Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity
What? Crikey!! Seriously, if someone took me saying "Hi" or "G'day" as an offer then that is very wrong indeed. Why would it be interpreted as that's all that they're good for? Methinks one is over-analysing. Sure": there are jerks "out there" but there is a lot of quite innocent friendly stuff as well. One should not paint all comments with the same brush.


If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearence, don't do it to women.

The comments by Delta couldnt be more wrong. No one is supposed to wait until the "world blah blah" to introduce themselves. No one is supposed to wait until she is having a "good day" to be allowed the "honor" to speak to her because the world doesnt revolve around her or anyone.

Do whatever a woman likes you to do is the MOST wrong. Have you ever asked a chick where she wants to eat? They dont want to tell you they want YOU to decide and act on it. You a man.

The only people who like people who think like women are inmates and dykes

You must hate women.....:hmpf:

I love women enough to understand them

Women are a mystery...... repeat.... Women are a mystery.

Remember that and understand women you will.


No they arent, they just have a fight between their brains and emotions that is most times inconsistent.

Thats why this girl calls talking to her "harassment" and other women who dont get hit on or spoken too want the "harassment".
If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearence, don't do it to women.

The comments by Delta couldnt be more wrong. No one is supposed to wait until the "world blah blah" to introduce themselves. No one is supposed to wait until she is having a "good day" to be allowed the "honor" to speak to her because the world doesnt revolve around her or anyone.

Do whatever a woman likes you to do is the MOST wrong. Have you ever asked a chick where she wants to eat? They dont want to tell you they want YOU to decide and act on it. You a man.

The only people who like people who think like women are inmates and dykes

You must hate women.....:hmpf:

I love women enough to understand them

Women are a mystery...... repeat.... Women are a mystery.

Remember that and understand women you will.


No they arent, they just have a fight between their brains and emotions that is most times inconsistent.

Thats why this girl calls talking to her "harassment" and other women who dont get hit on or spoken too want the "harassment".

The point being, you can never do the right thing with some of them.
The comments by Delta couldnt be more wrong. No one is supposed to wait until the "world blah blah" to introduce themselves. No one is supposed to wait until she is having a "good day" to be allowed the "honor" to speak to her because the world doesnt revolve around her or anyone.

Do whatever a woman likes you to do is the MOST wrong. Have you ever asked a chick where she wants to eat? They dont want to tell you they want YOU to decide and act on it. You a man.

The only people who like people who think like women are inmates and dykes

You must hate women.....:hmpf:

I love women enough to understand them

Women are a mystery...... repeat.... Women are a mystery.

Remember that and understand women you will.


No they arent, they just have a fight between their brains and emotions that is most times inconsistent.

Thats why this girl calls talking to her "harassment" and other women who dont get hit on or spoken too want the "harassment".

The point being, you can never do the right thing with some of them.
You can if you know how to read body language. I have never met a woman that wont give you a sign she is interested. You just have to be astute enough to see the signs.
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us is going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us isn't going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

I was just kidding. :poke:

You're talking about sexual-assault and kidnapping.

I was talking about the video.
Any guy who lays his hands on a woman like that needs to be de-bagged.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Women are funny.

I rarely comment on beautiful women, for one thing, they usually know they are.

That said, in Boulder, I had been sucking on a hash oil e-cig for a few hours, and was just high as a kite and happy as a tick on a boar's balls, when this stunningly gorgeous woman passed me, with the sunlight just making her radiant.

Well, I said something like "Pardon me, but you are just absolutely stunningly beautiful in this sunshine."

Well, she thanked me, said I was so polite, and that women really appreciate things like that.

We stopped and chatted for 30 minutes or so, about different things.

Now the one in the video looked liked like Average Jane to me.

I wouldn't have given her a glance.
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions

I just figured out you like taking the opposing viewpoints of any discussion.
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions

I just figured out you like taking the opposing viewpoints of any discussion.

Yes, because I cant possibly believe what I'm saying. That way you dont have to engage me in a discussion. All you have to do is say so.
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions

I just figured out you like taking the opposing viewpoints of any discussion.

Yes, because I cant possibly believe what I'm saying. That way you dont have to engage me in a discussion. All you have to do is say so.

Somebody must have been abusive to you when you were a baby.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us isn't going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

I was just kidding. :poke:

You're talking about sexual-assault and kidnapping.

I was talking about the video.

The point is that we women don't know if someone is going to attack us or hurt us or even kidnap us. All just walking down the street or just being in public.

Both of them started out just talking to me. I tried to ignore them. One I just walked away from at the market only for him to find me, pick me up and tried to walk away with me. The other one was even more scary because I knew something bad was going to happen when I saw the van come back around. He started out talking to me. I was rude to him and walked faster. He then just picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

This happens more times than people realize. How many women are in the news dead because she was just walking down the street? Or just jogging in a park? Or just walking from one class to the next at school?

Men see this as harmless but it's not. You say you're just saying hello. Or just complementing someone. We don't know if you're going to come after us and do us harm. We women have been told from a very young age to be careful. Don't go to dark streets. Don't walk alone. Always keep a distance between you and a man on the street. Try to always have your keys or an umbrella in your hand just in case. We're taught these things for very good reasons.

A harmless smile or nod to say hello is fine. But when it's constant cat calls and the comments get insulting or men follow us it's going way to far.
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At what point does it move beyond basic rudeness to harassment?

If you make a statement.....Hey beautiful!, Looking good!, Where ya going honey? You are being rude

If after she ignores you and keeps walking, if you continue, you are harassing
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions

I just figured out you like taking the opposing viewpoints of any discussion.

Yes, because I cant possibly believe what I'm saying. That way you dont have to engage me in a discussion. All you have to do is say so.

Somebody must have been abusive to you when you were a baby.

Ok so you're done with the topic and instead want to interview me? Cool...just dont make assumptions and you wont look so silly.

How can you understand me when you believe that women are a mystery. Thats your opinion lol...but you got me figured out...a guy on the internet

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us isn't going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

I was just kidding. :poke:

You're talking about sexual-assault and kidnapping.

I was talking about the video.

The point is that we women don't know if someone is going to attack us or hurt us or even kidnap us. All just walking down the street or just being in public.

Both of them started out just talking to me. I tried to ignore them. One I just walked away from at the market only for him to find me, pick me up and tried to walk away with me. The other one was even more scary because I knew something bad was going to happen when I saw the van come back around. He started out talking to me. I was rude to him and walked faster. He then just picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

This happens more times than people realize. How many women are in the news dead because she was just walking down the street? Or just jogging in a park? Or just walking from one class to the next at school?

Men see this as harmless but it's not. You say you're just saying hello. Or just complementing someone. We don't know if you're going to come after us and do us harm. We women have been told from a very young age to be careful. Don't go to dark streets. Don't walk alone. Always keep a distance between you and a man on the street. Try to always have your keys or an umbrella in your hand just in case. We're taught these things for very good reasons.

A harmless smile or nod to say hello is fine. But when it's constant cat calls and the comments get insulting or men follow us it's going way to far.

No offense, but you're not alone.

I was molested by a neighbor when I was 6 and the only thing I was thinking was that if my parents would punish me if they found out.

I know what you're talking about. Believe me.
It's clear the intent of the harassers wasn't pure, thus the girl feels harassed.

Wasnt pure?!!! WTF? No they had an agenda...Its called Courting and finding that person attractive. Again with the crazy definitions

I just figured out you like taking the opposing viewpoints of any discussion.

Yes, because I cant possibly believe what I'm saying. That way you dont have to engage me in a discussion. All you have to do is say so.

Somebody must have been abusive to you when you were a baby.

Ok so you're done with the topic and instead want to interview me? Cool...just dont make assumptions and you wont look so silly.

How can you understand me when you believe that women are a mystery. Thats your opinion lol...but you got me figured out...a guy on the internet

Fuck you asshole
Heres the problem: The super loose definition of "harassment" thats being used.

Once upon a time courtship rules says that a man approaches a woman. Now since feminists are not supposed to approach women anymore because....something that goes against every fiber of humanity

The thing is, women aren't walking down the street to be picked up for a relationship.

If you want to pick up a woman for a relationship go to a night club. Go to church, go to a meet up, go to a public club meeting.

There are places where women want to be picked up. Walking down the street isn't one of them.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

It's not just Manhattan. It's everywhere.

I stopped being able to walk down the street without being harassed in the early 70s. Since then I've experienced things from nearly being kidnapped to men walking beside me for blocks trying to pick me up.

For all of you men's information, women don't like that. It doesn't matter how anyone is dressed. You're blaming the victim for the abuse she endures. Which is wrong. Women should be able to walk down the street dressed any way she wants without being harassed by men.

No we don't like it. No it's not flattering. We just want to be able to get from point A to point B without men harassing us.

For the record, she wasn't wearing anything provocative. She was wearing pants and a top. Not a low neck top either. Just a regular top that is worn by millions of women everyday.

Stop blaming women for the horrible behavior of men. You sound like muslims who force women to wear burkas and blame the women for what men do to them.

Well, but, well, her ass liked too good.

What would you do if the following happened to your daughter or mother or sister or wife?

I was at the farmer's market with a friend of mine and some guy was trying to pick me up. I walked by him and forgot him. That is until I was standing in front of a booth of a jeweler. The jeweler was sizing a ring for me and was about to check to see if it fit when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and then dragged me away from the booth. This was the same man who tried to pick me up 10 minutes prior to being at that jeweler's booth. He picked me up and started to walk away with me. I'm screaming and my friend is also screaming for the police. The police did hear and came. The man dropped me on the cobblestone street and ran. The police took off after him and caught him.

Another time I was just walking down a residential street to go a few blocks to my parents house from a friend's house. A van drove by. It turned the corner and a few minutes later it was back. It pulled over and a man got out. He started to talk to me and I started to walk faster and was rude to him so he would go away. He didn't go away. He picked me up and tried to take me into his house. He slung me over his shoulder. I'm short and small with legs just the right length so that when I swung them as hard as I could, I got him right between his legs. He screamed and dropped. I ran to my parents house and they called the police.

That's just two of many different experiences I've had just walking down the street or being in a public place.

These things happen every day in America. We women don't know if that rude man calling at us isn't going to harm us or not. We just want to get away from them. We just want to be able to walk to our destination and get there in one piece.

It doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. If she wanted to be picked up she would be in a club to meet someone. If you want to pick up a perfect stranger, go to a club. That type of behavior is appropriate at a club. A woman is expecting it there. She shouldn't have to deal with it just walking down the street.

I was just kidding. :poke:

You're talking about sexual-assault and kidnapping.

I was talking about the video.

The point is that we women don't know if someone is going to attack us or hurt us or even kidnap us. All just walking down the street or just being in public.

Both of them started out just talking to me. I tried to ignore them. One I just walked away from at the market only for him to find me, pick me up and tried to walk away with me. The other one was even more scary because I knew something bad was going to happen when I saw the van come back around. He started out talking to me. I was rude to him and walked faster. He then just picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

This happens more times than people realize. How many women are in the news dead because she was just walking down the street? Or just jogging in a park? Or just walking from one class to the next at school?

Men see this as harmless but it's not. You say you're just saying hello. Or just complementing someone. We don't know if you're going to come after us and do us harm. We women have been told from a very young age to be careful. Don't go to dark streets. Don't walk alone. Always keep a distance between you and a man on the street. Try to always have your keys or an umbrella in your hand just in case. We're taught these things for very good reasons.

A harmless smile or nod to say hello is fine. But when it's constant cat calls and the comments get insulting or men follow us it's going way to far.

Well, sorry for your strange experiences, but that is certainly not the norm. I'm an attractive woman, and that has never happened to me. :D Usually when someone, man or woman, on the street speaks to me, I say hello or whatever and smile. I've never had a problem besides the occasional jerk.

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