Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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That baby is a part of her until it is born.

The baby does not share the same DNA thus it can on be part of her, rather in her.

It survives off of her body. Without her body it will not survive on it's own.

No doubt that the unborn child is a separate entity GROWING inside the woman. Without help after birth the child will die.

A FETUS is not viable outside of the womb.

You get an A for sloganeering.

A fetus is not a slogan. It is just a fetus that cannot survive outside of the womb. Neither can the embryo. Do you consider an embryo a "child" too?
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"
Drug stores are far more common than gun stores and you can buy a pack of condoms without having to produce an I.D. so what the hell is Shannyn Moore talking about and why does she think she has a problem about using her uterus? Is she planning a career in prostitution.
Just like you feel someone doesn't have the "right" to tell you that you must remain defenseless against a criminal. It's about freedom to do what is the right thing for you. There are plenty of prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc., out there. Keep that in mind when you go on your silly "anti-abortion" crusade. The women who would make good mothers and who want to be mothers are not the ones having abortions!

Not the same. And there are a lot of people born to prostitutes and alcoholics who get out from under that start in life....but they have a chance...they don't if they are murdered.

Because their parents decided to keep them, and some of them are abused and beaten to death. It's not your decision to make for some woman that you don't know anything about. Mind your business!

So you are saying if a I see someone being murdered on the street I should "mind my business?" Since murdering a baby in a clinic is the same thing as murdering someone on the street....

I have to say that if you are going around concerning yourself with strange women, their wombs and their fetuses, then you've got some serious issues. Mind your own business! I can't say it enough times!

I wish anti-abortion NaziCon terrorists could grasp the difference between legal abortion and illegal murder.

Actually.....nazis are left wing socialists....Conservatives in the United States are "Classical" liberals....try to get the definitions right.......

And the nazis murdered inconvenient people.....not American Conservatives...
It is her choice...but she isn't giving the baby a choice she is making a decision of life or death for a healthy human being.....

That baby is a part of her until it is born.

The baby does not share the same DNA thus it can on be part of her, rather in her.

It survives off of her body. Without her body it will not survive on it's own.

No doubt that the unborn child is a separate entity GROWING inside the woman. Without help after birth the child will die.

A FETUS is not viable outside of the womb.

Wait till science catches up....then what will your excuse be?
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"

Actually, guns are used by Americans each year 1.5 million times, according to bill clinton, to stop violent crime....the money saved from the crimes stopped pays for itself.......

And what is so dumb about armed guards.......most high schools have armed police resource officers on campus......and if the greedy, corrupt politicians can have armed security at the House and Senate of each state and at the federal level......our kids are far more important than they are...strip them of their security and use that pay for protect our kids.....

Have you been paying attention.....gun free zones kill people...
The baby does not share the same DNA thus it can on be part of her, rather in her.

It survives off of her body. Without her body it will not survive on it's own.

No doubt that the unborn child is a separate entity GROWING inside the woman. Without help after birth the child will die.

A FETUS is not viable outside of the womb.

You get an A for sloganeering.

A fetus is not a slogan. It is just a fetus that cannot survive outside of the womb. Neither can the embryo. Do you consider an embryo a "child" too?

Neither can a you are saying if you want, since a baby can't survive outside the womb, you can kill it then too....?

Sorry...the nazis were left wing socialists......the left denies this because the crimes of hitler were so accessible to people.....the international left wing socialists...murdered their millions far from the public eye.......

if they can't lie about hitler...people will realize that the worst mass murderers in history were all left wing socialists....
The world is truly upside down when a women in the greatest and most tolerant Country in the world assumes that her uterus is regulated because she has a hard time getting free birth control devices. Does anybody in the world dispute the fact that it is easier to hire someone to kill an unborn human being than it is to purchase a firearm?
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"

Actually, guns are used by Americans each year 1.5 million times, according to bill clinton, to stop violent crime....the money saved from the crimes stopped pays for itself.......

And what is so dumb about armed guards.......most high schools have armed police resource officers on campus......and if the greedy, corrupt politicians can have armed security at the House and Senate of each state and at the federal level......our kids are far more important than they are...strip them of their security and use that pay for protect our kids.....

Have you been paying attention.....gun free zones kill people...
"what is so dumb about armed guards"

It's sad that we would need them nowadays, like in the cowboy west 150 years ago, but you may be right if the trend continues.
Yes, kids need protection as well as politicians AND everyone else!
But who should PAY for that protection?

As a taxpayer, i don't want to pay for problems caused by others! Who does?
If irresponsible people drink alcohol and drive drunk, we ALL pay for hospital bills, etc. Why is alcohol taxed at such a high rate?

My proposal is to hold the gun manufacturers & sellers & buyers partially responsible for deaths & injuries their products cause.
Guns should be TAXED at a much higher rate.
Especially the more lethal weapons.
If one wants to own an AR-15, they should pay a hell of a lot more taxes!

And, for every murder by a gun/ rifle, the TAXes should rise!
In the USA, the pocketbook or balance sheet decides.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"

Actually, guns are used by Americans each year 1.5 million times, according to bill clinton, to stop violent crime....the money saved from the crimes stopped pays for itself.......

And what is so dumb about armed guards.......most high schools have armed police resource officers on campus......and if the greedy, corrupt politicians can have armed security at the House and Senate of each state and at the federal level......our kids are far more important than they are...strip them of their security and use that pay for protect our kids.....

Have you been paying attention.....gun free zones kill people...
"what is so dumb about armed guards"

It's sad that we would need them nowadays, like in the cowboy west 150 years ago, but you may be right if the trend continues.
Yes, kids need protection as well as politicians AND everyone else!
But who should PAY for that protection?

As a taxpayer, i don't want to pay for problems caused by others! Who does?
If irresponsible people drink alcohol and drive drunk, we ALL pay for hospital bills, etc. Why is alcohol taxed at such a high rate?

My proposal is to hold the gun manufacturers & sellers & buyers partially responsible for deaths & injuries their products cause.
Guns should be TAXED at a much higher rate.
Especially the more lethal weapons.
If one wants to own an AR-15, they should pay a hell of a lot more taxes!

And, for every murder by a gun/ rifle, the TAXes should rise!
In the USA, the pocketbook or balance sheet decides.

Sorry...gun sellers and makers are not breaking the any way shape or form.......and are not responsible for criminals who use their products illegally....

Guns should not be taxed at all.....owning and carrying them is a cannot charge a fee to vote..that is a poll tax and the democrats used it to deny the vote to blacks.......

And there are over 3 million AR-15s in private hands.....and barely a few are ever used for any crime real.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"

Actually, guns are used by Americans each year 1.5 million times, according to bill clinton, to stop violent crime....the money saved from the crimes stopped pays for itself.......

And what is so dumb about armed guards.......most high schools have armed police resource officers on campus......and if the greedy, corrupt politicians can have armed security at the House and Senate of each state and at the federal level......our kids are far more important than they are...strip them of their security and use that pay for protect our kids.....

Have you been paying attention.....gun free zones kill people...
"what is so dumb about armed guards"

It's sad that we would need them nowadays, like in the cowboy west 150 years ago, but you may be right if the trend continues.
Yes, kids need protection as well as politicians AND everyone else!
But who should PAY for that protection?

As a taxpayer, i don't want to pay for problems caused by others! Who does?
If irresponsible people drink alcohol and drive drunk, we ALL pay for hospital bills, etc. Why is alcohol taxed at such a high rate?

My proposal is to hold the gun manufacturers & sellers & buyers partially responsible for deaths & injuries their products cause.
Guns should be TAXED at a much higher rate.
Especially the more lethal weapons.
If one wants to own an AR-15, they should pay a hell of a lot more taxes!

And, for every murder by a gun/ rifle, the TAXes should rise!
In the USA, the pocketbook or balance sheet decides.

Do you realize that knives and blunt objects as well as bare hands murder more people than all rifles combined......

do you think that since knives are far more dangerous than AR-15s that they should be taxed to pay for all he carnage they cause?

And in the U.S.......

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.
Drug stores are far more common than gun stores and you can buy a pack of condoms without having to produce an I.D. so what the hell is Shannyn Moore talking about and why does she think she has a problem about using her uterus? Is she planning a career in prostitution.

You sound like Rush Limpballs. Did you bother to read her words? How do you justify trying to shut down Planned Parenthood - even though 97% of their services have nothing to do with abortion?

Sorry...the nazis were left wing socialists......the left denies this because the crimes of hitler were so accessible to people.....the international left wing socialists...murdered their millions far from the public eye.......

if they can't lie about hitler...people will realize that the worst mass murderers in history were all left wing socialists....

Your problem is that you only have the capacity to view the world in one dimension. I give you a two dimensional analysis, and you melt into incoherent blather. Chin up, buttercup. Not everyone can be average intelligence. You're still pretty.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
Since USA is based on FREEDOM and MONEY, let's combine those two virtues with a compromise ...

We TAX gun sales to better reflect the safety & health problems they reflect on society.
Like we do on tobacco & alcohol.

My proposal is to fund NRA's suggestion:
"One week after the [Newtown] massacre, the NRA ... proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! ... And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation?"

Actually, guns are used by Americans each year 1.5 million times, according to bill clinton, to stop violent crime....the money saved from the crimes stopped pays for itself.......

And what is so dumb about armed guards.......most high schools have armed police resource officers on campus......and if the greedy, corrupt politicians can have armed security at the House and Senate of each state and at the federal level......our kids are far more important than they are...strip them of their security and use that pay for protect our kids.....

Have you been paying attention.....gun free zones kill people...
"what is so dumb about armed guards"

It's sad that we would need them nowadays, like in the cowboy west 150 years ago, but you may be right if the trend continues.
Yes, kids need protection as well as politicians AND everyone else!
But who should PAY for that protection?

As a taxpayer, i don't want to pay for problems caused by others! Who does?
If irresponsible people drink alcohol and drive drunk, we ALL pay for hospital bills, etc. Why is alcohol taxed at such a high rate?

My proposal is to hold the gun manufacturers & sellers & buyers partially responsible for deaths & injuries their products cause.
Guns should be TAXED at a much higher rate.
Especially the more lethal weapons.
If one wants to own an AR-15, they should pay a hell of a lot more taxes!

And, for every murder by a gun/ rifle, the TAXes should rise!
In the USA, the pocketbook or balance sheet decides.

Do you realize that knives and blunt objects as well as bare hands murder more people than all rifles combined......

do you think that since knives are far more dangerous than AR-15s that they should be taxed to pay for all he carnage they cause?

And in the U.S.......

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.

Here you go.....the truth...facts and reality...

AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer..

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by weapon 2013:

All rifles: 285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that)

Knives: 1,490

Hands and feet: 687

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....






After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 1 million AR-15s in private hands.........

1 million legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.
The baby does not share the same DNA thus it can on be part of her, rather in her.

It survives off of her body. Without her body it will not survive on it's own.

No doubt that the unborn child is a separate entity GROWING inside the woman. Without help after birth the child will die.

A FETUS is not viable outside of the womb.

You get an A for sloganeering.

A fetus is not a slogan. It is just a fetus that cannot survive outside of the womb. Neither can the embryo. Do you consider an embryo a "child" too?

You are hitting every one of the pro-abortion sloganeering meme. Using the term fetus as if that inoculates you against the killing of the most innocent of society. Call the unborn something other then and unborn child and somehow that make pro-abortionists feel better. The unborn child is not is not part of the woman's body, if it were it could not be aborted nor born.

Never the less we are getting off topic. You seem impassioned about the genocidal abortion industry. Can you tell me how YOUR uterus is regulated? Can you? Can you tell us how hard it is for you to get birth control? Can you honestly? I'll tell you how hard, take an aspirin and hold it tightly between your knees, how easy is that? Tell me, how hard is it to call PP and go ahead and kill the life that is within you, go ahead, tell us.
Another false narrative from the far left drones to distract from the fact that Obama is a failure of a president on all levels..
It survives off of her body. Without her body it will not survive on it's own.

No doubt that the unborn child is a separate entity GROWING inside the woman. Without help after birth the child will die.

A FETUS is not viable outside of the womb.

You get an A for sloganeering.

A fetus is not a slogan. It is just a fetus that cannot survive outside of the womb. Neither can the embryo. Do you consider an embryo a "child" too?

You are hitting every one of the pro-abortion sloganeering meme. Using the term fetus as if that inoculates you against the killing of the most innocent of society. Call the unborn something other then and unborn child and somehow that make pro-abortionists feel better. The unborn child is not is not part of the woman's body, if it were it could not be aborted nor born.

Never the less we are getting off topic. You seem impassioned about the genocidal abortion industry. Can you tell me how YOUR uterus is regulated? Can you? Can you tell us how hard it is for you to get birth control? Can you honestly? I'll tell you how hard, take an aspirin and hold it tightly between your knees, how easy is that? Tell me, how hard is it to call PP and go ahead and kill the life that is within you, go ahead, tell us.

It's not a "term." Fetuses and embryos is what they are.

The thread is not about me. I suggest you stop trying to make it personal. Try and act like an adult, please.
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