Shades Of The 787 Billion Stimulus That Wasn't


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The farmer letting the fox into the henhouse ad lib would have been a lot less costly to him than electing Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency was for the American people. After three years, that much heralded 787 billion stimulus that wasn't has come into view for what it really was: payback to the 'goombah's' that supported him along the way. Like the 100 million dollars from the Chicago Annenberg Project that was supposed to benefit the Chicago Schools and the little kiddies, but didn't, simply dissappearing into thin air as if it was nothing more than a walk down the more run down areas of Bridgeport, Ct's State St and Fairfield Ave throwing hundred dollar bills to the drunks, the drug addicts, the street hustlers, the pimps, and the ladies of the night working their eight hour shifts in front of Mimi Dragones: 517 billion here, a hundred billion here, a hundred billion there.]

"If you like how the Obama administration’s multibillion-dollar “investments” in bankrupt solar companies have turned out, you’ll love the latest federal loan program to nowhere. It’s the Obamacare loyalty rewards program for progressives.

To appease liberal Democrats pushing for the so-called “public option” (the full frontal government takeover of our health care system), the White House settled for the creation of a $6 billion network of nonprofit “CO-OPs” that will “compete” with private insurers. It’s socialized medicine through the side door. House Republicans sliced about $2 billion from the slush fund in last spring’s budget deal and proclaimed the program dead. Hardly.

On Wednesday, the White House trumpeted the release of nearly $700 million in taxpayer-funded low-interest loans for seven CO-OPs in eight states. Administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the fund will pour more money into CO-OP plans nationwide throughout the next year. In 2014, according to Washington bureaucrats, the plans will be offered on the federally approved and federally monitored state health exchange “marketplace.”"

Michelle Malkin » The $4 Billion Obamacare Slush Fund for Progressives
Malkin is a partisan hack.

The stimulus worked

Actually, TM...YOU'RE the partisan hack...Michelle Malkin is an investigative conservative journalist that points out "inconvenient" facts about Barry and friends.
It would have been better if they just cut everyone a check
for about $50,000.00 it would have been cheaper and would
have gotten more done.But then Republicans would have gotten something from it.
Instead it went to the states to be given to the union workers that helped get the Obama
elected....So if that is the argument well then the stimulus worked.
Dow flirting with 13,000. Unemployment continueing to improve. Slow, but better than going the other way. And our 'Conservatives' still hoping for a crash and massive unemployment. Such nice Christian values.

Malkin is another fruitloop, as much an investigative journalist as the obese junkie.
Malkin is a partisan hack.

The stimulus worked

Actually, TM...YOU'RE the partisan hack...Michelle Malkin is an investigative conservative journalist that points out "inconvenient" facts about Barry and friends.

How come she's doing such a terrible job????


[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]

just like you pretend Obama is not an American citizen and that hes some secert Muslim your lies never stop.
I don't put much stock in a report that is so vague....

ncreased the number of people employed by between 0.4 million and 2.4 million,
increased real GDP by between 0.3 percent and 1.9 percent (see chart below),

It's like going to a doctor and are told the medical procedure will require you to end up wearing a band aid for a few days and having to spend 3 months in intensive care and being in extreme pain....

From between 0.4 million and 2.4 million...
That kind of narrows it down a bit huh..... :confused:
You don't really expect anyone to fall for this line o'crap do you?
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The Stimulus was never intended to single handedly rescue the economy. The Stock Market was crashing having lost 7000 points, the economy was shedding 700,000 jobs a month, the auto and financial sectors were on the verge of collapse.

There was no faith in the economy, everyone was pulling their money out. Only the US Government had the power to say ......we will not let this economy collapse. Once they made it clear that our economy would not collapse, others started to invest in the economy. The stock market reversed, the GDP went positive, people started hiring again.

The stimulus and TARP saved our economy

Ah, yes...the ongoing snow job out of Washington about how many jobs the stimulus "saved". Here's a little hint for you, TM...when the folks in charge have to invent a new statistic "jobs saved" in order to make their numbers look somewhat less abysmal then you know that things have gotten ugly.

What I'm amused by is the RANGE of their estimates...

■increased the number of people employed by between 0.4 million and 2.4 million,
■increased real GDP by between 0.3 percent and 1.9 percent (see chart below),

Would you trust your local garage if they gave you a quote on a job of between $400 and $2,400 dollars to do a tune-up on your car? I'm guessing you'd look at the mechanic and say "What? Are you kidding me?" And if the guy insisted that was the best estimate he could give you, unless you were a complete IDIOT you'd walk! But here you're willing to accept a figure of 0.4 million to 2.4 million like it's gospel?
The Stimulus was never intended to single handedly rescue the economy. The Stock Market was crashing having lost 7000 points, the economy was shedding 700,000 jobs a month, the auto and financial sectors were on the verge of collapse.

There was no faith in the economy, everyone was pulling their money out. Only the US Government had the power to say ......we will not let this economy collapse. Once they made it clear that our economy would not collapse, others started to invest in the economy. The stock market reversed, the GDP went positive, people started hiring again.

The stimulus and TARP saved our economy

Let's be honest, Winger...TARP saved our economy...a lot of the Stimulus was pure payback to the people who supported the Obama run for President.

Ah, yes...the ongoing snow job out of Washington about how many jobs the stimulus "saved". Here's a little hint for you, TM...when the folks in charge have to invent a new statistic "jobs saved" in order to make their numbers look somewhat less abysmal then you know that things have gotten ugly.

What I'm amused by is the RANGE of their estimates...

■increased the number of people employed by between 0.4 million and 2.4 million,
■increased real GDP by between 0.3 percent and 1.9 percent (see chart below),

Would you trust your local garage if they gave you a quote on a job of between $400 and $2,400 dollars to do a tune-up on your car? I'm guessing you'd look at the mechanic and say "What? Are you kidding me?" And if the guy insisted that was the best estimate he could give you, unless you were a complete IDIOT you'd walk! But here you're willing to accept a figure of 0.4 million to 2.4 million like it's gospel?

Federal dollars went to local communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters.

Yes, those were jobs saved and prevented unemployment from going higher
Dow flirting with 13,000. Unemployment continueing to improve. Slow, but better than going the other way. And our 'Conservatives' still hoping for a crash and massive unemployment. Such nice Christian values.

Malkin is another fruitloop, as much an investigative journalist as the obese junkie.

Fine, Old think Malkin's article is garbage? State why. It's called backing up what you're saying.

Conservatives aren't hoping for a crash or massive unemployment. They're hoping that Barack Obama doesn't get reelected so we have a "leader" in the White House and not someone who continually kicks the tough choices down the road for the next Administration or generation to deal with.

Ah, yes...the ongoing snow job out of Washington about how many jobs the stimulus "saved". Here's a little hint for you, TM...when the folks in charge have to invent a new statistic "jobs saved" in order to make their numbers look somewhat less abysmal then you know that things have gotten ugly.

What I'm amused by is the RANGE of their estimates...

■increased the number of people employed by between 0.4 million and 2.4 million,
■increased real GDP by between 0.3 percent and 1.9 percent (see chart below),

Would you trust your local garage if they gave you a quote on a job of between $400 and $2,400 dollars to do a tune-up on your car? I'm guessing you'd look at the mechanic and say "What? Are you kidding me?" And if the guy insisted that was the best estimate he could give you, unless you were a complete IDIOT you'd walk! But here you're willing to accept a figure of 0.4 million to 2.4 million like it's gospel?

Federal dollars went to local communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters.

Yes, those were jobs saved and prevented unemployment from going higher

So let's be honest about what the Obama Stimulus "was" then, protected government workers from being laid off like workers in the private sector...many of whom are STILL out of work because this Administrations economic policy would best be described as MIA. To use an analogy...the "crew" of the cruise ship "United States of America" got on the lifeboats and the "passengers" were left to tread water until help showed up.
The Stimulus was never intended to single handedly rescue the economy. The Stock Market was crashing having lost 7000 points, the economy was shedding 700,000 jobs a month, the auto and financial sectors were on the verge of collapse.

There was no faith in the economy, everyone was pulling their money out. Only the US Government had the power to say ......we will not let this economy collapse. Once they made it clear that our economy would not collapse, others started to invest in the economy. The stock market reversed, the GDP went positive, people started hiring again.

The stimulus and TARP saved our economy

Let's be honest, Winger...TARP saved our economy...a lot of the Stimulus was pure payback to the people who supported the Obama run for President.

They both were released about the same time so it is hard to say which one was responsible for what economic upturn. TARP sent a message that the US Government would stand behind these companies and the financial sector would not be allowed to collapse
Stimulus was poorly executed and was filled with patronage from both sides. The tax cuts were a give away. Sending money to the states to fund projects was hit or miss. However, there were shovel ready jobs completed. I did see local infrastructure improvements. Jobs were created and jobs were saved ( teachers, police, firemen)
Stimulus was priming the economic pump. It was not intended to single handedly rescue a recession. Once the stimulus dollars dried up the recovery faltered. You cannot deny that
Ah, yes...the ongoing snow job out of Washington about how many jobs the stimulus "saved". Here's a little hint for you, TM...when the folks in charge have to invent a new statistic "jobs saved" in order to make their numbers look somewhat less abysmal then you know that things have gotten ugly.

What I'm amused by is the RANGE of their estimates...

■increased the number of people employed by between 0.4 million and 2.4 million,
■increased real GDP by between 0.3 percent and 1.9 percent (see chart below),

Would you trust your local garage if they gave you a quote on a job of between $400 and $2,400 dollars to do a tune-up on your car? I'm guessing you'd look at the mechanic and say "What? Are you kidding me?" And if the guy insisted that was the best estimate he could give you, unless you were a complete IDIOT you'd walk! But here you're willing to accept a figure of 0.4 million to 2.4 million like it's gospel?

Federal dollars went to local communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters.

Yes, those were jobs saved and prevented unemployment from going higher

So let's be honest about what the Obama Stimulus "was" then, protected government workers from being laid off like workers in the private sector...many of whom are STILL out of work because this Administrations economic policy would best be described as MIA. To use an analogy...the "crew" of the cruise ship "United States of America" got on the lifeboats and the "passengers" were left to tread water until help showed up.

I'm sorry

But I value my local teachers, police officers and firefighters

Saving a teachers or police mans job does not prevent a local private employer from hiring

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