Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

I personally would like Liberal Assholes to shut the fuck up about "Guns" and "Taxes" being too low and mind their own fucking business.
holy smokes

too bad some of your fingers weren't regulated then we wouldn't have to put up with this nonsense

still nothing but an ugly troll they had to resurrect a thread from 2013 like we wanted to hear about women's body parts
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The difference is

A baby is a human life while a gun can protect. Using a gun to kill is a choice...

When you kill a baby, you killed a baby

Thank you, Shannyn. I totally agree.
Over 33,000 deaths due to gun violence, 1/3 of which are murders in the last 3 year, 110 deaths due to terrorist attacks in the Us. Yet Americans are obsessed with stopping terrorist attacks. Something is wrong is here.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.
What you mean is we should allow your abuse and exploitation of women and children to move forward unabated. Too bad. Planned parenthood is going down. The brief glorious elevation of back alley butchers and the pedophiles and pimps who provide them with meat is over. Ppl recognize you disgusting wastes of humanity for the sick bastards you are. Climb back into the sewer where you belong.
Over 33,000 deaths due to gun violence, 1/3 of which are murders in the last 3 year, 110 deaths due to terrorist attacks in the Us. Yet Americans are obsessed with stopping terrorist attacks. Something is wrong is here.
Most of which are committed by criminal blacks. Why don't we outlaw black ppl?
Over 33,000 deaths due to gun violence, 1/3 of which are murders in the last 3 year, 110 deaths due to terrorist attacks in the Us. Yet Americans are obsessed with stopping terrorist attacks. Something is wrong is here.
Most of which are committed by criminal blacks. Why don't we outlaw black ppl?

Please provide "credible" statistics to support your claim.
Thank you, Shannyn! You're obviously a great, and sane, American patriot.

She's full of shit. Her uterus is not regulated. Doctors lead the way in saying that late term abortions are risky and shouldn't be done except in certain circumstances. Even when the woman's life is in danger, often times a C-section or induced labor is better than the risks of an abortion. In most cases, there is no need to kill the unborn baby.

Other than that, there are no regulations. Liberals bitch about doctors applying the same cautions to abortions that they do for any other surgery. They don't just go in blind and hope for the best, but the left cries that it's too invasive to do a thorough exam that includes an ultrasound. What the hell is wrong with you guys that you think abortions are no big deal and that no precautions should be used?

Guns are legal and have never been the root problem. It's people's mindsets. With too many young people given drugs for behavioral problems and the gang mentality that runs amok in cities, the left chooses to blame the means that some choose to carry out their violence. And the left is so naïve that they believe laws stop criminals.

Why does the government focus on guns when more people are murdered with knives? Maybe because no people ever fought against government with knives or arson? Only guns frighten those who dream of a dictatorship. All tyrants of the past disarmed their people before they were able to take power and oppressive the people. That is why our founders decided to protect the people of America by ensuring they had the right to bear arms.
Thank you, Shannyn! You're obviously a great, and sane, American patriot.

She's full of shit. Her uterus is not regulated. Doctors lead the way in saying that late term abortions are risky and shouldn't be done except in certain circumstances. Even when the woman's life is in danger, often times a C-section or induced labor is better than the risks of an abortion. In most cases, there is no need to kill the unborn baby.

Other than that, there are no regulations. Liberals bitch about doctors applying the same cautions to abortions that they do for any other surgery. They don't just go in blind and hope for the best, but the left cries that it's too invasive to do a thorough exam that includes an ultrasound. What the hell is wrong with you guys that you think abortions are no big deal and that no precautions should be used?

Guns are legal and have never been the root problem. It's people's mindsets. With too many young people given drugs for behavioral problems and the gang mentality that runs amok in cities, the left chooses to blame the means that some choose to carry out their violence. And the left is so naïve that they believe laws stop criminals.

Why does the government focus on guns when more people are murdered with knives? Maybe because no people ever fought against government with knives or arson? Only guns frighten those who dream of a dictatorship. All tyrants of the past disarmed their people before they were able to take power and oppressive the people. That is why our founders decided to protect the people of America by ensuring they had the right to bear arms.
Well there's one reason to do late term abortions....$$$$$$$$$
Well there's one reason to do late term abortions....$$$$$$$$$

I think that is the number one reason. Population control is just icing on the cake.

We give Planned Parenthood millions in tax payer money each year and yet they make their own cushy profit charging for abortions and their illegal body part selling.

Shouldn't women get paid by them to have an abortion since it's such a money maker?
If your responsible you don't need your uterus or your gun regulated.

Liberals have zero faith in people. They think the entire population is only as smart as the most ignorant liberal and we all need to be controlled.
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