Shades Of Nazi Germany: Biden Wants Americans To Report / Turn In 'Radicalized' Friends And Family To His Govt

If I knew anyone that was in the capital on 6Jan21, I would turn them in in a heartbeat. If I knew anyone that was running around threatening people with a weapon of war, and trying to occupy our state capital or threatening other citizens, I would turn them in in a heartbeat. However, since I don't run with crazies, I don't know many "Conservatives" that well. When people are threatening the lives of others that are doing their jobs, because they are doing their jobs, it is time to stop that kind of shit.

"If I knew anyone that was in the capital on 6Jan21, I would turn them in in a heartbeat."

Most law-abiding citizens / Americans would. You're not 'special. '

"If I knew anyone that was running around threatening people with a weapon of war..."

No one was involved in the 6 Jan Capitol Riot was armed, especially not with a 'weapon of war' - if that is whatyou are claiming you are a LIAR. armed on 6 Jan

"When people are threatening the lives of others that are doing their jobs, because they are doing their jobs, it is time to stop that kind of shit."

Thank you for condemning the foreign/Democrat funded, supported, and protected domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM and the Democrats, Fake news media, and snowflakes who support them.

View attachment 502440

Here in Oregon, a "Conservative" representative, Nearman, GOP, let armed men into the capital, where they damaged as much as they could before the police forced them out. And, yes, they were armed. Fortunately, they did not use those weapons. Every representative from both parties voted to expel the asshole, and I think he is facing criminal charges. We have seen exactly the same types of actions in other state capitals. That gallows was not pretend at the capital, nor was the danger to our legislative branch. "Hang Pence, hang Pence", was the cry of that mob. Really, anyone that was inside the capital that day should be hung for treason. After all, they were doing exactly what Putin wanted.
If I knew anyone that was in the capital on 6Jan21, I would turn them in in a heartbeat. If I knew anyone that was running around threatening people with a weapon of war, and trying to occupy our state capital or threatening other citizens, I would turn them in in a heartbeat. However, since I don't run with crazies, I don't know many "Conservatives" that well. When people are threatening the lives of others that are doing their jobs, because they are doing their jobs, it is time to stop that kind of shit.

"If I knew anyone that was in the capital on 6Jan21, I would turn them in in a heartbeat."

Most law-abiding citizens / Americans would. You're not 'special. '

"If I knew anyone that was running around threatening people with a weapon of war..."

No one was involved in the 6 Jan Capitol Riot was armed, especially not with a 'weapon of war' - if that is whatyou are claiming you are a LIAR. armed on 6 Jan

"When people are threatening the lives of others that are doing their jobs, because they are doing their jobs, it is time to stop that kind of shit."

Thank you for condemning the foreign/Democrat funded, supported, and protected domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM and the Democrats, Fake news media, and snowflakes who support them.

View attachment 502440

Here in Oregon, a "Conservative" representative, Nearman, GOP, let armed men into the capital, where they damaged as much as they could before the police forced them out. And, yes, they were armed. Fortunately, they did not use those weapons. Every representative from both parties voted to expel the asshole, and I think he is facing criminal charges. We have seen exactly the same types of actions in other state capitals. That gallows was not pretend at the capital, nor was the danger to our legislative branch. "Hang Pence, hang Pence", was the cry of that mob. Really, anyone that was inside the capital that day should be hung for treason. After all, they were doing exactly what Putin wanted.
I hope the Oregon authorities prosecuted these guys....

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.

An officer blindly, indiscriminately fired his weapon through a doorway without having a clear view of what / who he was shooting at, shooting / killing an unarmed, petite, white, female, US military veteran and American citizen.

Had this policeman been white and the victim been an unarmed, female black vet / American citizen Antifa / BLM would have burned half of DC down.

Some snowflakes have argued that the police officer did NOT 'blindly, indiscriminately' fire through the doorway, that he did see his target and did see Babbitt clearly and made the choice to take the shot.

My comments were based on part of the investigation, videos, ad what experts stated happened, but I appreciate the snowflakes' version. Their version proved the officer was guilty of ;'Excessive Use of Force' and made the conscious choice to shoot and kill an unarmed citizen.

Either way, it was a 'Bad Shoot'.
Your comments are based on none of the above.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Nothing you posted takes away from the FACT That Joe Biden stood before the 'entire world' at the G7 Summit and LIED, falsely claiming protestors killed a policeman on 6 Jan at the Capitol, and easily and already proven / debunked LIE.

Doing this only gave the appearance of credibility to Putin who called out biden and the Fake news media for doing stuff EXACTLY like what Biden did in response to Putin's accusations.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.

An officer blindly, indiscriminately fired his weapon through a doorway without having a clear view of what / who he was shooting at, shooting / killing an unarmed, petite, white, female, US military veteran and American citizen.

Had this policeman been white and the victim been an unarmed, female black vet / American citizen Antifa / BLM would have burned half of DC down.

Some snowflakes have argued that the police officer did NOT 'blindly, indiscriminately' fire through the doorway, that he did see his target and did see Babbitt clearly and made the choice to take the shot.

My comments were based on part of the investigation, videos, ad what experts stated happened, but I appreciate the snowflakes' version. Their version proved the officer was guilty of ;'Excessive Use of Force' and made the conscious choice to shoot and kill an unarmed citizen.

Either way, it was a 'Bad Shoot'.
Your comments are based on none of the above.
My comments are based on the facts and that a police officer shot and killed an unarmed, petite, white female, US military vet American citizen. Either by accident or intentionally it was a 'bad shoot'.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Nothing you posted takes away from the FACT That Joe Biden stood before the 'entire world' at the G7 Summit and LIED, falsely claiming protestors killed a policeman on 6 Jan at the Capitol, and easily and already proven / debunked LIE.

Doing this only gave the appearance of credibility to Putin who called out biden and the Fake news media for doing stuff EXACTLY like what Biden did in response to Putin's accusations.
What the hell are you saying? Policeman died due to the stress of the invasion. Nothing that Biden said gave credence to Putin. 6 people died due to that Jan 6 invasion.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Sorry, puddin', only ONE person died directly because of the FBI planned and led kerfuffle on January 6th. That was Ashli Babbitt. You can rewrite history all you want because you're ignorant, but that doesn't make your stupidity fact. It's quite amusing that you're lecturing me on rewiting history as you demand I believe the lies you're parroting about history. Your hypocrisy is delightful!

Then you gave a member of the leftist media as a resource attempting to prove the lies fed to you by the leftist media are true. The only proper response to that is :D:D

You dismissed the actions of blm and antifa as nothing simply because, once again, you're ignorant of the facts proving they are indeed driven by politics. You're hyperfocused on the January 6th kerfuffle because you are being told to. I love how you're incapable of recognizing the left is playing your emotions like a fiddle. There is a reason your ilk are called useful idiots. Or as the Chinese call you, baizuo.

But don't stop trying tiger, your mental gymnastics in order to remain ignorant are hilarious! Your anger at me because I'm not a really fooled as you is just icing on the cake!

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.

An officer blindly, indiscriminately fired his weapon through a doorway without having a clear view of what / who he was shooting at, shooting / killing an unarmed, petite, white, female, US military veteran and American citizen.

Had this policeman been white and the victim been an unarmed, female black vet / American citizen Antifa / BLM would have burned half of DC down.

Some snowflakes have argued that the police officer did NOT 'blindly, indiscriminately' fire through the doorway, that he did see his target and did see Babbitt clearly and made the choice to take the shot.

My comments were based on part of the investigation, videos, ad what experts stated happened, but I appreciate the snowflakes' version. Their version proved the officer was guilty of ;'Excessive Use of Force' and made the conscious choice to shoot and kill an unarmed citizen.

Either way, it was a 'Bad Shoot'.
Your comments are based on none of the above.
My comments are based on the facts and that a police officer shot and killed an unarmed, petite, white female, US military vet American citizen. Either by accident or intentionally it was a 'bad shoot'.
An unarmed (Maybe) petite "white" (glad you got that in because it makes it worse since she was white) female who was attempting to breach a chamber with armed police on the other side of the door that she broke in her efforts. Of course, she should have been shot. She was told to leave and instead she did the dirty along with her fellow criminals.
Arm yourselves, let them try and resurrect Nazi Germany, or more correctly Maoist China, let them try and then its on!

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Sorry, puddin', only ONE person died directly because of the FBI planned and led kerfuffle on January 6th. That was Ashli Babbitt. You can rewrite history all you want because you're ignorant, but that doesn't make your stupidity fact. It's quite amusing that you're lecturing me on rewiting history as you demand I believe the lies you're parroting about history. Your hypocrisy is delightful!

Then you gave a member of the leftist media as a resource attempting to prove the lies fed to you by the leftist media are true. The only proper response to that is :D:D

You dismissed the actions of blm and antifa as nothing simply because, once again, you're ignorant of the facts proving they are indeed driven by politics. You're hyperfocused on the January 6th kerfuffle because you are being told to. I love how you're incapable of recognizing the left is playing your emotions like a fiddle. There is a reason your ilk are called useful idiots. Or as the Chinese call you, baizuo.

But don't stop trying tiger, your mental gymnastics in order to remain ignorant are hilarious! Your anger at me because I'm not a really fooled as you is just icing on the cake!
I am not angry with you, lamb chop. I think you can't see the forest for the trees.
I am not dismissing Antifa and you are using them to water down the horror of Jan 6.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Nothing you posted takes away from the FACT That Joe Biden stood before the 'entire world' at the G7 Summit and LIED, falsely claiming protestors killed a policeman on 6 Jan at the Capitol, and easily and already proven / debunked LIE.

Doing this only gave the appearance of credibility to Putin who called out biden and the Fake news media for doing stuff EXACTLY like what Biden did in response to Putin's accusations.
What the hell are you saying? Policeman died due to the stress of the invasion. Nothing that Biden said gave credence to Putin. 6 people died due to that Jan 6 invasion.
Even though officer Sicknick's own family stated his death had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle, YOU know (without ever speaking to him or his family or even administering medical care directly to him) he died from "stress."

I love it!

Do you think if you repeat the number 6 it'll magically come true? It doesn't matter at all how many died ON January 6th, that's just a number fluffed up by a leftist media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. What matters is how many died FROM the events on January 6th. One. Eins. Un. Ett. Solomente uno.

Ashli Babbitt who was an unarmed woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. By a public servant who is paid by the taxpayers but of whom nobody, not even Ashli's own family, is allowed to know the identity.

If you were actually a patriot instead of a brainwashed sheep, you'd be upset that an unarmed woman was murdered in an event planned and encouraged by the FBI. An event many on the left including the DC mayor and Nanzi Pelosi knew of in advance and did NOTHING.

Maybe someday a fact will wiggle its way into your brain, and you'll finally be able to see that you are indeed a useful idiot. Until then, I'm LOVING you putting your stupid out there for all to enjoy! Thank you!
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An unarmed (Maybe)

Dude, stop desperately trying to salvage your fake news spin - It was confirmed: Ashli Babbitt was completely unarmed. She was carrying 1 backpack that contained a SWEATER.

The Capitol Policeman shot and killed an UNARMED female American citizen, either by accident or intentionally in a 'BAD SHOOT'.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Strokes and heart attacks caused by stress, yes? The woman who was killed should not have tried to break into the chamber whan there were police on the other side of the door.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Just look at the fucking videos for reality.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Yes, but we don't see the violence committed by the Trump-supporting right-wing domestic terrorist organizations like the white supremacists, Po boys, etc. You know, yes? The type of people who attacked our Capitol on Jan 6. Nobody had a handle on them before so the time is now before they do any more damage to our democracy, kill or injure lawmakers and other Americans tasked with governing our country or simply living their lives.
What violence exactly?

January 6th kerfuffle planned and acted out by the FBI and their lapdogs:

- A few windows smashed (a new video surfaced of an FBI provocateur not only smashing windows but actively encouraging others to join him)
- Only one woman murdered by a Capitol police officer. Her own husband doesn't even know the name of the man who murdered his wife because Congress is protecting the cop. There were no other deaths.
- There are numerous videos showing Capitol police waiving people onto the Capitol grounds and into the Capitol building and of them standing idly by as an "insurrection" occurs.
- Over 14,000 hours of video is being withheld by the federal government
- The Capitol police, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC police (along with the DC mayor) were all informed prior to the kerfuffle that something was going to happen. And yet, they did NOTHING
- The Capitol police claim they didn't fully react to the kerfuffle because of how harshly they were attacked by the left (from Congress to the media) for attempting to quell blm/antifa riots in DC. They didn't want to be attacked by the left again for doing their jobs.

The past year of blm/antifa riots (you know, the groups that the Democrats proudly supporting including Knee-Pads Harris?):

- BILLIONS in property damage
- Thousands injured including several hundred police officers and many innocent bystanders
- Dozens killed including a retired police officer must trying to help and a woman who dared say "all lives matter."
- Numerous federal and state government buildings (including police precincts) have been set on fire, breached, smashed, and vandalized by leftists - which by your own definition of an insurrection means they committed insurrection numerous times
- Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble, mostly minority neighborhoods - the very people blm pretends they care about - turning them into wastelands that no businesses will rebuild (look no further than LA to see what happens after a riot)
- A horse was burned to death by rioters simply because the horse's owner was driving his horse trailer on a public road the rioters wanted control over
- Democrats to this day claim it was "mostly peaceful protests"

So either you're a complete moron or incapable of seeing reality for what it truly is which makes you mentally ill. So which is it?
Watch the fucking video, asshole. The woman tried to break into an area that was being protected by
police and got what she deserved. 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured because of the violence that she was a part of as she and others attempted to prevent lawmakers from doing their job.
The other damage that you are referring to was not caused by "leftists". It was done by criminals whose politics are not an issue. Read a book.
So if you believe shooting an unarmed woman is "justice", then why do you support blm?

6 people were NOT killed. If you took just a few minutes to research things for yourself you'd see that was yet another lie fed to you by a media who thinks you're as stupid as I do. Since you're obviously too lazy to educate yourself with facts, I'll spoon feed you. Only 5 people were attributed to dying from "violence" on the 6th by the leftist media, you can't even get your talking points right :D

  • Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Benjamin Phillips, 50 years old. Cause of death – Heart attack, natural.
  • Roseanne Boyland, 34 years old. Cause of death Amphetamine intoxication, accidental.
  • Officer Brian Sicknick, 42 years old. Cause of death – A series of strokes his own family stated were caused naturally, NOT by anything to do with the kerfuffle
All of them are Trump supporters, the ones you're claiming are "insurrectionists". You're using their deaths to further your political agenda while simultaneously attacking those very people for their political ideology. Ahh, there's no bigger hypocrite than a leftist twit.

Speaking of political agendas, blm and antifa BOTH have openly stated numerous times that their agendas are political.

The founders of blm are open Marxists (while getting filthy rich from capitalism) whose own website espoused communist ideology until they came under too much heat. Several leaders of blm are on camera talking about both literally and figuratively burning the system down.

Antifa has been pushing for anarchy. While that means no government, it's still a political desire. Then, when they get their way (through weak-spined Democrat leaders) by creating "autonomous zones" they create their own defacto government and police! The hypocrisy is so delicious!

I especially adore how you tell me to read a book after pecking out such an ignorant and angry response to facts. It was quite comical! Keep up the good work!
Six people died as a result of the insurrection. Whatever the cause, the stress had an effect.

Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after Capitol riot, medical ... › 2021/04/19 › brian-sicknick-di...
Apr 19, 2021 — Sicknick suffered strokes and died of natural causes after grappling ... Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick died due to natural causes ... That term is used when a death is caused solely by a disease and is not hastened by an injury. ... his collapse, saying, “all that transpired played a role in his condition.
I am not a supporter of BLM nor am I a supporter of violence or of those who incite violence. Trump has been involved in questionable activities all his adult life.
The woman should not have been trying to break into a locked room with armed police on the other side of the door. 130 police officers were injured trying to protect the lawmakers from those criminals. Watch the video as it speaks for itself. Don't try to recreate history. Makes you sound like an ignorant fop.
Sorry, puddin', only ONE person died directly because of the FBI planned and led kerfuffle on January 6th. That was Ashli Babbitt. You can rewrite history all you want because you're ignorant, but that doesn't make your stupidity fact. It's quite amusing that you're lecturing me on rewiting history as you demand I believe the lies you're parroting about history. Your hypocrisy is delightful!

Then you gave a member of the leftist media as a resource attempting to prove the lies fed to you by the leftist media are true. The only proper response to that is :D:D

You dismissed the actions of blm and antifa as nothing simply because, once again, you're ignorant of the facts proving they are indeed driven by politics. You're hyperfocused on the January 6th kerfuffle because you are being told to. I love how you're incapable of recognizing the left is playing your emotions like a fiddle. There is a reason your ilk are called useful idiots. Or as the Chinese call you, baizuo.

But don't stop trying tiger, your mental gymnastics in order to remain ignorant are hilarious! Your anger at me because I'm not a really fooled as you is just icing on the cake!
I am not angry with you, lamb chop. I think you can't see the forest for the trees.
I am not dismissing Antifa and you are using them to water down the horror of Jan 6.
Sure, scooter, none of your idiotic replies were out of anger. I can already tell you're going to be one of my favorite leftists here, you are an endless source of amusement!

"My level of self-awareness rivals that of my knowledge of facts, which is to say, I have neither!"

There was no horror. No matter how hard you try to convince the world that your brainwashing is fact it won't make it true. But please, don't stop trying to convince me the opposite of reality is true, it's cracking me up!
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On 6 January in the Capitol event 4 Americans died:

Ashli Babbitt is the person that was murdered.

Image from the coroner's report below:

The Coroner's final report stated the deceased Capitol Police Officer was NOT killed by protestors, that he suffered NO blunt force trauma despite Fake News Media reporting he had been struck with a fire extinguisher. Video from the event showed the officer was not attacked / struck.

An unarmed (Maybe)

Dude, stop desperately trying to salvage your fake news spin - It was confirmed: Ashli Babbitt was completely unarmed. She was carrying 1 backpack that contained a SWEATER.

The Capitol Policeman shot and killed an UNARMED female American citizen, either by accident or intentionally in a 'BAD SHOOT'.
she was part of a violent mob, armed mob trespassing
she was part of a violent mob, armed mob trespassing

The next time a white policeman shoots an unarmed black person who is in the midst of a 'Mostly Peaceful Protest' who are looting, burning, disobeying officer's orders, etc.... let's see how that hypocritical BS you are spewing is accepted by Antifa & BLM.


Last I checked, trespassing was not punishable by execution / lethal use of force, snowflake.

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

issn't that the same as see something say something to prevent mass killings in our schools?

issn't that the same as see something say something to prevent mass killings in our schools?

No, its a step up / escalation, part of the Marxist indoctrination going on in schools against parent's will.

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