Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

In interviews last week, Bongino described the brewing storm over the Steele Dossier as “the most explosive scandal”:


Dude looks like a nut.

Dan Bongino? Not hardly...........he is very well spoken.

Bongino has never read the 'memo'. Making his opinion on the matter meaningless.

Show us the evidence, fellas. Not hearsay and second hand babble.

That's funny! Those are the exact same words that are the responses to any of the fake news that has been put out by the leftist media that always seem to go unanswered.

Why do you deserve an answer? Are you not scared that this might be as big as the Congressmen are saying it is?
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'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Obama the little bitch is being mentioned by multiple sources bhaha and they can't stand it

Their loser defense mechanisms are on steroids ehheeheh

lol.... gateway pundit & breitbart are hardly credible sources. get back to the class when real journalists are reporting it. oh wait- never mind, your thread is about bananas.

NO WONDER YOU MORONS VOTED FOR A CRACK SMOKING traitor ....... guess when you all act the same we can see why losers vote for losers and then idolize them as if they are their God. Such weak pathetic pussies.

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Former Obama Body Guard.....who hasn't read the 'memo' in question. And is merely repeating talking points he's heard on Fox News.

Again, if the 'memo' was explosive as they claim, they wouldn't be 'telling' us how explosive it was. They'd be showing us.

They're alluding to evidence they don't have. Which is the surest sign of a bullshit argument.

The information is classified. They CAN'T show you the memo. Yet!

Cool your jets until after you see the memo, but trust those who have seen it. Last night, I heard no less than 4 Congressman who all agreed that this scandal is bigger than Watergate. Today, there were even more.

'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Obama the little bitch is being mentioned by multiple sources bhaha and they can't stand it

Their loser defense mechanisms are on steroids ehheeheh

lol.... gateway pundit & breitbart are hardly credible sources. get back to the class when real journalists are reporting it. oh wait- never mind, your thread is about bananas.

NO WONDER YOU MORONS VOTED FOR A CRACK SMOKING traitor ....... guess when you all act the same we can see why losers vote for losers and then idolize them as if they are their God. Such weak pathetic pussies.

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Former Obama Body Guard.....who hasn't read the 'memo' in question. And is merely repeating talking points he's heard on Fox News.

Again, if the 'memo' was explosive as they claim, they wouldn't be 'telling' us how explosive it was. They'd be showing us.

They're alluding to evidence they don't have. Which is the surest sign of a bullshit argument.

The information is classified. They CAN'T show you the memo. Yet!

Cool your jets until after you see the memo, but trust those who have seen it. Last night, I heard no less than 4 Congressman who all agreed that this scandal is bigger than Watergate. Today, there were even more.

it could have easily been unclassified first thing this morning

i wonder why it wasn't?
Holy shit, just turned on Hannity, this must be YUGE! They're talkin' HISTORIC! It'll make Watergate look like a Water Slide!

Is there enough paper in DC for all the indictments that are coming out?

Q anon will tell all but you guys aren't paying attention ...................


Whoa, I checked Qanon out - sounds terrible! The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse

Let me know, I'm keeping extra underwear for it.

You can always tell how much bullshit is involved in a Trumpies allegations by how hysterical the hyperbole.

With evidence free 'accusations' against Mueller that will 'rock our very democracy to its core', I'm guessing they're getting a little nervous about his investigation.
This country is losing its shit very, very quickly.

It's like I'm watching a movie.

The closer Mueller gets to Trump, the more shrill and hysteric the accusations against him will get. If Kushner or Jr. get indicted, you can be sure conservatives will kick it up a notch and insist that Mueller is a shape shifting lizard bent on world domination.

They're that far down that batshit rabbit hole. And they're being drive by cold, animal fear of what Mueller may find.

What will you do if the memo reveals Mueller was involved in this mess? Think his court cases will stand up? Not a chance!
Of course I do.. What do you find incredible here? That Independent citizens can think for themselves? Or that the Dems are gonna create a shutdown to keep this revelation out of the news cycle?

Nothing has been 'revealed'. We're hearing rumors from the most shrill of partisan hacks the GOP has. Folks like Steve King.

Bullshit.. These are all responses by Congress Critters that have access to and have read the classified notes. They CAN'T discuss it. But -- you better have a exit plan -- because everyone that has READ IT --- wants it made public... Only a matter of time.. Tick Tock...

What do you believe is in the "memo"?

An. An exit plan.

Well let's see.. We have that absolute POS "dossier" that Hillary/DNC paid some foreign agent to go pay RUSSIANS for misinformation. The one that YOU GUYS kept saying was a "legitimate Intel product". And apparently, FISA warrants were issued use that Big Brother NSA vacuum cleaner of a Spy machine on a Political Campaign staff --- by telling a FISA judge that the dossier was a real thing. . Another "queer conspiracy theory" I believe you called that. But we now know it's true.

And by 'apparently' you mean that you can't back the claim up with actual evidence? Remembering of course that the FISA warrants were for Russians. Every single time that one of Trump's people were recorded, they were on the other side of a conversation with a Russian being monitored.

So tell us, how many times were Trump's people recorded speaking with the Russians?

And you think its just a *coincidence* that the panty shitting hyperbole that will 'rock our very democracy to its core' on a mysterious 'memo' that we're not allowed to see....

....came less than 48 hours after Bannon agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation? As I said, the closer Mueller gets, the more shrill and desperate the attacks from conservatives will become.

With 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas, there's obviously crimes in the Trump Team. Yet the more indictments and guilty pleas come down, the louder that conservatives scream 'witch hunt'. Where by any rational standard, the opposite would be true.

Those two guilty pleas have nothing to do with Trump. You know that but still are spreading lies. The two indictments have even less to do with Trump as their crimes occured before Trump ever knew either one of those accused.

BTW, the guilty pleas were NOT as the result of an indictment.
This guy Dan better hide for his life, because now they have a warning out into the public rather than just up and display it right to the bat. They should just do it get it out there, all this " warning" or dangling it out there leaves room for " ooops he committed suicide, or Ooops he had a heart attack, or ooops a car accident.............
Of course I do.. What do you find incredible here? That Independent citizens can think for themselves? Or that the Dems are gonna create a shutdown to keep this revelation out of the news cycle?

Nothing has been 'revealed'. We're hearing rumors from the most shrill of partisan hacks the GOP has. Folks like Steve King.

Bullshit.. These are all responses by Congress Critters that have access to and have read the classified notes. They CAN'T discuss it. But -- you better have a exit plan -- because everyone that has READ IT --- wants it made public... Only a matter of time.. Tick Tock...

I'll believe it when I see it. The Trumpies have an awful habit of making the panty shitting hyperbole they offer inversely proportionate to the importance of the actual claim.

And the hyperbole they're using on this one is so over the top as to require a rimshot with every recitation.

Add to that the magical coincidence that this 'memo' just happens to back their heart's desire to pull Mueller off of the investigation and disband it.....and you have the perfect recipe for partisan bullshit.

And it just *happens* to be revealed a mere 48 hours after Bannon agrees to cooperate with the investigation?

Expect to see the accusations against Mueller become more desperate and shrill as he closes in for the kill.

I'm up for a GIANT perp walk.. Think we should get floats and marching bands. And I don't care how many Dems or Repubs go straight to Club Fed. The more the better.

We've got 3 *actual* indictments and 2 guilty pleas in Team Trump. And innumerable imaginary indictments and fantasy prison terms for democrats in the fever dreams of hapless conservatives desperately trying to stop the Mueller investigation.

There is simply no debate that crimes were commited in the Trump team. 2 men have already plead guilty. Which begs the question, why with undeniable proof of *actual* crimes in the Trump team are conservatives screaming its 'fake news'?

Their crime? They lied to the FBI. Why was Flynn fired? He lied to the VP. That means Trump is guilty of what exactly?
We've got 3 *actual* indictments and 2 guilty pleas in Team Trump.

Please. Please make it stop. You harased Manafort till he caved on some trumped up 2006 tax snafu. You bankrupted Flynn and were going to harass his kids over procedural horsecrap. You got some young punk out drinking who said he could take down Hillary. You got NOTHING. so far. yawn.
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Question: why did Manafort have 23 laptops.
getcha sum o' dat

Laughing......4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas is not 'nothing'. For crying out loud, even Bannon called the Trump teams actions 'treasonous'. Laughing....if Mueller had nothing, Conservatives wouldn't be trying to hard to shut down his investigation. And Trump wouldn't have fired Comey because of the investigation.

But Trump's team isn't ignore it. They're instructing folks like Bannon to NOT cooperate with investigations into Russian interference in our election. Bannon *refused* to answer questions to the House committee investigating that interference.

But when Bannon caves and agrees to cooperate with Mueller....not 48 hours later suddenly there is a mystery 'memo' that none of us are allowed to see that magically supports the idea that Mueller should be pulled off the investigation and the investigation disbanded.

But of course, we're not allowed to see the memo, and have to 'take the word' of Trump supporters.

All while Trump surrogates have called for Mueller's team members to be *imprisoned* and for Trump to have the authority to shut down any news agency that he deems is showing 'fake news'. Trump and his people are absolutely shitting their pants.

Link? Your imagination or unconfirmed sources do not count.
No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.

What, you think 'There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy" might be pushing hyperbole a bit?

Oh, and the other shoe dropped. The 'source' on the memo: Trump sycophant Nunes.

No. That is not the source.

Over 130 Congresscritters have now reviewed the memo. Ask what they think!
No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.

Already winning. Even without the secret doc dump.. Got Hillary/DNC funding Russians to "influence an election". Three top FBI guys cleaning toilets in HQ building. The Insp. General office acting like a special counsel to root out the vermin at DOJ.. Got the proof that the Big Brother domestic spy system was WEAPONIZED and used against a political opponent on the premise of a phony ass POS oppo research doc.

Maybe when these docs get released --- we'll have a list of prison numbers. The little 18 month "resistance" hissy fit is unraveling just as I called it. after being utterly unable to back up your *last* round of meaningless bullshit, you're off to a new round of the same?

Back in reality, we have 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas that demonstrated beyond any debate that there are crimes in the Trump Team. And yet the more indictments and pleas that Mueller gets, the more shrill and desperate the accusations against Mueller become from conservatives. Where if actually rooting out truth was their goal, the opposite would be true.

And the other shoe dropped. The 'source' on this 'secret memo'? Trump sycophant Nunes. His intel committee manufactured the memo themselves without any input from any democrat citing intel docs that no one is allowed to read. This is the same Nunes that reports to Trump *personally* and was caught visting Trump secretly in the middle of the investigation into Trump's campaign. The same guy that had to recuse himself from the investigation for this very reason.

And you expect us to believe that its just a *coincidence* that only 48 hours after Bannon agrees to cooperate with Mueller's investigation that Nunes just *happens* to manufacture a 'memo' that shows that Mueller should be removed from the investigation and the investigation disbanded?

A memo we can't see. Citing evidence we're not allowed to look at. Manufactured by Trump's ally.

While at the *same time* Trump surrogates are calling for members of Mueller's investigation to be PUT IN PRISON, while others are insisting that Trump should be able to shut down any media outlet he feels is presenting 'fake news'?

C'mon. Trump and his team are in full panic mode. The closer Mueller gets, the more shrill the accusations against Mueller become.

I love how you highlighted you own lies! Bravo!
or, oops, this memo is bullshit

you don't even believe your own self anymore? (chuckling)

You Could be right? We have all been fooled before. I am still waiting for that BJ sex tape from pedophile Island "promised" right here on USMB OCT 2016.

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