Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!

Dude, relax. Delta has issues. Not a second of the day goes by he isn't obsessing over sex. He's bi, into all sorts of stuff it's against board rules even to mention. Just addressing him over this issue is probably giving him jack off material. . . So, you have to understand his frame of reference.

Actually, its not Delta who has the issues.

Its those posters who believe sexuality to be scary and dirty who have the issues.

If you believe he violates rules, report him.

That's not my style. It would make me a hypocrite if I did that. I believe in letting the community police itself. Which is what I did. Greg no longer has any interest in that line of discussion with Delta. He knows where Delta is coming from, as does the rest of the board. We can all read his posts, we know his obsession with sex.

Everything is fine now, you think his preoccupation is healthy, while at the same time believing the rest of board views sex as dirty and scary. The rest of the board views you and Delta as depraved perverts, we wouldn't let our children near.

I guess we can all agree that America is a beautiful nation that allows for a diversity of opinion and great television shows. . . .
In 15 years or so she will become invisible to men and she will likely bitch about that.

Nothing wrong with the comments, for them most part. The guy following her was creepy though.
I could understand it if she had rude comments made. I've had some rude comments made before, such as (when walking with my stepson when he was small before), "hey mother, want another?" Okay, things like that are rude and uncalled for and very juvenile. Usually, it is juveniles who would make such comments too. Boys and not men. The men in this video did not say any such things. Except for the one who followed her, I didn't see anyone disrespect her in such a manner. Just saying "hello, wow, you look beautiful!" is NOT sexual harassment. That is ridiculous IMO.

I think "wow: you look beautiful," though no doubt true, would not be something I would say. That would be too familiar for me.

If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearence, don't do it to women.


If it would not be done to a man, it should not be done to a woman.

Another example:

Watch TV/movies/real life. You often see men putting a hand on a woman, an arm around her shoulders, basically benign in one context but at work?

Would a woman or a man do that to another man?

And yes, rape is pandemic.

WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.
In 15 years or so she will become invisible to men and she will likely bitch about that.

Nothing wrong with the comments, for them most part. The guy following her was creepy though.

Yeah, she should have said something to that guy, told him to get lost or she would call the cops. That guy was the only one who was a "problem" for her, as far as I could see though.

Not to mention, notice how tight her T-shirt is. If she really didn't like the attention her breasts attract, she could wear baggy clothes. I had a friend growing up who had enormous breasts, and she always wore a baggy shirt because she TRULY hated the attention they garnered. Even at the beach, she wore a T-shirt.
I could understand it if she had rude comments made. I've had some rude comments made before, such as (when walking with my stepson when he was small before), "hey mother, want another?" Okay, things like that are rude and uncalled for and very juvenile. Usually, it is juveniles who would make such comments too. Boys and not men. The men in this video did not say any such things. Except for the one who followed her, I didn't see anyone disrespect her in such a manner. Just saying "hello, wow, you look beautiful!" is NOT sexual harassment. That is ridiculous IMO.

I think "wow: you look beautiful, though no doubt true, would not be something I would say. That would be too familiar for me.


How original.
I remember one time I was walking down the street, and there were a couple of guys standing outside a store I was going to, and they started making comments to me, not realizing I was going to walk right to them. Lol! So needless to say, they started to look quite uncomfortable as I approached them, so just to rub it in, I said, "excuse me? Did you say something to me?" :lol: They were like, "er, well . . . " Speechless! That was hilarious. Lol.

That might have worked on me years ago, but now my response would have been polite but complimentary.

Years ago I would have remained silent and maybe given you a long look, but I figure most women don't want to be bothered.

Course I have been whistled at by girls half my age when I was a gym-rat. Today I would ask them if they needed an eye-examination.

Yes, well these were men who were probably in their mid 20s. Lol. It was priceless though. They were certainly not expecting me to walk right up to them and say something. :D

Must have tested their resolve.

My approach has always been to leave them alone. I was raised to be respectful to women. Open doors and the like.

Once when I was in H.S. a girl chewed my ass out for opening a door for her. I'm ashamed to say I was too immature to handle that correctly. Today I'd just say "I'm sure you'll get it for me the next time". Instead I walked through the door and shut it in her face.

I'll say a few Our Fathers for that sin.

lol. Similar thing happened to me at Uni. A femo (I found out later) gave me a real serve for doing that. I let go the door and it slammed shut...brand new spring loaded. It broke her nose. I didn't find out about it for a few days. I was quite disconcerted at the time. I avoided her after that.


Wise decision.

If it would not be done to a man, it should not be done to a woman.

Another example:

Watch TV/movies/real life. You often see men putting a hand on a woman, an arm around her shoulders, basically benign in one context but at work?

Would a woman or a man do that to another man?

And yes, rape is pandemic.

WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.
I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!

Dude, relax. Delta has issues. Not a second of the day goes by he isn't obsessing over sex. He's bi, into all sorts of stuff it's against board rules even to mention. Just addressing him over this issue is probably giving him jack off material. . . So, you have to understand his frame of reference.

Actually, its not Delta who has the issues.

Its those posters who believe sexuality to be scary and dirty who have the issues.

If you believe he violates rules, report him.

That's not my style. It would make me a hypocrite if I did that. I believe in letting the community police itself. Which is what I did. Greg no longer has any interest in that line of discussion with Delta. He knows where Delta is coming from, as does the rest of the board. We can all read his posts, we know his obsession with sex.

Everything is fine now, you think his preoccupation is healthy, while at the same time believing the rest of board views sex as dirty and scary. The rest of the board views you and Delta as depraved perverts, we wouldn't let our children near.

I guess we can all agree that America is a beautiful nation that allows for a diversity of opinion and great television shows. . . .
Puritans live!!! The bloody wowsers!!

In 15 years or so she will become invisible to men and she will likely bitch about that.

Nothing wrong with the comments, for them most part. The guy following her was creepy though.

Yeah, she should have said something to that guy, told him to get lost or she would call the cops. That guy was the only one who was a "problem" for her, as far as I could see though.

Not to mention, notice how tight her T-shirt is. If she really didn't like the attention her breasts attract, she could wear baggy clothes. I had a friend growing up who had enormous breasts, and she always wore a baggy shirt because she TRULY hated the attention they garnered. Even at the beach, she wore a T-shirt.

Pictures, or it never happened...

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?
WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

There are going to be PLENTY of people that approach you and speak to you for all kinds of reasons in the city. Best not walk down the street if being spoken to offends you. Take a cab instead and hope that the cabby doesn't dare try to strike up a conversation.

If it would not be done to a man, it should not be done to a woman.

Another example:

Watch TV/movies/real life. You often see men putting a hand on a woman, an arm around her shoulders, basically benign in one context but at work?

Would a woman or a man do that to another man?

And yes, rape is pandemic.

WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I disagree. Without friendly banter, we would never meet other people. Goodness, that's so unfriendly. How about saying "why thank you, how kind." The whole thing is rather silly if you ask me, and there really is no problem. Also, this video was obviously edited. This is supposed to be 10 hours of footage, so she really didn't get that many comments, and it probably depended on what section of the city she was in. There are street vendors (many illegal of course) who WILL approach women (and men) on the streets in such a manner, to capture their attention.

This is the world we live in. The "tolerant" liberals are biggest perverts, most intolerant, most hypocritical, self righteous, intolerable morons out there. It is only to getting worse too.

Getting brow beat by these low life sacks of shit.

The point is not one of those things (with the possible exception of two things) was even close to anything that can in any way be construed as harassment. Yet the moron says ALL of it is.

Fucking liberals everyone. In all of their hypocritical intolerant glory.
What? Crikey!! Seriously, if someone took me saying "Hi" or "G'day" as an offer then that is very wrong indeed. Why would it be interpreted as that's all that they're good for? Methinks one is over-analysing. Sure": there are jerks "out there" but there is a lot of quite innocent friendly stuff as well. One should not paint all comments with the same brush.


If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearence, don't do it to women.


If it would not be done to a man, it should not be done to a woman.

Another example:

Watch TV/movies/real life. You often see men putting a hand on a woman, an arm around her shoulders, basically benign in one context but at work?

Would a woman or a man do that to another man?

And yes, rape is pandemic.

WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

lol. If you said it to me I'd suggest you get your eyesight tested. And no.

" But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do."

Who said that? G'day makes people uncomfortable? "It's hot" makes people uncomfortable? What sort of community do you live in??


Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

Flattered ,as it would mean she's a good looking conservative, instead of a fucked up feminazi!....But since MOST of the guys were black, it seems that bitch is a racist!
WHAT are you talking about? What should not be done? Speaking to people you see on the street that you find attractive? That's crazy. What kind of society are we where we take offense at being called good-looking? :cuckoo: Personally, I like it when people compliment me on my appearance. I work hard at looking my best and when someone notices that, I consider it a compliment.

Do you really think that people saying, "hey beautiful" means they have rape on their minds? Goodness. This is just out of control liberal PC crapola. That woman in the video obviously has issues and should be grateful for any compliments she gets because she really doesn't look very good anyhow. :D

I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

I beg to differ.

That was one of the things I remember the most about London. There's a comedian on every corner there.
I was pretty clear but here it is again -

If its inappropriate to do to a man, then its not any more appropriate to do to a woman.

I talk to people. I strike up conversations with strangers. But, I don't do it to make people uncomfortable which is exactly what these kinds of comments are designed to do.

I don't consider conversaiont to be "out of control PC crapola". I consider it to be respectful and friendly.


What would you find inappropriate to say to a man? If I was to say to you, "my luddly, you are a very handsome man!" Would that offend you? Would you think I was sexually harassing you?

Difference lies in familiarity. If you know the person it can be playful banter. If it's coming on the street from a stranger it's totally inappropriate.

I don't believe that. Being open and friendly is the best way to meet people.

I figure it's a judgment call. Leave her alone if she's in a hurry. If she's obviously fishing for compliments, give her one.

Is a time and a place for everything. Busy city street isn't the place to open and friendly. After hours joint sure.

I beg to differ.

That was one of the things I remember the most about London. There's a comedian on every corner there.

I wonder if these people have ever been to a city?!!! People will approach you for all kinds of things, to sell you things, to beg you for money, etc. There are street vendors who have "lines." They will call EVERY female they see "beautiful."

"Hey beautiful, come on over and check out these engagement rings, do you have a special someone?" A typical street vendor line. Lol.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

How would you feel if that was your daughter?

I have six daughters. Several have done agriculture and know quite well how to de-knacker feral bulls. Those weedy blokes wouldn't have a chance!!

It's more of a commentary on social economic status than anything. Most of the men are hustlers. The two guys that followed her are creepy as hell.

When I first moved to Chicago, I was followed for several blocks by a Nigerian guy with tribal marks (at night). I had never seen a Nigerian guy with tribal marks. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I knew he was trying to keep up and I flipped around and saw him under the street light and ran. I ran all the way back to my apartment- up four flights of stairs.

The catcalls are tolerable and, for me, it's just background noise. They aren't a threat. There is a level of hostility that you can hear in someone's voice that differentiates a threat from some bullshit.
There is an attitude that guys can say whatever they want with no repercussions because I am female and that transcends socioeconomic status. That is far more of a problem than some two bit hustlers on the street.

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