"She was asking for it"

Are women who dress provocatively "asking for it"

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
We had the mother of all threads on another forum, so I thought I'd ask the same question here. When women dress provocatively, are they "asking for it."

Well her possibly... The combination of dressing provacitvely, drinking and flirting with someone else while engaged in a relationship plus her bfs reaction leads me to believe she may be ommitting somethings, purposely or not

However, no I do not think any woman is asking to be raped... they could walk around naked, how does that ask to be raped?

Now, it may ask for me to stare at your cleavage or ass, maybe say something... those consequences I believe are fine, you don't want me to look at your boobs, don't wear a low cut shirt but going beyond that is never called for

I will say this girl comes off like an asshole though, if she unjustly went through an ordeal I'm sorry

But the fact she is admitting to flirting with someone she is not in a relationship with makes me believe something more may have happened...I don't know many women who when involved admit to flirting with someone else other than their bf. if she is blackout drunk, that doesn't necessarily equate rape because I have seen some girls get wild drunk. She needs to take control of her actions, once alcohol is involved the line becomes blurred
is this the bitch from that show with that fat people

Mike and Mandy or whatever it is called on CBS

she looks a lot like her
It most certainly was the issue.

No, that was not the "issue," that was the straw man you created.

You were the one that said rape is a "grey" area.

That is NOT what I said, you are quite dishonest.

I said that the interaction between men and women, the line between no and yes is often a grey area, I went on to demonstrate the point with dialogue.

In your world, if she says "no" a week or a month later, it's rape. If he doesn't send flowers it's rape.

I find you irrational and dangerous, hostile to civil rights and any concept justice.


Luck was the only factor. BECAUSE the story got headlines, the boys were set free - though they still must wear a scarlet letter for life.

IF this had been low profile, they would be in prison - period. The accusation is the conviction in virtually all cases - only media coverage altered it this time.

So what? That has no bearing on these cases. The allegation is a conviction. The subhuman male is guilty - not "presumed guilty," but irrefutably guilty unless the proof of innocence is so overwhelming that the press runs with it.

ONLY because their witch trials got press coverage.

Yes - they will forever be branded as rapists and wear the scarlet letter.

Bullshit.. The feminazis still want the Duke boys castrated.

Not for the false charge, for an unrelated murder.

No, I am stating the FACT that a man accused of "date rape" is guilty - regardless of proof of innocence. I saying that men have been stripped of all civil rights and that a date rape accusation is a conviction, the witch trial is a formality at best. Those accused WILL be lynched, regardless of evidence and fact.

It is almost impossible for a rape claim to be considered false. Making the claim is proof of the guilt of the accused. It is more than enough proof for most courts.

Women in Salem circa 1684 had far more chance of acquittal and more rights than does a college boy accused of date rape. His crime is his gender, and for that he will be lynched.

How long have you hated men? Do you think they should be punished just because they are men?

Come off it, don't play dumb;

{Half of all Rape Charges May Be False

Rape is a terrible crime. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But false rape charges are a troublesome reality. At least 10 percent and perhaps as many as 40 percent of all rape charges are lies. Research results In the Midwest:
· 41% of the total rape cases were recanted by the alleged victim during a 9-year study in a metropolitan Midwestern town.
·45 of the 109 complainants admitted that no rape had occurred in period.
The incidence figure (from 1978 to 1987) of false rape varied from year to year and ranged from a low of ·27% to a high of 70%

The alleged rape victims admitted that they had made the false rape charges for three reasons:
· to create an alibi,
· to get revenge,
· to get attention or sympathy.
Educated women lie, too....
· University women were as likely to file a false rape charge as a valid charge. Other reports from university police agencies support these findings (Jay, 1991). Source: Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University, www.anandaanswers.com/pages/naa

Why women make false rape charges

· Common reasons given by women who falsely accused rape were "spite or revenge," and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame. Source: (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).
· · False accusers were motivated by a need for an alibi or a desire for revenge in the study byEugene J. Kanin. Source: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994). Kanin was once well known and lauded by the feminist movement for his groundbreaking research on male sexual aggression.
· · The need for attention: as in the case of the Detroit woman who gave police details about her rapist and his truck, then admitted she had lied: it never happened. Source: Detroit Free Press, April 21, 2004 http://www.freep.com/news/locoak/hoax21e_20050421.htmCriminal D.A. Affirms False Rape Charges

A female defense attorney saw it happen

"Not too long ago, I represented an Ivy League honor student who'd spent a weekend at a beach party coupled with a woman to whom he was introduced by a mutual friend. According to the client - and about a dozen witnesses - the two seemed to really "hit it off." When the party ended on Sunday night, they said their good-byes, like everybody else, and maybe even promised half-heartedly to call each other. "Imagine my client's surprise when on Tuesday, he received an angry call from his paramour's estranged boyfriend - a boyfriend whose existence she failed to disclose when the pair were kissing beyond the crackle of a bonfire. "Of course, this was nothing compared to his total shock when, two weeks later, he received a warrant in the mail commanding his appearance in court on felony rape charges." --Defense Attorney Jonna Spilbor Source: FindLaw's Writ - Spilbor: What If Kobe Bryant Has Been Falsely Accused? }

Yeah, if they go to college, they are guilty of rape - all that is missing for them to go to prison is the charge.

I didn't bring your family into it - try again.

Good, they didn't fall into the 2% of college men who are guilty by being accused.


Have you no reading comprehension?

Of course, there is no grey area, no negotiation, no begging - he is fiend who belongs in prison.

His guilt is his crime.

Umm, she THOUGHT no, so prison for him.

The accusation is more than enough proof.

Already did.

Your misogyny and self-pity is noted.


Failure to declare that all men are rapists is misogyny, thus saith the feminazis...

At what age do you believe females should be returned to their rightful role as chattel?

As I figured, you see this as revenge for past wrongs.

You are an irrational wingnut. You can't even read words and comprehend their meaning. In your world, all men are victims and women are their tormentors. I don't need to deal with misogynistic assholes on a message board. Save your rantings for someone who actually gives a shit.
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You are an irrational wingnut.

You are a dangerous feminazi with deep-seated hatred that makes you hostile to fundamental liberty and the rights of the accused.

You can't even read words and comprehend their meaning.

In other words, I utterly crushed the dogma you spout and you have absolutely no rational retort.

In your world, all men are victims and women are their tormentors.

Most women are not like you. You represent a small and vindictive group who seeks to punish all males for some alleged wrong done to who knows who.

I my world, people have rights. The accused is innocent until irrefutable proof is offered of guilt.

I challenged you to provide even one documented case of Rohypnol drugging in a date rape; which you responded to with more of your hate filled dogma. We both know you can't - no more than those you emulate could document the women they hanged actually consorted with the devil.

You don't deal with fact and have no logic at all.

I don't need to deal with misogynistic assholes on a message board. Save your rantings for someone who actually gives a shit.

Men are guilty by their gender, facts have no bearing on it.

You're a piece of shit - seriously.
We're not talking about anybody specific. Who are you talking about??

I dont know why dont we try the picture you posted for starters...


And you don't know how I could get confused, since the picture shows someone who looks like Lindsay Lohan, and you think she looks like Melissa McCarthy? Really??

Tres bizarre.
It most certainly was the issue.

No, that was not the "issue," that was the straw man you created.

That is NOT what I said, you are quite dishonest.

I said that the interaction between men and women, the line between no and yes is often a grey area, I went on to demonstrate the point with dialogue.

In your world, if she says "no" a week or a month later, it's rape. If he doesn't send flowers it's rape.

I find you irrational and dangerous, hostile to civil rights and any concept justice.


Luck was the only factor. BECAUSE the story got headlines, the boys were set free - though they still must wear a scarlet letter for life.

IF this had been low profile, they would be in prison - period. The accusation is the conviction in virtually all cases - only media coverage altered it this time.

So what? That has no bearing on these cases. The allegation is a conviction. The subhuman male is guilty - not "presumed guilty," but irrefutably guilty unless the proof of innocence is so overwhelming that the press runs with it.

ONLY because their witch trials got press coverage.

Yes - they will forever be branded as rapists and wear the scarlet letter.

Bullshit.. The feminazis still want the Duke boys castrated.

Not for the false charge, for an unrelated murder.

No, I am stating the FACT that a man accused of "date rape" is guilty - regardless of proof of innocence. I saying that men have been stripped of all civil rights and that a date rape accusation is a conviction, the witch trial is a formality at best. Those accused WILL be lynched, regardless of evidence and fact.

It is almost impossible for a rape claim to be considered false. Making the claim is proof of the guilt of the accused. It is more than enough proof for most courts.

Women in Salem circa 1684 had far more chance of acquittal and more rights than does a college boy accused of date rape. His crime is his gender, and for that he will be lynched.

How long have you hated men? Do you think they should be punished just because they are men?

Come off it, don't play dumb;

{Half of all Rape Charges May Be False

Rape is a terrible crime. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But false rape charges are a troublesome reality. At least 10 percent and perhaps as many as 40 percent of all rape charges are lies. Research results In the Midwest:
· 41% of the total rape cases were recanted by the alleged victim during a 9-year study in a metropolitan Midwestern town.
·45 of the 109 complainants admitted that no rape had occurred in period.
The incidence figure (from 1978 to 1987) of false rape varied from year to year and ranged from a low of ·27% to a high of 70%

The alleged rape victims admitted that they had made the false rape charges for three reasons:
· to create an alibi,
· to get revenge,
· to get attention or sympathy.
Educated women lie, too....
· University women were as likely to file a false rape charge as a valid charge. Other reports from university police agencies support these findings (Jay, 1991). Source: Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University, www.anandaanswers.com/pages/naa

Why women make false rape charges

· Common reasons given by women who falsely accused rape were "spite or revenge," and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame. Source: (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).
· · False accusers were motivated by a need for an alibi or a desire for revenge in the study byEugene J. Kanin. Source: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994). Kanin was once well known and lauded by the feminist movement for his groundbreaking research on male sexual aggression.
· · The need for attention: as in the case of the Detroit woman who gave police details about her rapist and his truck, then admitted she had lied: it never happened. Source: Detroit Free Press, April 21, 2004 http://www.freep.com/news/locoak/hoax21e_20050421.htmCriminal D.A. Affirms False Rape Charges

A female defense attorney saw it happen

"Not too long ago, I represented an Ivy League honor student who'd spent a weekend at a beach party coupled with a woman to whom he was introduced by a mutual friend. According to the client - and about a dozen witnesses - the two seemed to really "hit it off." When the party ended on Sunday night, they said their good-byes, like everybody else, and maybe even promised half-heartedly to call each other. "Imagine my client's surprise when on Tuesday, he received an angry call from his paramour's estranged boyfriend - a boyfriend whose existence she failed to disclose when the pair were kissing beyond the crackle of a bonfire. "Of course, this was nothing compared to his total shock when, two weeks later, he received a warrant in the mail commanding his appearance in court on felony rape charges." --Defense Attorney Jonna Spilbor Source: FindLaw's Writ - Spilbor: What If Kobe Bryant Has Been Falsely Accused? }

Yeah, if they go to college, they are guilty of rape - all that is missing for them to go to prison is the charge.

I didn't bring your family into it - try again.

Good, they didn't fall into the 2% of college men who are guilty by being accused.


Have you no reading comprehension?

Of course, there is no grey area, no negotiation, no begging - he is fiend who belongs in prison.

His guilt is his crime.

Umm, she THOUGHT no, so prison for him.

The accusation is more than enough proof.

Already did.


Failure to declare that all men are rapists is misogyny, thus saith the feminazis...

At what age do you believe females should be returned to their rightful role as chattel?

As I figured, you see this as revenge for past wrongs.

You are an irrational wingnut. You can't even read words and comprehend their meaning. In your world, all men are victims and women are their tormentors. I don't need to deal with misogynistic assholes on a message board. Save your rantings for someone who actually gives a shit.

I'm a little lost he is a misogynist because he sees cause for concern in how falsely accused rape/ domestic abuse cases completely ruin the mans life?

Honestly, you come off like you hate men. If you can't cede that, which I don't know why you wouldn't you really have something wrong for you and I feel bad for whatever man enters a relationship with you because people like you are the kind who would use this as revenge or because you are upset when things don't work out. I can't give the reason, I can't provide insight into the mind of a mad woman but maybe you could.
You are an irrational wingnut.

You are a dangerous feminazi with deep-seated hatred that makes you hostile to fundamental liberty and the rights of the accused.

You can't even read words and comprehend their meaning.

In other words, I utterly crushed the dogma you spout and you have absolutely no rational retort.

In your world, all men are victims and women are their tormentors.

Most women are not like you. You represent a small and vindictive group who seeks to punish all males for some alleged wrong done to who knows who.

I my world, people have rights. The accused is innocent until irrefutable proof is offered of guilt.

I challenged you to provide even one documented case of Rohypnol drugging in a date rape; which you responded to with more of your hate filled dogma. We both know you can't - no more than those you emulate could document the women they hanged actually consorted with the devil.

You don't deal with fact and have no logic at all.

I don't need to deal with misogynistic assholes on a message board. Save your rantings for someone who actually gives a shit.

Men are guilty by their gender, facts have no bearing on it.

You're a piece of shit - seriously.

That long dive AFTER paranoia? Yeah. You took it.
I remember when I was younger, my girlfriends and I would refer to some of our more provacative garb as "CFM." That's "come fuck me," folks.

We had our spike heeled "come fuck me" shoes, our CFM halter tops, our CFM skin tight jeans.

Yeah, we were just kidding around...kind of. But the message we were striving to send is...we are hot, hot, hot...we are so fuckable!

So, when we dressed up like that with that kind of mindset, did we want to get raped? No. But, in a way I can see why we were "asking for it." Dressing up in our "come fuck me" outfits and then going out and drinking and flirting with men.

If someone had raped us, would that be an excuse, would that make it okay? No.

After partying at the club if we had gone to some guy's house and made out enthusiastically with them on their bed, and they had wanted to consummate the act, and we changed our mind and they went ahead anyway...did we ask for it? Yes. Absolutely.

Just saying. It's about personal responsibility.

I'm tired of women and all their whining about domestic violence and rape and sexual abuse. Been there, done that and the only one who could save me...was me.

Actually, the domestic violence really made me tough, and I'm grateful for that. I'd hate to be the guy who tries to attack me.
You're an honest woman, Koosh, and you're gonna go to Heaven!
And anybody who disagrees with you is going to hell? Interesting logic skills you're practicing. Or, you know - not.
Don't despair. There is time to repent.

I have a question on the topic of deserving to be raped:

The male counterpart of the female "cock-teaser" is the good-looking guy who specializes in seducing girls by telling them he loves them and beguiling them in every way, then he deflowers them, tells all his friends about it and laughs at the girls if they protest.

Suppose you or someone close to you is victimized by one of those fellows and you later learn he was jumped by three homosexual rapists who screwed him in his ass. Would you think he deserved it? Would you feel sorry for him?

Remember now, you can repent and go to Heaven for telling the truth. So relate your true feelings -- not some obscure feminist principle you've adopted.
I am a compassionate woman who has been raped. It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.

I answered you as though I thought you were serious. I know you're not.
I am a compassionate woman who has been raped. It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.

I answered you as though I thought you were serious. I know you're not.

I've never agreed with you about anything, but on this I will agree;

It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.
Just play it safely. If you're not absolutely sure that a woman wants to have sex with you, don't do it. A woman who has done 12 shots of Cuervo isn't capable of making a rational decision. Save yourself a lot of aggravation and just don't do it. Not to mention having to wash the puke out of your sheets the next morning.

Yes, she may be 25, expressed interest prior to her near-lethal intoxication, but you're playing with fire if you do anything with her at that point.

And really....do you still want her after she's been hanging out the window hooting and hollering and acting like a goob? (I've done this, so I know...well....not in the last 12 years.)

Wait until she's sobered up, and you'll both enjoy it much more.
Well....here's a good test. You're partying with a woman,and she suggests going somewhere private. You suspect that she's had at least 6 Long Island Iced Teas (she's knee-walking by now I can assure you) and she's pulling you toward your car. You're going to look like a complete nerd, but ask her: "AJ, can you tell me what today's date is?" If her response is something like: "Oh, who cares?!? Let's go PARTY!" I promise you; nothing good is going to come out of this night.

Probably at the worst, your car is going to smell like the 15 ounces of liquor she's consumed in the last 2 hours, after she projectile vomits all over your dash. Grab yourself a trashbag and take her home. Leave it alone.

My point in saying all of this, is that an intoxicated person usually isn't oriented....and therefore unable to give consent. You may not be an inherently bad guy, but you might be exercising poor judgement.
And all a woman is guilty of at this point is making stupid decisions. The instant that someone decides to have sex with her after she's passed out....a crime has been committed.

This is crystal clear to me, and most others. I'm not sure why some struggle with this.
I am a compassionate woman who has been raped. It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.

I once was fascinated by a litter born to a cat who had never been outside her city apartment but whose kittens manifested efficient stalking behavior soon after weaning. Later I learned about primal memories which are aspects of certain essential survival and procreative actions and responses useful to a more primitive time but which remain permanently imprinted in the DNA. In fact there are behavioral anthropologists who believe the popularity of the movie, Jaws, which reflects our natural fear and hatred of sharks, is rooted in a vague primal memory from the time we lived in the sea.

What does all that have to do with this topic? Going back to the time of Homo Erectus, when human communication was limited to grunts and gestures, I think we can safely assume that when the procreative impulse came upon a human male he didn't set about to satisfy it by asking a cave-girl for a date and hoping for some action. Instead he followed what then was a perfectly natural urge and which today is known as forcible rape.

At some point in time, probably around the Neanderthal era, the human brain had evolved beyond the lesser animal stages and more civilized behaviors replaced our former habits. But certain primal memories have followed us through the ages and some behaviorists believe the fear, distrust and resentment of men (androphobia) which underlies the essential feminist attitude derives from a vague primal memory.

Today's feminist resents any man who does not manifest a feminine aspect. Today's radical feminist resents any man whose behavior in any way conforms with the dominant nature of the sexually oppressive male in her primal memory. Basically her resentment of men is rooted in the natural fact that men can rape women but women cannot rape men. She seeks to deny the fact that an act which today she regards as horrible, detestable and absolutely unforgiveable was once a perfectly natural, expedient and ordinary means of propagating the species.
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I am a compassionate woman who has been raped. It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.

There was a time when I was fascinated by kittens born to a cat who had never been outside her city apartment but who manifested efficient stalking behavior soon after weaning. Then I learned about primal memories which are aspects of certain essential survival and procreative actions and responses useful to a more primitive time which remain permanently imprinted in the DNA. In fact there are behavioral anthropologists who believe the popularity of the movie, Jaws, which reflects our natural fear and hatred of sharks, is rooted in a primal memory from the time we lived in the sea.

What's the point of all that? Going back to the time of Homo Erectus, when human communication was limited to grunts and gestures, I think we can safely assume that when the procreative impulse came upon a human male he didn't set about to satisfy it by asking a cave-girl for a date and hoping for some action. Instead he followed what was a perfectly natural urge, which today is known as forcible rape.

At some point in time, probably around the Neanderthal era, the human brain had evolved beyond the lesser animal stages and more civilized behaviors replaced our former habits. But certain primal memories have followed us through the ages and some behaviorists believe the fear, distrust and resentment of men (androphobia) which underlies the essential feminist attitude derives from a vague primal memory.

Today's feminist resents any man who does not manifest a feminine aspect. Today's radical feminist resents any man who in any way conforms to the creature in her primal memory. Her resentment of men is rooted in the fact that men can rape women but women cannot rape men. She seeks to deny the fact that an act which today she regards as horrible, detestable and absolutely unforgiveable was once a perfectly natural and ordinary means of propagating the species.

You are a sick little man, Mr. Mike. I'm going to have to put you on ignore.
I am a compassionate woman who has been raped. It's never deserved. It's never okay. It's never a good punishment.

There was a time when I was fascinated by kittens born to a cat who had never been outside her city apartment but who manifested efficient stalking behavior soon after weaning. Then I learned about primal memories which are aspects of certain essential survival and procreative actions and responses useful to a more primitive time which remain permanently imprinted in the DNA. In fact there are behavioral anthropologists who believe the popularity of the movie, Jaws, which reflects our natural fear and hatred of sharks, is rooted in a primal memory from the time we lived in the sea.

What's the point of all that? Going back to the time of Homo Erectus, when human communication was limited to grunts and gestures, I think we can safely assume that when the procreative impulse came upon a human male he didn't set about to satisfy it by asking a cave-girl for a date and hoping for some action. Instead he followed what was a perfectly natural urge, which today is known as forcible rape.

At some point in time, probably around the Neanderthal era, the human brain had evolved beyond the lesser animal stages and more civilized behaviors replaced our former habits. But certain primal memories have followed us through the ages and some behaviorists believe the fear, distrust and resentment of men (androphobia) which underlies the essential feminist attitude derives from a vague primal memory.

Today's feminist resents any man who does not manifest a feminine aspect. Today's radical feminist resents any man who in any way conforms to the creature in her primal memory. Her resentment of men is rooted in the fact that men can rape women but women cannot rape men. She seeks to deny the fact that an act which today she regards as horrible, detestable and absolutely unforgiveable was once a perfectly natural and ordinary means of propagating the species.

You are a sick little man, Mr. Mike. I'm going to have to put you on ignore.
Rudeness is the weakling's imitation of strength.

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