Sexuality's Double Standard

archangel said:
Not unlike a fetish for shoes or panties..golden showers or whatever else...and personally I could give a shit less what consenting adults do in private...between the Maker and themselves...what I do have a problem with is pushing or forcing this issue down my throat...keep it out of the schools,parks.marriage or any other public forum that goes against my teachings to my children...period...end of story!

Funny, that's the same thing some people say about religion... well, after the "between the Maker and themselves part" at least...
The ClayTaurus said:
Funny, that's the same thing some people say about religion... well, after the "between the Maker and themselves part" at least...

however I can deal with Nuns or Priests or Muslims walking around Disneyland in their Garb vs two nut cases male or female kissin' and a fooling' around in front of my Kids or Grandkids! Not to mention the issue of same sex marriage...and "Two mommies or Two Daddies" being taught in school...Give it a rest Super Sluth!...This is a issue of common sense!
archangel said:
however I can deal with Nuns or Priests or Muslims walking around Disneyland in their Garb vs two nut cases male or female kissin' and a fooling' around in front of my Kids or Grandkids! Not to mention the issue of same sex marriage...and "Two mommies or Two Daddies" being taught in school...Give it a rest Super Sluth!...This is a issue of common sense!

You lost him when you added your last seven words.
archangel said:
however I can deal with Nuns or Priests or Muslims walking around Disneyland in their Garb vs two nut cases male or female kissin' and a fooling' around in front of my Kids or Grandkids! Not to mention the issue of same sex marriage...and "Two mommies or Two Daddies" being taught in school...Give it a rest Super Sluth!...This is a issue of common sense!

That's my point though. You can deal with it, while other's can't, yet somehow you get to decide on what people have to deal with and what they shouldn't have to deal with. There are people who feel about religion, or a specific religion, the way you do about homosexuality.
GotZoom said:
You lost him when you added your last seven words.

he is way too enamored with his '8' or is that '6' sports car...goes well on the trip to the bath house...born again 'Yuppies' crack me up! Ya can fool some of the people some of the time....on and on! :eek:
archangel said:
he is way too enamored with his '8' or is that '6' sports car...goes well on the trip to the bath house...born again 'Yuppies' crack me up! Ya can fool some of the people some of the time....on and on! :eek:
Your avoidance of debate is amusing. Talk about hit and run...
The ClayTaurus said:
Your avoidance of debate is amusing. Talk about hit and run...

Been in here over a year...saying the same thing...over and over again to y'all newbies who think somehow all this is a new topic! :2guns:
archangel said:
Been in here over a year...saying the same thing...over and over again to y'all newbies who think somehow all this is a new topic! :2guns:
Then respond to what I said out of reaction to your post, instead of just passive-agressively insulting me to other people.
The ClayTaurus said:
Then respond to what I said out of reaction to your post, instead of just passive-agressively insulting me to other people.

You insulted yourself...and please clarify your question..I believe I answered it just fine!
What is your response to this post:

The ClayTaurus said:
That's my point though. You can deal with it, while other's can't, yet somehow you get to decide on what people have to deal with and what they shouldn't have to deal with. There are people who feel about religion, or a specific religion, the way you do about homosexuality.
The ClayTaurus said:
What is your response to this post:

and this is supposed to get my have taken way too many tact
or is that patronization classes...don't patronize me just call em like ya see em...thats what I do! :whip:
archangel said:
and this is supposed to get my have taken way too many tact
or is that patronization classes...don't patronize me just call em like ya see em...thats what I do! :whip:
:scratch: :wtf:
The ClayTaurus said:
:scratch: :wtf:

Human Relations 101...from professor Arch...quit with the BS..admitt who and what you are..and what your goal really is...then I will address each and every issue...clear enough? :slap:
dmp said:
Likewise, they should not expect 'me' or the rest of society to accept or embrace their choices.

You do have to accept that other consenting adults are allowed to be gay (or whatever they feel like).

You don't have to accept it by taking it in the behind.
Hobbit, I do have to give you credit for asking this question. It shows that you are thinking:)

Often I come up with ideas and throw them around with my friends/family. When its a newer concept, and I havent had time to think it through, they often present aspects that either support my new concept or shoot it down.

I actually thought of a very, VERY VERY original thought this morning
"Bush lied about WMD's" I mean, lets discuss this never before brought up possibility :laugh: :laugh:

but seriously Hobbit, I congratulate you on seeing the "possible" juxdiposition spelling? of the concepts you presented.
Max Power said:
You do have to accept that other consenting adults are allowed to be gay (or whatever they feel like).

You don't have to accept it by taking it in the behind.

LuvRPgrl said:
Hobbit, I do have to give you credit for asking this question. It shows that you are thinking:)

Often I come up with ideas and throw them around with my friends/family. When its a newer concept, and I havent had time to think it through, they often present aspects that either support my new concept or shoot it down.

I actually thought of a very, VERY VERY original thought this morning
"Bush lied about WMD's" I mean, lets discuss this never before brought up possibility :laugh: :laugh:

but seriously Hobbit, I congratulate you on seeing the "possible" juxdiposition spelling? of the concepts you presented.

Why, thank you. I just found it odd, and since this thread has been up, I have seen many interesting points, and it appears to have provoked thought in a few other people as well. It was just something that seemed a little odd to me, so I brought it up.

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