She Actually Acts Surprised When She Gets Hit In The Head...

Hey pussy boy, when you run and tell, mention that I'm just using information that you have already

saintmichaeldefendthemGold Member
Nov 1, 2014
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It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.
it absolutely wasn't. it was revenge. she didn't shoot the agents that took her kids while they were doing it. she didn't try to run off with the kids away from cps. she waited outside a state office building and gunned down an agent in cold blood. it's fucking sick and should never be cheered. i thought you respected life?A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
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And then killed some other government worker in revenge?

And left your kids without a father?

Great example there.
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We don't know enough about this case, in spite of my attempt to find other sources. What was the reason the girl was removed? Parents who know they fucked up with their children are rarely surprised or enraged when their children are taken from them. This woman felt such a sense of injustice that she gunned down a CPS worker. It makes me think this is one of many cases where a child who was not genuinely neglected or abused was removed from the home anyway.
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You're still spewing bovine excrement directly out of your pie hole. How many neglected and abused children have you removed from parents? You think that because they are really harming the child they are not going to be upset? That is just fucking stupid
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You're part of the problem this thread addresses. How many children have you removed because they were allowed to walk to the store alone or because they snuck a little booze from a visiting uncle? More than you'll admit here, that's for sure. I had one of you fucks show up at my door because sometimes we don't wear clothes in the house. I'm sure that I'm just like a lot of your victims now that CPS has expanded well beyond genuine cases of abuse or neglect where immediate intervention is required.
Irrelevant. Did I accuse anyone of child abuse? Just follow the rules is all I'm asking.
You want it to be irrelevant but it's not...
Just be informed...running to mods with dirty linen you have posted isn't really that smart.
You running around the house naked as a grown man and around children you have undressed, doesn't sound very flattering.
If I were you, I would let the matter drop...
Or what? You're the one violating the rules. FYI, the naturist lifestyle is not child abuse. FYI again, when you get banned, the mods won't care if you think there was an asterisk by the USMB rules. You keep doing it and I'll report you and then we'll see a "banned" status under your name.
And which rule would that be???...
  • No Attacks on family members.
  • No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia.
You should read the rules if you're going to participate here. And if you don't think they enforce this rule, keep making those accusations to me and I'll make sure it gets to the right people. I'm not fucking around. You need to knock that shit off.
Nobody attacked any family member of yours...if you say so, you are a liar..
Nobody accused you of pedophilia, I stated that I wanted to know what type of abuse that warranted CPS intervention.

So you can go lie if you want to, I don't have to resort to telling lies....
I'm done with you, if you can't take the hits then stop throwing fast balls at posters.
Irrelevant. Did I accuse anyone of child abuse? Just follow the rules is all I'm asking.
You want it to be irrelevant but it's not...
Just be informed...running to mods with dirty linen you have posted isn't really that smart.
You running around the house naked as a grown man and around children you have undressed, doesn't sound very flattering.
If I were you, I would let the matter drop...
Or what? You're the one violating the rules. FYI, the naturist lifestyle is not child abuse. FYI again, when you get banned, the mods won't care if you think there was an asterisk by the USMB rules. You keep doing it and I'll report you and then we'll see a "banned" status under your name.
And which rule would that be???...
  • No Attacks on family members.
  • No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia.
You should read the rules if you're going to participate here. And if you don't think they enforce this rule, keep making those accusations to me and I'll make sure it gets to the right people. I'm not fucking around. You need to knock that shit off.
Nobody attacked any family member of yours...if you say so, you are a liar..
Nobody accused you of pedophilia, I stated that I wanted to know what type of abuse that warranted CPS intervention.

So you can go lie if you want to, I don't have to resort to telling lies....
I'm done with you, if you can't take the hits then stop throwing fast balls at posters.
The mods have a very broad interpretation of those particular rules. I know because I've been warned though I didn't think I was breaking it.

I'm just asking that everyone follow the rules. No attacks on family, no accusations of child abuse. If that isn't fair to you, then it's best we ignore each other and go our separate ways.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Agreed. The judge might look at the video and be lenient, seeing that a mentally ill old woman was pushed beyond endurance by a screaming banshee. I wanted to slap that bitch too.

How is she mentally ill? I don't see that at all.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
Yes the woman broke the law. It was gross how she broke the law. Thats why she was handcuffed.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
Yes the woman broke the law. It was gross how she broke the law. Thats why she was handcuffed.

You feel free to hold firm to your simpleton opinion; I can't imagine I'd be talking you out of it by introducing matters such as nuance or otherwise appealing to a well adjusted ethos.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
Yes the woman broke the law. It was gross how she broke the law. Thats why she was handcuffed.

You feel free to hold firm to your simpleton opinion; I can't imagine I'd be talking you out of it by introducing matters such as nuance or otherwise appealing to a well adjusted ethos.
I cant imagine you having the intellect to talk me out of anything. The vast amount of ether in your head is filled with sporadic occurrences of static electricity attempting to cause your synapses to fire.
She got away with it because she was old.
She got away with it because she was old.
she's in handcuffs retard
It went over your head, just stand down....
he lied

or are you claiming the younger person didn't get more violent due to her age?
She kept badgering an old woman suffering mental illness until she snapped. She was mean, hostile, and probably frightened the elderly woman. Leftists today have ZERO respect for the elderly and this bitch said so right from the start, that she would not respect the woman for her age.
uhm, no

none of what you said is true, not one word.
Obviously the woman had no right to grab at the camera, but an idiot leftist like you can only be posting this to advance the leftist lie that America is teeming with racists.

Being a sane, rational person and not a whacked out racist leftist like you, I could easily see the woman was mentally ill and displaying erratic behavior that indicates this. She probably isn't a racist but you definitely are. You take one look at a person's skin color and your bigotry comes running out the gate.

You Leftists are evil. This woman deserves compassion. I hope you lose your mental faculties at a much younger age because that's what you deserve.
no, the older woman was being a bitch for whatever reason.

you don't have a medical degree and if you did, you would still not be able to truthfully come to that conclusion.
I don't have to have a medical degree to know when someone is not all there. It takes a medical degree to specify a diagnosis. Or are you so astronomically stupid you think only doctors can detect someone is mentally ill?

You Leftards are stupid beyond belief.
first off fuck nut, I'm not a leftist.

another wrong assumption.

and in less than 55 seconds you did not see that the woman was ill, that's a plain lie.
Obviously the woman had no right to grab at the camera, but an idiot leftist like you can only be posting this to advance the leftist lie that America is teeming with racists.

Being a sane, rational person and not a whacked out racist leftist like you, I could easily see the woman was mentally ill and displaying erratic behavior that indicates this. She probably isn't a racist but you definitely are. You take one look at a person's skin color and your bigotry comes running out the gate.

You Leftists are evil. This woman deserves compassion. I hope you lose your mental faculties at a much younger age because that's what you deserve.
no, the older woman was being a bitch for whatever reason.

you don't have a medical degree and if you did, you would still not be able to truthfully come to that conclusion.
I don't have to have a medical degree to know when someone is not all there. It takes a medical degree to specify a diagnosis. Or are you so astronomically stupid you think only doctors can detect someone is mentally ill?

You Leftards are stupid beyond belief.
first off fuck nut, I'm not a leftist.

another wrong assumption.

and in less than 55 seconds you did not see that the woman was ill, that's a plain lie.
1. I'll wait and see.

2. Yes I did. Maybe I'm just smarter than you.
She got away with it because she was old.
She got away with it because she was old.
she's in handcuffs retard
It went over your head, just stand down....
he lied

or are you claiming the younger person didn't get more violent due to her age?
She kept badgering an old woman suffering mental illness until she snapped. She was mean, hostile, and probably frightened the elderly woman. Leftists today have ZERO respect for the elderly and this bitch said so right from the start, that she would not respect the woman for her age.
uhm, no

none of what you said is true, not one word.
Every word is true, dumbass.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Agreed. The judge might look at the video and be lenient, seeing that a mentally ill old woman was pushed beyond endurance by a screaming banshee. I wanted to slap that bitch too.

How is she mentally ill? I don't see that at all.
Then watch it again. It was evident to me immediately. When she appears before a judge, her mental state and medications will likely keep her from serious punishment.
The disrespectful bitch recording the whole thing got exactly what she wanted. She screamed at the woman and wouldn't stop until she got the desired response on camera. Hopefully the judge will see this poor, elderly woman was goaded beyond endurance and let her completely off the hook.
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
you are part of South Miami was the racial deny that is to deny reality....
Secondly the lady did not press charges to be vindictive, she pressed charges because they women, much like yourself, believed her actions to be justified, couldn't be arrested and would do it again to some other person of color..
  • Police identified Dorrbecker as the 'primary aggressor' from the video

The term primary aggressor is being used in a strictly legal sense. It applies in terms of who committed the legal assault, which in this case is when the lady made the contact with the other lady's property (her camera). Thus, why the old lady was in handcuffs. Actually, she was in handcuffs and being taken away because the other person, who was truly instigating decided that she would press charges on such a petty happening. Police will err on the letter of the law when it comes to assault. However, many judges would view a greater context such as the other woman instigating this event and her utter contempt combined with needless use of force in terms of retribution as well as factors not presented in that video and deem this case frivolous. Frankly, the fact that the OP would make this OP shows that he espouses a perpetual victimhood. Rather than acknowledge that the "victim" (and I use the term for a laugh) acted immorally, he seeks to perpetuate bad behavior.
Another example of a skewed sense of privilege and intellectual bankruptcy....

The lady comes onto public property, verbally harasses a stranger, uses racial innuendo and then physically attacks her...
The posters position???...the victim acted harshly and used bad
Further...obviously the poster was negligent to have all the facts of the article before posting such an ignorant opinion...the Black Lady initially refused to press charges when asked by the police, however the perpetrator made such a fuss and scene as to how she would not be arrested and showing no remorse for her boorish behavior, the victim changed her mind, and rightly so.

There was no racial innuendo. There was a cultural assessment. I don't know the full story. But I know that the girl was being very disrespectful and basically pressing charges on a technicality rather than what the law was made for: to quell serious threats and/or rectify damages. It is you that spews a mindless racial spew. And as well, you're basically saying that the lady pressed charges to be vindictive, which is exactly what I am saying; a gross abuse of the law.
Yes the woman broke the law. It was gross how she broke the law. Thats why she was handcuffed.

You feel free to hold firm to your simpleton opinion; I can't imagine I'd be talking you out of it by introducing matters such as nuance or otherwise appealing to a well adjusted ethos.
Yeah it would be most interesting to see you trot into court and argue the "nuance" of approaching someone in a public space, follow them, racially harass them and then physically attack
Btw...the Black woman was very respectful up to the point where she discovered that she was not trespassing and the woman had no right to be in her face and refused to leave her alone when asked nicely.
The disrespectful bitch recording the whole thing got exactly what she wanted. She screamed at the woman and wouldn't stop until she got the desired response on camera. Hopefully the judge will see this poor, elderly woman was goaded beyond endurance and let her completely off the hook.
The Black woman was harassed and attacked, prior to that she was respectful...why are you telling lies???
The disrespectful bitch recording the whole thing got exactly what she wanted. She screamed at the woman and wouldn't stop until she got the desired response on camera. Hopefully the judge will see this poor, elderly woman was goaded beyond endurance and let her completely off the hook.
The Black woman was harassed and attacked, prior to that she was respectful...why are you telling lies???
She was followed
Obviously the woman had no right to grab at the camera, but an idiot leftist like you can only be posting this to advance the leftist lie that America is teeming with racists.

Being a sane, rational person and not a whacked out racist leftist like you, I could easily see the woman was mentally ill and displaying erratic behavior that indicates this. She probably isn't a racist but you definitely are. You take one look at a person's skin color and your bigotry comes running out the gate.

You Leftists are evil. This woman deserves compassion. I hope you lose your mental faculties at a much younger age because that's what you deserve.
If a sledgehammer hit you in the head and a pack of real Indians took turns beating you in the head with still couldn't post anything more stupid than what you just did.
Real Indians...opposed to what ... Fake Indians?

Tomahawks? Thought libs didn't use rasist stereotypes.

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