Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

Flynn admits to lying about Turkish lobbying


12/01/2017 02:43 PM EST

With Aubree Eliza Weaver and Daniel Lippman

FLYNN ADMITS TO LYING ABOUT TURKISH LOBBYING: “Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to one felony count of lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia's ambassador last year, bringing the special counsel investigation into the 2016 election deeper into President Donald Trump's inner circle,” POLITICO’s Josh Gerstein and Theodoric Meyer report. Unlike Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, though, Flynn wasn’t charged with breaking foreign lobbying law — charges that sent some lobbyists scrambling to make sure their foreign registrations were in order.

— But Flynn admitted to lying about his Turkish lobbying in a separate legal document released on Friday known as a “statement of the offense.” Flynn’s company, the Flynn Intel Group, had registered to lobby weeks before the election for a Dutch firm run by a Turkish-American businessman called Inovo BV but did not register as a foreign agent. In March, Flynn retroactively registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent because Flynn’s work for Inovo “could be construed to have principally benefited the Republic of Turkey," according to a letter written by Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner.

Flynn admits to lying about Turkish lobbying

flynn flipped & has spilled his gut to mueller....

you too traitor...release it!:mad-61:

^^^ good to know which posters are putin's puppets ^^^

Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks
  • Jan. 19, 2018, 12:58 PM
Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations have begun promoting the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.
And Russia-linked Twitter bots have jumped on the bandwagon.

#ReleaseTheMemo is the top-trending hashtag among Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations, according to Hamilton 68, a website launched last year that says it tracks Russian propaganda in near-real time.

The frequency with which the accounts have been promoting the hashtag has spiked by 233,000% over the past 48 hours, according to the site. The accounts' references to the "memo," meanwhile, have increased by 68,000%.
Hamilton 68 has been working to expose trolls — as well as automated bots and human accounts — whose main use for Twitter appears to be an amplification of pro-Russia themes. The site's mission is to monitor and illustrate the themes that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants Americans to be thinking and talking about, including "the failure of democratic governance in the United States."

Bret Schafer, a communications coordinator at the German Marshall Fund's Alliance for Securing Democracy who tracks the Hamilton 68 accounts, said he "certainly can't remember" the last time the researchers had seen a topic "promoted to this level" by the Russia-linked bots and trolls.

Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks

omg! so predictable and funny ^^^ is that all you got????.....are you still beating that dead horse of Russia????

Don't you ever get tired? yawnnnnnnnnnnnn.....

Why did you call your Senator?

The Senate has NOTHING to do with releasing the memo
Because it was mainly a call asking to have Mueller stand up and tell what he has if anything and I was asking for a price tag for the witch hunt to date...the conversation shifted towards the shut down and FBI corruption...
Former Obama Body Guard.....who hasn't read the 'memo' in question. And is merely repeating talking points he's heard on Fox News.

Again, if the 'memo' was explosive as they claim, they wouldn't be 'telling' us how explosive it was. They'd be showing us.

Lol, you are such a fucking idiot.

How do you know that he has no information about the memo at all?

And the document is TS so of course the GOP has not released it yet until it has its classification removed.

They are not like you Democrats and respect the classification system and you slam on them for it.

We all know you would have released it already regardless.
You have been shown evidence before and still smoke spin a twist. Why bother?

And when someone mentions that the Emperor has no clothes, that you can't actually back up any of the claims of in the heretofore imaginary memo.....

.....we get excuses for the lack of evidence.

Which we both knew was coming. But I enjoy making you admit anyway.
Wacko, I never mentioned any memo, nor any clothes.

Hannity did. Again, if you're gonna jump into the middle of a conversation have the slightest clue what is being discussed.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Why do you talk in circles and then make nebulous claims?

Why do you jump into the middle of a conversation without the slightest clue what's being discussed, son?
you people NEVER stop lying.
What is so unsurprizing is how many RINOs like Senator King are trying to block this memor from getting out in public.

They are totally OK with Feinstein leaking reports and such but oh no, lets not do anything that exposes the Illuminati Mind Control Oligarchs, lol.

Edit, the italicized part is just humor for those wondering.
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'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Obama the little bitch is being mentioned by multiple sources bhaha and they can't stand it

Their loser defense mechanisms are on steroids ehheeheh

lol.... gateway pundit & breitbart are hardly credible sources. get back to the class when real journalists are reporting it. oh wait- never mind, your thread is about bananas.

NO WONDER YOU MORONS VOTED FOR A CRACK SMOKING traitor ....... guess when you all act the same we can see why losers vote for losers and then idolize them as if they are their God. Such weak pathetic pussies.

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This is what happened when you watched too much of Infowars and Hannity.

Let me ask you this question. Why is it that these explosives and breaking news coming out from certain Fox News like Hannity or any pro Trump does not shown anywhere else in Fox News?
Like this Boingonino trying to make names for himself it doesn’t shown anywhere else except that one show. Why is that?

Watched Hannity just for the laugh. New Revelations New Revelations New Revelations....... but only shown in Hannity clown show.
Obama really did wiretap Trump tower after all....

Can you please help me bud? If they wiretapped Trump tower can you share us what was wiretapped?
Did Trump released what was wiretapped because I have not heard anything.
Help me out here.

FBI is now under Attorney General Session a Trump lapdog never even mentioned any wiretapped.
Or did anyone put a duck tape to his mouth to make Trump look bad?

Justice Department: No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
This is not shocking to those of us who have been onto the greatest conman to ever enter the office of POTUS. Look at the illicit activities Obama and Holder were undeniably involved in. Look at how Obama coerced the NSA and IRS to do his bidding. This is not shocking, not one bit.

If you are saying are true...... Why didn’t Obama release Trump tax returns so we know who is the real crooked.

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