SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

However, only Louisiana has the distinction of running David Duke, KKK Grand Wizard, Republican, for governor!

I love how Liberals, to try to make their point, skip over stuff / lie...or maybe you're just ignorant and don't know any better.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY SENATOR David Duke began in the party that created the KKK - the Democrats. That's right, he was a Democrat before 1989.

His KKK-association and time as KKK Grand Wizard began in 1974, while a DEMOCRAT:
-- In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU. He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan's white robes with business suits.[96] Duke first received broad public attention during this time, as he endeavored to market himself in the mid-1970s as a new brand of Klansman

Duke did not 'come over to the NON-'dark side' until 1989...but nice (ignorant) attempt to paint Duke as a REPUBLICAN / KKK Grand Wizard. Sorry, that's all your and the DNC's claim to fame with Duke!
- David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tsk Tsk, ALSO, someone forgot about Robert Byrd: 'Byrd led the Democratic caucus as Senate Majority Leader from 1977 to 1981'...and he was ALSO an Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK.
- Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you are ashamed of the DNC past, but please stop trying to re-write history, and don't try to claim YOUR 'trash' belongs to the GOP. Be proud of who the Democrats were and ARE - Embrace the past, embrace the suck!

Easy, I am from New Orleans. David Duke ran as a republican because blacks in LA are totally democratic party.
He was part of the GOP in LA, not the KKK. The KKK infiltrated the LA GOP long ago.
Duke was an Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK during the time he was a professed Democrat. In the end, who cares. I was just addressing the stupid comment about Duke being the ONLY Ex-KKK Grand Wizard...which was WRONG. Either intentionally or from ignorance Robert Byrd was 'conveniently' left out.
I care, because telling the truth is the right way. For instance: Byrd repented of his ways. Duke did not.
However, only Louisiana has the distinction of running David Duke, KKK Grand Wizard, Republican, for governor!

I love how Liberals, to try to make their point, skip over stuff / lie...or maybe you're just ignorant and don't know any better.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY SENATOR David Duke began in the party that created the KKK - the Democrats. That's right, he was a Democrat before 1989.

His KKK-association and time as KKK Grand Wizard began in 1974, while a DEMOCRAT:
-- In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU. He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan's white robes with business suits.[96] Duke first received broad public attention during this time, as he endeavored to market himself in the mid-1970s as a new brand of Klansman

Duke did not 'come over to the NON-'dark side' until 1989...but nice (ignorant) attempt to paint Duke as a REPUBLICAN / KKK Grand Wizard. Sorry, that's all your and the DNC's claim to fame with Duke!
- David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tsk Tsk, ALSO, someone forgot about Robert Byrd: 'Byrd led the Democratic caucus as Senate Majority Leader from 1977 to 1981'...and he was ALSO an Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK.
- Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you are ashamed of the DNC past, but please stop trying to re-write history, and don't try to claim YOUR 'trash' belongs to the GOP. Be proud of who the Democrats were and ARE - Embrace the past, embrace the suck!

Easy, I am from New Orleans. David Duke ran as a republican because blacks in LA are totally democratic party.
Of course he did.
Women are in the majority of the population as you well know from the informatio provided.
Then maybe the DNC should offer them a candidate who LIKES women (not in the bill Clinton / Anthony Weiner kind of way), who will represent them, who will pay them as much as a man gets paid, and who has not been 'bought' by nations that oppresses, murders, and mutilates women?!

Maybe just one that tells the truth. I never worked at a place that paid women less for doing the same work.
didn't know Iowa was under attack from liberals, calling them racists.
'General', playing 'stupid' doesn't become you....
What I see are far more Righties playing victim, than lefties coming out and singling one state as racist

Correcting false and misleading rhetoric isn't playing victim. It's setting the record straight.
What if you don't even like the people who are calling you racist? Why would you care what the record is with them?
However, only Louisiana has the distinction of running David Duke, KKK Grand Wizard, Republican, for governor!

I love how Liberals, to try to make their point, skip over stuff / lie...or maybe you're just ignorant and don't know any better.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY SENATOR David Duke began in the party that created the KKK - the Democrats. That's right, he was a Democrat before 1989.

His KKK-association and time as KKK Grand Wizard began in 1974, while a DEMOCRAT:
-- In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU. He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan's white robes with business suits.[96] Duke first received broad public attention during this time, as he endeavored to market himself in the mid-1970s as a new brand of Klansman

Duke did not 'come over to the NON-'dark side' until 1989...but nice (ignorant) attempt to paint Duke as a REPUBLICAN / KKK Grand Wizard. Sorry, that's all your and the DNC's claim to fame with Duke!
- David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tsk Tsk, ALSO, someone forgot about Robert Byrd: 'Byrd led the Democratic caucus as Senate Majority Leader from 1977 to 1981'...and he was ALSO an Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK.
- Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you are ashamed of the DNC past, but please stop trying to re-write history, and don't try to claim YOUR 'trash' belongs to the GOP. Be proud of who the Democrats were and ARE - Embrace the past, embrace the suck!

Easy, I am from New Orleans. David Duke ran as a republican because blacks in LA are totally democratic party.
Of course he did.
I never said Duke DIDN'T ever run as a Republican. Look back at my post where I post his record and links showing he was, at some point or another, a Democrats and a Republican. He was even an Independent (or Libertarian?) in his career.

Know what that tells you? He was 'About David Duke' as a politician! He was a chameleon, taking on whatever skin he had to to stay in office.
This is André Carson. He's a Congressman, and a Muslim. One of TWO Muslims in Congress.

Guess which party both of them belong to.

Go ahead. Guess.

Here is a list of all the gays currently serving in Congress:

David Cicciline.

Sean Patrick Maloney.

Mark Pocan.

Jared Polis.

Krysten Sinema.

Mark Takano.

Guess which party they are ALL members of.
Guess which party has 24 Hispanics currently serving in the House of Representatives.

Guess which party has 8.

Go ahead. Guess.
Not one Jew on the Republican slate for President.

Guess which party has 18 Jewish members serving in the House.

Guess which party has 1.

Go ahead. Guess.
Some blacks owned slaves.

But most were owned by democrats.

Slave states= red states

When Slave states = blue: emancipation = red.

Blue means liberal. Slave owners were not liberals. Segregationists were not liberals.

Blue means democrat. DEMOCRATS were and ARE slave owners, liberal or not.

We have Democrats who own slaves today?
Guess which party has 11 Asian Pacific Islanders serving in the House.

Guess which party has 0.

Go ahead. Guess.
Here is a list of all the gays currently serving in Congress:

David Cicciline.

Sean Patrick Maloney.

Mark Pocan.

Jared Polis.

Krysten Sinema.

Mark Takano.

Guess which party they are ALL members of.
So you, as a Liberal have a problem with gays. Interesting...
Awe, isn't this cute. G is so threatened at the FACT that the GOP is offering the most diverse group of Presidential candidates that he feels he has to cite the color, sex, and sexual preference of everyone in the Democratic party!


Way to go, G!

Speaking of the inclusiveness of the Gnu Right:

Won't happen, though, because today's Christians are tolerant and peaceful, unlike how Islam has proven itself o be the opposite.

The OP writer is an anti-Muslim bigot, and actually thought we would drink the same piss he drank that the GOP is diverse and inclusive.


I mean, really. Just how STUPID do you have to be to buy that shit?

In order for the preposterous Big Lie to succeed that the GOP is "diverse and inclusive" and that the Dems aren't, the propagandists have to construct a very, very narrow frame for you rubes.

First, keep the frame to the year 2016. Even better, keep it to the last five minutes, if you can.

Second, narrow it down to just the Presidential candidates.

Then forget the Dem candidates are a Jew and a female, and make it about Hispanics and blacks. But again, ONLY look at the Presidential candidates, and then try to paint the ENTIRE Democratic party as not being diverse or inclusive.

You see what they did there?

It takes some very special mental gymnastics to buy into this hilarious hoax, but you rubes have become very adept at it.

Of course, it all catastrophically implodes when you look at the WHOLE picture. Everyone knows you modern day rubes in the Republican Party HATE minorities. Including the person who started the topic.

It is positively amazing the bigot who started this topic actually swallowed the piss he was fed by his propaganda outlet without his head exploding from cognitive dissonance.

I don't know how you maniacs do that. I really don't. I find myself looking on in wonder, and ask myself, "Is anyone else seeing this?!?"
Awe, isn't this cute. G is so threatened at the FACT that the GOP is offering the most diverse group of Presidential candidates that he feels he has to cite the color, sex, and sexual preference of everyone in the Democratic party!


Way to go, G!


Have you noticed who's president? He's been there 7 years.
This is André Carson. He's a Congressman, and a Muslim. One of TWO Muslims in Congress.

Guess which party both of them belong to.

Go ahead. Guess.

That ain't no 'merican flag on his labal.

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