SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...
And those types of comments are why blacks and browns don't vote GOP in any significant majorities.

Then why do you leftwingers always claim we have to offer them something?
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Don't get me wrong, Easy! If it were up to me, you would be in charge of GOP public relations!
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.

I'm not very impressed with the GOP either... but I'm even less impressed by the Socialists.. er, the Democrats... sorry.
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.

I'm not very impressed with the GOP either... but I'm even less impressed by the Socialists.. er, the Democrats... sorry.

I'll try not to lose any sleep over that.
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.

I'm not very impressed with the GOP either... but I'm even less impressed by the Socialists.. er, the Democrats... sorry.

I'll try not to lose any sleep over that.

Cheer up, Dawg. We have been promoted! We used to be communists, but now we are socialists!
I won't bother trying to explain how blacks can tell who has been working for them, and who has been working against them, but you keep saying they are insane. That has worked so well for you so far.
BD, Democrats kept blacks in chains working in the South. Slavery ended and blacks were freed - these same Democrats then created the KKK and began intimidating and murdering not only blacks but anyone who supported them.

When an intelligent racist Democratic party President saw that was no longer working - after the GOP pushed civil Rights through, this President came up with a plan to get African Americans to trade their newly-won power/rights/freedom for 'free shit'. LBJ is famous for declaring, "These UPPITTY Negroes have something now they have never had - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference.... I will have these NI@@ERS voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years." LBJ was talking about Food Stamps, Welfare, cheese, Obamaphones, Paying for them to have multiple children out of wedlock, etc...

On top of it Liberals have been preaching and indoctrinating African Americans into believing they are 'victims', that someone OWES them these 'freebies'. Dude, Liberals still talk about slaver like it was yesterday and there are some politicians in Congress still talking about REPARATIONS! Seriously?! There isn't anyone alive who used to be a slave. GEBERATIONS of free African Americans have been born, but many are still spewing the Liberal lines of 'slavery', 'victim', and 'people owe me'.

Lnbberals push the DEPENDENCE of Americans on the Govt. That dependence = power / votes. They do nothing to increase INDEPENDENCE. As pointed out earlier, Obama has not done ONE thing to actually help get blacks out of poverty, and today the unemployment rate for blacks is TWICE what it is for whites. If you can't get a BLACK Democratic party President to lift a finger to help improve the status of African Americans in this country you will NEVER get a WHITE Democrat to do so!

It's been over 50 years, minorities are still living under the 'economic slavery' LBJ created. Their status has NOT improved because of the use of the tactic. To further insure there is no progress Liberals wage a racial war against ALL Americans, just as Socialist Saul Alynski teaches / taught, to keep people so at each other's throats so they can't join together and work together for everyone's good!

AND NOW, when it is a FACT that only the GOP is offering a selection of racially diverse candidates Liberals are doing their best to draw focus away from that FACT and instead attack the GOP for being 'racist'.

Don't be a hater because you're embarrassed of your lily-white candidates and the DNC for not wanting to let a minority have a seat at the table. You pushed Obama and got him elected. I guess, based on no minorities allowed to run this time, that the DNC feels it has 'met it's quota'?!
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.

I'm not very impressed with the GOP either... but I'm even less impressed by the Socialists.. er, the Democrats... sorry.

I'll try not to lose any sleep over that.

Cheer up, Dawg. We have been promoted! We used to be communists, but now we are socialists!

You do realize one of your candidates is an actual socialist who claims Eugene V. Debs as a hero.... so, you do the math.

And those types of comments are why blacks and browns don't vote GOP in any significant majorities.

60% of GOP votes cast in Iowa went to an African American and a Latino. ...but that's not 'significant'.

100% of the Liberal vote went to the only candidates the DNC are offering to Americans - 2 old rich WHITE people.

The significance is that blacks and browns don't vote GOP in significant minorities.
Do you think that this post is going to win friends and influence people of color into joining republicans?
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.
IOW, you don't have squat.
V, I'm not your buddy, nor do I care to be. I really don't care what you think of me. I apologize if there is anything I did to lead you to believe otherwise. Have a nice day.

And it's not my job to influence people of color to vote for the GOP. The GOP consists of big boys and girls capable of taking care of their own business, and by being the only party to offer the American people anything other than old, lily-white, corrupt, elitist, millionaire career politicians I would say they are doing a good job on their own.

Unfortunately, Blacks and Latinos aren't as impressed with the GOP as you are.

I'm not very impressed with the GOP either... but I'm even less impressed by the Socialists.. er, the Democrats... sorry.

I'll try not to lose any sleep over that.

Cheer up, Dawg. We have been promoted! We used to be communists, but now we are socialists!

You do realize one of your candidates is an actual socialist who claims Eugene V. Debs as a hero.... so, you do the math.


I wear your medal with pride! It is better than being a commie! However, only Louisiana has the distinction of running David Duke, KKK Grand Wizard, Republican, for governor!
I won't bother trying to explain how blacks can tell who has been working for them, and who has been working against them, but you keep saying they are insane. That has worked so well for you so far.
BD, Democrats kept blacks in chains working in the South. Slavery ended and blacks were freed - these same Democrats then created the KKK and began intimidating and murdering not only blacks but anyone who supported them.

When an intelligent racist Democratic party President saw that was no longer working - after the GOP pushed civil Rights through, this President came up with a plan to get African Americans to trade their newly-won power/rights/freedom for 'free shit'. LBJ is famous for declaring, "These UPPITTY Negroes have something now they have never had - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference.... I will have these NI@@ERS voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years." LBJ was talking about Food Stamps, Welfare, cheese, Obamaphones, Paying for them to have multiple children out of wedlock, etc...

On top of it Liberals have been preaching and indoctrinating African Americans into believing they are 'victims', that someone OWES them these 'freebies'. Dude, Liberals still talk about slaver like it was yesterday and there are some politicians in Congress still talking about REPARATIONS! Seriously?! There isn't anyone alive who used to be a slave. GEBERATIONS of free African Americans have been born, but many are still spewing the Liberal lines of 'slavery', 'victim', and 'people owe me'.

Lnbberals push the DEPENDENCE of Americans on the Govt. That dependence = power / votes. They do nothing to increase INDEPENDENCE. As pointed out earlier, Obama has not done ONE thing to actually help get blacks out of poverty, and today the unemployment rate for blacks is TWICE what it is for whites. If you can't get a BLACK Democratic party President to lift a finger to help improve the status of African Americans in this country you will NEVER get a WHITE Democrat to do so!

It's been over 50 years, minorities are still living under the 'economic slavery' LBJ created. Their status has NOT improved because of the use of the tactic. To further insure there is no progress Liberals wage a racial war against ALL Americans, just as Socialist Saul Alynski teaches / taught, to keep people so at each other's throats so they can't join together and work together for everyone's good!

AND NOW, when it is a FACT that only the GOP is offering a selection of racially diverse candidates Liberals are doing their best to draw focus away from that FACT and instead attack the GOP for being 'racist'.

Don't be a hater because you're embarrassed of your lily-white candidates and the DNC for not wanting to let a minority have a seat at the table. You pushed Obama and got him elected. I guess, based on no minorities allowed to run this time, that the DNC feels it has 'met it's quota'?!

So much wrong with your post, till I could probably spend a couple of days explaining how that way of thinking will guarantee that minorities will never join you. I suggest you reread what you just wrote, and pay particular attention to the fact that more than half of what you think is important happened more than half a century ago, and is not relevant today. It;s insulting for you to think minorities aren't smart enough to know the difference. Next, you might want to recognize how you seem to think all it takes is a person of the right skin color to attract minorities. I don't care if you have a contest for the darkest skin color in the country to chose your candidate, If that person offers the same racist programs and attitude as you, minorities won't be fooled. So much more can be said to educate you, but I suspect you won't even be able to comprehend the little bit I just told you.
BD, what party is offering the more racially diverse selection of candidates in 2016:

African American


It's an easy question (NO pun intended) - you can do it! I have faith in you!
BD, what party is offering the more racially diverse selection of candidates in 2016:

African American


It's an easy question (NO pun intended) - you can do it! I have faith in you!

You refuse to address the fact that Hillary is a woman and Barbie is a Jew . Two minorities .

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