Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

Call 202-224-3121 and make your voice heard that the memo should be released. Hound the ever-loving shit out of them......know your rep's name or simply use the directory to bug the ever lovin' shit out of them.. Don't allow some manufactured crisis to deflect the attention away to something else.

Dan Bongino on Twitter

'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Obama the little bitch is being mentioned by multiple sources bhaha and they can't stand it

Their loser defense mechanisms are on steroids ehheeheh

lol.... gateway pundit & breitbart are hardly credible sources. get back to the class when real journalists are reporting it. oh wait- never mind, your thread is about bananas.

NO WONDER YOU MORONS VOTED FOR A CRACK SMOKING traitor ....... guess when you all act the same we can see why losers vote for losers and then idolize them as if they are their God. Such weak pathetic pussies.

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Former Obama Body Guard.....who hasn't read the 'memo' in question. And is merely repeating talking points he's heard on Fox News.

Again, if the 'memo' was explosive as they claim, they wouldn't be 'telling' us how explosive it was. They'd be showing us.

They're alluding to evidence they don't have. Which is the surest sign of a bullshit argument.

The information is classified. They CAN'T show you the memo. Yet!

Cool your jets until after you see the memo, but trust those who have seen it. Last night, I heard no less than 4 Congressman who all agreed that this scandal is bigger than Watergate. Today, there were even more.

Name them.

Sorry, dude..........this story came out months ago but the wheels of justice turn slowly in the district of deep state crooks.

lol, you don't say...

Admitting Obama spied on his political rivals is the first step.

yaaaaaaaaaaa...................... that's what i'm doing..........................
That's what your meme is doing, anyway.

yaaaaaaaaaa............... that's what it's doing.................

noun: satire
  1. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
    synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature
    ; More
    irony, sarcasm
    "he has become the subject of satire"
    • a play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.
      plural noun: satires
      "a stinging satire on American politics"
      synonyms: parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, skit; More
      informalspoof, takeoff, sendup
      "a satire on Canadian politics"
    • a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.
    • (in Latin literature) a literary miscellany, especially a poem ridiculing prevalent vices or follies.
early 16th century: from French, or from Latin satira, later form of satura ‘poetic medley.’
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Use over time for: satire
This is not shocking to those of us who have been onto the greatest conman to ever enter the office of POTUS. Look at the illicit activities Obama and Holder were undeniably involved in. Look at how Obama coerced the NSA and IRS to do his bidding. This is not shocking, not one bit.
all made up right wing partisan lies and fake news.... with years and years and years of Republican investigations costing us millions and millions and millions of dollars, FINDING NOTHING illegal...

but you go ahead and go for the 100th investigation and waste more of our tax monies... only to once again, fnding yourselves, empty handed....

but your R congress critters know you all quite well, and will get your votes by perpetrating these phony lies... and they never have to show you any of it, ever happened....they just have to say it did.... :(

yep - & i wouldn't doubt that they are gearing up for yet another BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hearing too.
you too traitor...release it!:mad-61:

^^^ good to know which posters are putin's puppets ^^^

Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks
  • Jan. 19, 2018, 12:58 PM
Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations have begun promoting the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.
And Russia-linked Twitter bots have jumped on the bandwagon.

#ReleaseTheMemo is the top-trending hashtag among Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations, according to Hamilton 68, a website launched last year that says it tracks Russian propaganda in near-real time.

The frequency with which the accounts have been promoting the hashtag has spiked by 233,000% over the past 48 hours, according to the site. The accounts' references to the "memo," meanwhile, have increased by 68,000%.
Hamilton 68 has been working to expose trolls — as well as automated bots and human accounts — whose main use for Twitter appears to be an amplification of pro-Russia themes. The site's mission is to monitor and illustrate the themes that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants Americans to be thinking and talking about, including "the failure of democratic governance in the United States."

Bret Schafer, a communications coordinator at the German Marshall Fund's Alliance for Securing Democracy who tracks the Hamilton 68 accounts, said he "certainly can't remember" the last time the researchers had seen a topic "promoted to this level" by the Russia-linked bots and trolls.

Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks
'SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN': Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns 'Devastating' FISA Memo Set To 'Expose' Obama
The House Intel panel’s passage of New York Republican Rep. Peter King’s motion to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C.



Nothing would be grander than to see this scum bag pos in prison, but just like Clinton they won't ever see prison . They're all in a bug club and you ain't in it.
The sick part is how their cult followers make up any excuse they can for this skank bastard.
Even if former BODY GUARD is saying crap about this.

This is 10X bigger than Watergate. We are talking attempted political coup here by the highest echelons of government. If they manage to bury this, welcome to the new banana republic. But with Trump in charge I have to figure this FISA report will eventually air in some redacted form, and when it does, we will finally see Obama with his bony leg pants down and the naked smelly ass of the Left for what they really are and shit is going to hit the fan big time. No wrist slaps on this. The Democrats are way over their heads on this one. Too bad for the Left again that it will be released just as we go into the mid-term elections!

so let's see.... a (R) releases 'new' emails of a presidential candidate, 11 days b4 the election.... that was predictably going to create a tailspin..... causing those sitting on the fence & undecided who they were going to vote for...... throwing the election to the tangerine.... was a coordinated effort to make hillary........................LOSE ?

Q anon will tell all but you guys aren't paying attention ...................


Whoa, I checked Qanon out - sounds terrible! The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse

Let me know, I'm keeping extra underwear for it.

You can always tell how much bullshit is involved in a Trumpies allegations by how hysterical the hyperbole.

With evidence free 'accusations' against Mueller that will 'rock our very democracy to its core', I'm guessing they're getting a little nervous about his investigation.
This country is losing its shit very, very quickly.

It's like I'm watching a movie.

The closer Mueller gets to Trump, the more shrill and hysteric the accusations against him will get. If Kushner or Jr. get indicted, you can be sure conservatives will kick it up a notch and insist that Mueller is a shape shifting lizard bent on world domination.

They're that far down that batshit rabbit hole. And they're being drive by cold, animal fear of what Mueller may find.

What will you do if the memo reveals Mueller was involved in this mess? Think his court cases will stand up? Not a chance!

you do realize that mueller was brought in after being picked by rosenstein.... who was picked by trump....
Nothing has been 'revealed'. We're hearing rumors from the most shrill of partisan hacks the GOP has. Folks like Steve King.

Bullshit.. These are all responses by Congress Critters that have access to and have read the classified notes. They CAN'T discuss it. But -- you better have a exit plan -- because everyone that has READ IT --- wants it made public... Only a matter of time.. Tick Tock...

I'll believe it when I see it. The Trumpies have an awful habit of making the panty shitting hyperbole they offer inversely proportionate to the importance of the actual claim.

And the hyperbole they're using on this one is so over the top as to require a rimshot with every recitation.

Add to that the magical coincidence that this 'memo' just happens to back their heart's desire to pull Mueller off of the investigation and disband it.....and you have the perfect recipe for partisan bullshit.

And it just *happens* to be revealed a mere 48 hours after Bannon agrees to cooperate with the investigation?

Expect to see the accusations against Mueller become more desperate and shrill as he closes in for the kill.

I'm up for a GIANT perp walk.. Think we should get floats and marching bands. And I don't care how many Dems or Repubs go straight to Club Fed. The more the better.

We've got 3 *actual* indictments and 2 guilty pleas in Team Trump. And innumerable imaginary indictments and fantasy prison terms for democrats in the fever dreams of hapless conservatives desperately trying to stop the Mueller investigation.

There is simply no debate that crimes were commited in the Trump team. 2 men have already plead guilty. Which begs the question, why with undeniable proof of *actual* crimes in the Trump team are conservatives screaming its 'fake news'?

Their crime? They lied to the FBI. Why was Flynn fired? He lied to the VP. That means Trump is guilty of what exactly?

november 2016, pence knew about flynn's ties to foreign govts while he was head of the transition team via a letter sent to him by elijah cummings. pence is also knee deep in all of this. he flat out lied that he didn't know about flynn. to Pence.pdf
Bullshit.. These are all responses by Congress Critters that have access to and have read the classified notes. They CAN'T discuss it. But -- you better have a exit plan -- because everyone that has READ IT --- wants it made public... Only a matter of time.. Tick Tock...

I'll believe it when I see it. The Trumpies have an awful habit of making the panty shitting hyperbole they offer inversely proportionate to the importance of the actual claim.

And the hyperbole they're using on this one is so over the top as to require a rimshot with every recitation.

Add to that the magical coincidence that this 'memo' just happens to back their heart's desire to pull Mueller off of the investigation and disband it.....and you have the perfect recipe for partisan bullshit.

And it just *happens* to be revealed a mere 48 hours after Bannon agrees to cooperate with the investigation?

Expect to see the accusations against Mueller become more desperate and shrill as he closes in for the kill.

I'm up for a GIANT perp walk.. Think we should get floats and marching bands. And I don't care how many Dems or Repubs go straight to Club Fed. The more the better.

We've got 3 *actual* indictments and 2 guilty pleas in Team Trump. And innumerable imaginary indictments and fantasy prison terms for democrats in the fever dreams of hapless conservatives desperately trying to stop the Mueller investigation.

There is simply no debate that crimes were commited in the Trump team. 2 men have already plead guilty. Which begs the question, why with undeniable proof of *actual* crimes in the Trump team are conservatives screaming its 'fake news'?

Their crime? They lied to the FBI. Why was Flynn fired? He lied to the VP. That means Trump is guilty of what exactly?

november 2016, pence knew about flynn's ties to foreign govts while he was head of the transition team via a letter sent to him by elijah cummings. pence is also knee deep in all of this. he flat out lied that he didn't know about flynn. to Pence.pdf

OMG.. The former Chief Spy for the DOD had "ties to foreign govts".. You know how idiotic that "accusation" sounds??? You guys should be worrying about HOW the blue team abused the Domestic spy system and PAID FOR Russian disinformation designed to "influence an election".. There's your Russian collusion -- right there..
Still nothing on Drudge or Real Clear Politics.

For Armageddon, this sure is taking a while.

It is the weekend on top of a shut down something is coming out when we least expect it. Then when it does come out half the gawd dam sheep won't believe it anyway. LOL
Since this is your Playtime and politics is just your litter box -- I wouldn't expect you to know that Flynn is the former head of Defense Intelligence. The Chief Spy for the Pentagon. You're politically illiterate.

And AS the Chief Spy -- it's DESIRED that he has "ties to foreign govt". LOTS of them. He wouldn't have gotten the clearances or the job if he ABUSED those "ties".. Moron...
Since this is your Playtime and politics is just your litter box -- I wouldn't expect you to know that Flynn is the former head of Defense Intelligence. The Chief Spy for the Pentagon. You're politically illiterate.

And AS the Chief Spy -- it's DESIRED that he has "ties to former govt". He wouldn't have gotten the clearances or the job if he ABUSED those "ties".. Moron...

ummm dippity do-duh - he wasn't vetted. & he was a god damned LOBBYIST after he left the gov't. he had his own lobbying firm. oh ya- & he lied on his clearance. why? AND he pleaded guilty.


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