Sharia Law


Jan 29, 2011
Do all muslims follow Sharia? Or just the radical ones?
Do all Christians follow the Bible? Or just the radical ones?

Just for funzies, I went browsing. Found this and although it is a long read, I find it quite telling about Sharia Law. So my question is, is there anything positive in it or is it all about dominance, beatings, sodomy, stoning, sex with animals, sex with children, man's supremacy according to their "law"? Anything good? Positive? Enlightening?

Here is the link I found. Lovely. Not. (I have no clue if the writer is a lefty, rightie, innie, outtie. Doesn't matter. This is not political. This is about power of one over another via supposedly religious beliefs).

American Thinker: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies
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Top read.
One of the worst/most disturbing aspects of Islam as I see it is that strict adherence to it extends beyond private conduct and includes the organisation of society.
Christian belief (for example), and I emphasise that I'm no expert, preaches the importance of decent and tolerant personal values.
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Collision pending, methinks.

No. No collision pending. There is no difference IN THIS COUNTRY between muslims following sharia law and jews following talmudic law. there are jewish courts, too. they are used to settle private disputes between members of the community WHO CONSENT TO PARTICIPATING in such method of dispute-resolution. they grant religious divorces, as well.

they do not have anything to do with disputes between members of the community and outsiders.

of course, fundie christians could keep trying to destroy the wall between church and state. THEN we'll have issues.
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The Ground Zero Mosque AKA Cordoba Institute AKA Pier 51 will house the developers of the Sharia Index Project. While the proponents argue that "it's only a mosque" or "it's a community center," the truth is that it will be a Sharia Law School.

Information about the Sharia Index Project has practically disappeared from the Cordoba website. But Big Peace has archived the original links here: Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah

It's creeping.
Collision pending, methinks.

No. No collision pending. There is no difference IN THIS COUNTRY between muslims following sharia law and jews following talmudic law. there are jewish courts, too. they are used to settle private disputes between members of the community WHO CONSENT TO PARTICIPATING in such method of dispute-resolution. they grant religious divorces, as well.

they do not have anything to do with disputes between members of the community and outsiders.

of course, fundie christians could keep trying to destroy the wall between church and state. THEN we'll have issues.

Hmmm...from the bit that I've read though, strict adherence to Islam is to live under Sharia Law while Christian faith is based on the Ten Commandments which are more fixed around personal codes of conduct.
Again, I'm no expert at all.
Collision pending, methinks.

No. No collision pending. There is no difference IN THIS COUNTRY between muslims following sharia law and jews following talmudic law. there are jewish courts, too. they are used to settle private disputes between members of the community WHO CONSENT TO PARTICIPATING in such method of dispute-resolution. they grant religious divorces, as well.

they do not have anything to do with disputes between members of the community and outsiders.

of course, fundie christians could keep trying to destroy the wall between church and state. THEN we'll have issues.

Hmmm...from the bit that I've read though, strict adherence to Islam is to live under Sharia Law while Christian faith is based on the Ten Commandments which are more fixed around personal codes of conduct.
Again, I'm no expert at all.

I was comparing muslim "courts" to jewish "courts", which are called beit din. and though the rules are very different between islam and judaism, ORTHODOX jews live in accordance with talmudic law, not just the ten commandments. so while the substance separates the two, i think there are paralells.

now, does that mean that they don't *want* sharia law to encroach. absolutely not. but christians want their beliefs to encroach as well. it is up to our courts to keep religion out of our system of law and government. they forget that when they fight against the separation of church and state.
The Ground Zero Mosque AKA Cordoba Institute AKA Pier 51 will house the developers of the Sharia Index Project. While the proponents argue that "it's only a mosque" or "it's a community center," the truth is that it will be a Sharia Law School.

Information about the Sharia Index Project has practically disappeared from the Cordoba website. But Big Peace has archived the original links here: Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah

It's creeping.

and that differs from what passes for a law school at bob jones university?
The Ground Zero Mosque AKA Cordoba Institute AKA Pier 51 will house the developers of the Sharia Index Project. While the proponents argue that "it's only a mosque" or "it's a community center," the truth is that it will be a Sharia Law School.

Information about the Sharia Index Project has practically disappeared from the Cordoba website. But Big Peace has archived the original links here: Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah

It's creeping.

and that differs from what passes for a law school at bob jones university?

One teaches the LEGALLY accepted ethics ,codes, articles and methods of OUR laws, the other will not.

Now name for us a single "Christian" trying to make any laws that are religious only in nature.
No. No collision pending. There is no difference IN THIS COUNTRY between muslims following sharia law and jews following talmudic law. there are jewish courts, too. they are used to settle private disputes between members of the community WHO CONSENT TO PARTICIPATING in such method of dispute-resolution. they grant religious divorces, as well.

they do not have anything to do with disputes between members of the community and outsiders.

of course, fundie christians could keep trying to destroy the wall between church and state. THEN we'll have issues.

Hmmm...from the bit that I've read though, strict adherence to Islam is to live under Sharia Law while Christian faith is based on the Ten Commandments which are more fixed around personal codes of conduct.
Again, I'm no expert at all.

I was comparing muslim "courts" to jewish "courts", which are called beit din. and though the rules are very different between islam and judaism, ORTHODOX jews live in accordance with talmudic law, not just the ten commandments. so while the substance separates the two, i think there are paralells.

now, does that mean that they don't *want* sharia law to encroach. absolutely not. but christians want their beliefs to encroach as well. it is up to our courts to keep religion out of our system of law and government. they forget that when they fight against the separation of church and state.

So does strict adherence to Judaism require being subjected to Jewish law, or is that a separate branch, or sect or whatever?
In other words, can you claim to be a devout Jew if you do not live under Jewish law?

As I read it, to be a devout Muslim requires living under Sharia law.

One can be a devout Christian and still live in the secular world although there are branches of Christian living in a society under a system of Christian law...Amish comes to mind.
Jillian - I am unfamiliar with the Bob Jones school, but if they are advocating for a dual legal system or debating the religious justification of concentration camps for "effeminate boys" in Malaysia, then they too should be denounced. Since when does an intelligent person like yourself rationalize bad behavior with bad behavior? There may not be any legal way to stop the GZ mosque, but I applaud those who have exposed their true intentions..
Any society basing it's foundations on religion is going to be seriously flawed and I don't care what religion it is.
Personally, I think there's a lot that we can take from Sharia Law and that we'd be much better off incorporating into American society. Not ALL of it, but a lot of it. Our system no longer works and hasn't for at least 100 years. It's time to either fix it or scrap it and start over from scratch.
Any society basing it's foundations on religion is going to be seriously flawed and I don't care what religion it is.

That's why it should be based on Morality and Values rather than Religion. Society without those two things is as empty as a relationship with a blow-up doll.
sex with animals


Whoever comes unto an animal, kill him and kill it with him. (Bukhari)

Whoever comes unto an animal, kill him and kill it with him. (Mishkat ul-Masabih)

Whoever you find unto an animal, kill him and kill the animal with him. (At-Tirmidhi)

...Cursed is he who goes in unto an animal. Cursed is he who does what the people of Lot did. (Ahmad)

Whoever goes in unto an animal, kill him and kill the animal. (Ibn Majaa)​

I assume you got this idea from the fake passage attributed to Khomeini? Right. It seems that some people are always willing to accept any ridiculous claim made about things they don't understand without attempting to verify anything for themselves. As for the website, the only claims that are mostly correct are 8, 7, 6, and 4. Suffice it to say that anyone who is willing to indict an entire religion based on a blog post is a very credulous person indeed.

Stay classy USMB; I've been wasting too much time here.
sex with animals


Whoever comes unto an animal, kill him and kill it with him. (Bukhari)

Whoever comes unto an animal, kill him and kill it with him. (Mishkat ul-Masabih)

Whoever you find unto an animal, kill him and kill the animal with him. (At-Tirmidhi)

...Cursed is he who goes in unto an animal. Cursed is he who does what the people of Lot did. (Ahmad)

Whoever goes in unto an animal, kill him and kill the animal. (Ibn Majaa)​

I assume you got this idea from the fake passage attributed to Khomeini? Right. It seems that some people are always willing to accept any ridiculous claim made about things they don't understand without attempting to verify anything for themselves. As for the website, the only claims that are mostly correct are 8, 7, 6, and 4. Suffice it to say that anyone who is willing to indict an entire religion based on a blog post is a very credulous person indeed.

Stay classy USMB; I've been wasting too much time here.

Collision pending, methinks.

No. No collision pending. There is no difference IN THIS COUNTRY between muslims following sharia law and jews following talmudic law. there are jewish courts, too. they are used to settle private disputes between members of the community WHO CONSENT TO PARTICIPATING in such method of dispute-resolution. they grant religious divorces, as well.

they do not have anything to do with disputes between members of the community and outsiders.

of course, fundie christians could keep trying to destroy the wall between church and state. THEN we'll have issues. see the Christian objection to supplanting our own laws with those of Islam as removing the wall between church and state?

Seems to me that those who support Sharia law in this country are the ones wanting to usher Islam into the state.
Personally, I think there's a lot that we can take from Sharia Law and that we'd be much better off incorporating into American society. Not ALL of it, but a lot of it. Our system no longer works and hasn't for at least 100 years. It's time to either fix it or scrap it and start over from scratch.

Ok..just for curiosity...which "parts" of sharia do you want to see incorporated into American society? Stoning women? Lashing rape victims? Beheadings if a woman is caught talking to someone not her husband or male family member? Fucking a child is ok as long as it's in the ass? Do tell.

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