Sharron Angle's Economic Plan

It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Hey dummy.... you have ANY proof of what you are claiming?

The gov't does'nt create jobs.... the privater sector does. If you tax that sector to death, how is that supposed to help grow the economy?

You get the economy moving by getting big government out of the way.

See my sigline as to Obama and the Golden Goose.

'Nuff said.
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Yep that is the hole we have dug for ourselves.
When about 30% of the population depends on the govt for income.....
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Hey dummy.... you have ANY proof of what you are claiming?

The gov't does'nt create jobs.... the privater sector does. If you tax that sector to death, how is that supposed to help grow the economy?

You get the economy moving by getting big government out of the way.

See my sigline as to Obama and the Golden Goose.

'Nuff said.

Government does create jobs but those are to bolster their power over the private sector. And yes to support such a behemouth? They have to suck more and more of the economy from the private sector until it is utterly destroyed.

Then we know where we'll be when that happens.
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Yep that is the hole we have dug for ourselves.
When about 30% of the population depends on the govt for income.....

And so for that 30%, the rest of us need to be drug down too....?

Trickle up poverty

Trickle-Up Poverty
In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Yep that is the hole we have dug for ourselves.
When about 30% of the population depends on the govt for income.....

And so for that 30%, the rest of us need to be drug down too....?

Trickle up poverty

Trickle-Up Poverty

Statism=Spreading Poverty and Misery Equally.
It worked for Harding and Coolidge, your fundamental ignorance notwithstanding.

Einstein said e=mc^2, yo how's dat supposed ta work?

In other words, you can't specify how it would work.

To significantly reduce the size of government and government spending - setting aside the merits of that -

you would have to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work. It's inevitable. Not just government employees per se, but private sector employees who work for companies that do significant amounts (or any amount for that matter) of business with the government.

Let's pretend they actually did that. They (as in the Angles of the world) actually did accomplish a massive reduction in government. Now all of those people as described above are ALSO out of work, on top of the current situation.

How does that get the economy moving? Because that is what Sharron Angle is claiming it would do.

Hey dummy.... you have ANY proof of what you are claiming?

The gov't does'nt create jobs.... the privater sector does. If you tax that sector to death, how is that supposed to help grow the economy?

You get the economy moving by getting big government out of the way.

See my sigline as to Obama and the Golden Goose.

'Nuff said.

The Sharron Angle plan doesn't raise taxes. It cuts government enough to eliminate the deficit AND pay down the debt.

That puts tens of thousands out of work. How can it NOT put tens of thousands out of work.


Sharron Angle is claiming that cutting government spending is an economic stimulus, that it will get the economy going.

I say that is false. I say that would do the opposite. I am not saying it is a good idea or a bad idea.

I am only saying that it is not a plan for creating jobs, it is a plan for eliminating and reducing jobs.
Where is this historical evidence of it working?

read a history book, study economics..... or just use your brain.

Wait.... that was assuming you had one to begin with.

Where does Sharron Angle get enough cuts in government spending to produce a surplus vs. our current and projected deficits,

without touching defense (which she actually wants to increase so there's even more added to the spending) or S.S., which she now claims she wants to protect, and without any increase in revenues?

Specifically, please.

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