SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

Slick Willey declaring his lily-white ass to be the 1st Black President don't make him black, and don't make him the 1st Black President. As mentioned, shit like this would piss me off as a minority / African American, not endear them.

More proof of how you just don't get blacks.
The far right fools can think they can diss blacks and browns and get their votes.

Right wing bumper sticker "VOTE FOR ME, YOU LAZY IDIOT"
All of that has some truth to it, easyt. Add dissing blacks and browns may just well add to the hurt. Which of these can win?

Rubio = mainstream

Trump = insurgents

Cruz = hard right conservatives and evangelicals
I wonder if Trump is having second thoughts for saying that Iowans are idiots for the rising poll numbers that they were giving to Carson?
My money is on Cruz/Rubio

Sorry it pisses you bullshit "progressive" 75 year old communist supporting clowns off... :)
You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...
You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...
And those types of comments are why blacks and browns don't vote GOP in any significant majorities.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
How many black and Hispanic Republican Congressmen are there? How many black and Hispanic Democratic Congressmen are there?

Get back to us with that, mm-kay?

Yes and look at the caliber of the black democrats in congress.

Sheila ( I stand here a free slave) Jackson Lee

Hank (Guam will tip over) Johnson

Maxine ( I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion) Waters

et al.
Moving the goalposts now, eh?
Right wing bumper sticker "VOTE FOR ME, YOU LAZY IDIOT"
So you are demonizing the entire GOP for something you CLAIM 1 person had on the back of their car?! 'Generalize' much!

Good lawd, THAT Democrat has a bumper sticker says 'Honk if you're horny!" That means all Liberals are sexual deviants!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them..."

Easy, I swear that the irony of your posts should go into a poster's hall of fame! Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
And those types of comments are why blacks and browns don't vote GOP in any significant majorities.

60% of GOP votes cast in Iowa went to an African American and a Latino. ...but that's not 'significant'.

100% of the Liberal vote went to the only candidates the DNC are offering to Americans - 2 old rich WHITE people.

You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...

I won't bother trying to explain how blacks can tell who has been working for them, and who has been working against them, but you keep saying they are insane. That has worked so well for you so far.
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

Ironic, the person who started this thread is an old, white, racist.
I woke up this morning to an eerie calm. Everything was silent. It was almost scary! I could not figure it out, and then it hit me. Trump supporters have all gone dumb! I mean, they have lost the ability to speak! Not even a Trump thread today! What can this mean?

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