SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

A guy who spends an inordinate amount of time on this forum attacking a religious minority starts a topic about how inclusive his party is.

No, really! I am NOT joking!


So, directly address his claim.

Explain why the "black man and two hispanics" did so well in Iowa if the GOP is supposedly so racist?
easy is just a bitch time suck.

90% of blacks and 70% of latinos will vote for Hillary, even if Cruz Rubio or Rainman will be the nominee, and most likely the guy who wants to ban the Muslims and have a imaginary wall built by MeHico will be the nominee.
A guy who spends an inordinate amount of time on this forum attacking a religious minority starts a topic about how inclusive his party is.

No, really! I am NOT joking!


So, directly address his claim.

Explain why the "black man and two hispanics" did so well in Iowa if the GOP is supposedly so racist?
Like I said, look at the WHOLE picture of the parties, since you are making claims about the whole party. You want to make it about just TWO demographics, and only about the Presidential candidates. This is a well-known fallacy called curve fitting, and it is entirely bogus.

I know you rubes are desperate to get everyone to look through a tiny five minute slit to make judgments about the entirely of both parties, but that is not logical. It is disingenuous bullshit which only works on rubes.

Why are you all so desperately avoiding the truth?

Guess which party has 2 Muslims serving in Congress. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 11 Asian Pacific Islanders serving in the House. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 6 gays serving in Congress. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 24 Hispanics currently serving in the House of Representatives. Guess which party has 8.

Guess which party has 18 Jewish members serving in the House. Guess which party has 1.
The "black guy" is an outsider . Quit pretending like he was groomed thru the GOP minor leagues .
The point of the OP is to make a point about the lack of racism in the Iowa gop voters.

I'm glad the OP brought the point up. It did not even occur to me.
Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Cherry picking

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.
The "black guy" is an outsider . Quit pretending like he was groomed thru the GOP minor leagues .
Trump is an outsider.
Carson is an Outsider.
Fiorina is an Outsider.
Cruz is an outsider (because he alienated himself from the Washington Establishment GOP)

Stop being so racist by SEEMING to insinuate the only way you can be an 'outsider' is to be 'black'.
The further you pull back, the worse the picture gets for the GOP, diversity-wise.

This is the truth which the parroting rubes fear to admit to themselves.

Why? Only a bigot would be afraid of the truth.

A realist accepts the facts. And then the discussion can move forward.

"GOP: Pasty white and non-inclusive. Good or bad thing?"
I will admit that we may be overstating the racial issue. I just reviewed about 15 crowd photos of Cruz at a Richmond, VA rally, and I did see two blacks in them....
Here's two photos from a South Carolina Republican rally.

South Carolina has one of the densest black populations in America. Notice how they found as many minorities as they could from the crowd for the PR photo. Not very many. There's one, maybe two black guys.:lol:


So have the righties in this thread pulled up their big boy pants, and gotten over their hurt feelings about being called racists yet?

I could read to find out, but....
Stop being so racist by SEEMING to insinuate the only way you can be an 'outsider' is to be 'black'.


YOU made this about blacks and Hispanics. See the OP. ;)
I made it about 'racial diversity', not 'blacks'. Nice try...


Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.
So have the righties in this thread pulled up their big boy pants, and gotten over their hurt feelings about being called racists yet?

I could read to find out, but....
Why would that happen? Just because some idiot calls you a 'racist' shouldn't bother you unless you are one. Since I am not one, and this thread actually proves the people of Iowa aren't, and the GOP is the one offering the largest choice of racial diversity in this election, there is no racism. Maybe the Liberals have to worry. After all, having seemingly met their 'quota' with Obama, they seem to feel they don't have to allow any candidates of color run for ANOTHER hundred years or so. :p
Got those numbers yet, easyt?

You should be done by now.

I did most of the work for you. After all, you're just a journalism major. You can't be expected to know how to dig up the unvarnished truth.
Stop being so racist by SEEMING to insinuate the only way you can be an 'outsider' is to be 'black'.


YOU made this about blacks and Hispanics. See the OP. ;)
I made it about 'racial diversity', not 'blacks'. Nice try...


Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.
You DO realize that the comment about 'two Hispanics and a black man' was a quote from the source and not me, right, genius?! :p
Poor Rafael. He felt he needed to Americanize himself and asks everyone to call him Ted. The whitest of names.
Stop being so racist by SEEMING to insinuate the only way you can be an 'outsider' is to be 'black'.


YOU made this about blacks and Hispanics. See the OP. ;)
I made it about 'racial diversity', not 'blacks'. Nice try...


Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.
You DO realize that the comment about 'two Hispanics and a black man' was a quote from the source and not me, right, genius?! :p
You parroted it. As you are wont to do.

YOU made it about blacks and Hispanics.

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