even if he does eat fish, he sure as shit does not go out and catch them himself.

No, the better analogy that properly fits his pathetic disposition would involve a homosexual, flowers, pot, and a tree. Those are your items, you make the analogy that would best fit Rightwinger if you want him to understand better.
It's more of a commentary of social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

Pretty much right on the money with this post, as far as the hustlers go. They will talk to anyone as if they're your "friend." You have to know how to handle yourself when you're walking down the street in the seedier sections of the city, and probably shouldn't be alone either. I would never walk through those sections of the city by myself, day or night, doesn't matter. Lol.

The entire time that I lived in that neighborhood, there were about 5 incidents that freaked me out. One of those was from cops. I think that people forget that there are a plethora of whacknuts that are let loose on the streets and they live or roam in these neighborhoods. Those are the ones that you have to watch out for.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Rightwinger is more than likely a vegan asshole and even if he does eat fish, he sure as shit does not go out and catch them himself.

No, the better analogy that properly fits his pathetic disposition would involve a homosexual, flowers, pot, and a tree. Those are your items, you make the analogy that would best fit Rightwinger if you want him to understand better.

Not catch his own fish.....the CAD!!

It's more of a commentary of social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

Pretty much right on the money with this post, as far as the hustlers go. They will talk to anyone as if they're your "friend." You have to know how to handle yourself when you're walking down the street in the seedier sections of the city, and probably shouldn't be alone either. I would never walk through those sections of the city by myself, day or night, doesn't matter. Lol.

The entire time that I lived in that neighborhood, there were about 5 incidents that freaked me out. One of those was from cops. I think that people forget that there are a plethora of whacknuts that are let loose on the streets and they live or roam in these neighborhoods. Those are the ones that you have to watch out for.

You realize disir that your comments about the Nigerian tribal marks and running would be construed as racist by the race baiting left wingers......don't you?
How would you feel if that was your daughter?

If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."
I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Yup, baby's got back. Plenty of junk in that trunk.

I'm clueless on those???


Ever wonder why so many black guys said something in that video? Clearly black guys like girls with well pronounced backsides.
I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

I beg to differ.

That was one of the things I remember the most about London. There's a comedian on every corner there.

I wonder if these people have ever been to a city?!!! People will approach you for all kinds of things, to sell you things, to beg you for money, etc. There are street vendors who have "lines." They will call EVERY female they see "beautiful."

"Hey beautiful, come on over and check out these engagement rings, do you have a special someone?" A typical street vendor line. Lol.

Depends on the city.

In New York, if someone smiles at you they're either crazy or they want to kill you.

Nah? I've seen movies about that place. Something about Valentines day....what a way to spread the lurve!!!...or was that Chicago?? Anyway, it went off with a bang!


It's a NYC joke.

Being cooped up in one city with 10 million other people tends to give you a cynical nature. Smiling at anyone may get you mugged. Waiting in traffic, waiting in line, assholes as far as the eye can see all pushing and shoving to get where they're going on time.
It's more of a commentary of social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

Pretty much right on the money with this post, as far as the hustlers go. They will talk to anyone as if they're your "friend." You have to know how to handle yourself when you're walking down the street in the seedier sections of the city, and probably shouldn't be alone either. I would never walk through those sections of the city by myself, day or night, doesn't matter. Lol.

The entire time that I lived in that neighborhood, there were about 5 incidents that freaked me out. One of those was from cops. I think that people forget that there are a plethora of whacknuts that are let loose on the streets and they live or roam in these neighborhoods. Those are the ones that you have to watch out for.

You realize disir that your comments about the Nigerian tribal marks and running would be construed as racist by the race baiting left wingers......don't you?
Yup, perfect example of profiling.
If it were my daughter, and I knew she wore clothing like that walking through a neighborhood like that, I'd tell here actions have consequences.

But then, you knew what fish you were aiming to catch when you baited the hook, right?

Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."
I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Yup, baby's got back. Plenty of junk in that trunk.

I'm clueless on those???


Ever wonder why so many black guys said something in that video? Clearly black guys like girls with well pronounced backsides.

Cannot hold that against them. Can we?
Meh, I don't really think there is anything wrong with how she is dressed, but for someone who claims to NOT like attention from men, you would think she would put on a looser-fitting T-shirt. :D That T-shirt was like a second skin on her. Lol. Not necessarily inappropriate because she is covered up, but still going to be "noticed."
I don't think it was so much the shirt, but like the video I posted on second page of the thread, it's those pants.

Yup, baby's got back. Plenty of junk in that trunk.

I'm clueless on those???


Ever wonder why so many black guys said something in that video? Clearly black guys like girls with well pronounced backsides.

Cannot hold that against them. Can we?

Depends on your political party.

If you're a Democrat you can. If you're a Republican you're a racist.

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