"She was asking for it"

Are women who dress provocatively "asking for it"

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
You're an idiot and an ass. Take off the damn blinders.
Most date rapes occur in colleges and universities and are planned.
Here read, if you know how.

[url=http://www.jstor.org/pss/189830]JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie[/URL]

Date rape 'most unreported' crime on college campus

4collegewomen.org - Date Rape

Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses

Yeah, yeah - every subhuman male out there has a store house of Ruppies just ripe for dropping in the drinks of women.

{From time to time the feminazi hate machine pushes a "date rape drug" campaign to blame and accuse men. Females claim that they have been drugged by Rohypnol or other drugs, became unconscious, and were raped. Blue gun thugs have used these fabricated lies to capture and destroy men. College women are "educated" to distrust the men they go out with, to watch their drinks so that it can't be tampered with. Fear and hate of men is the message.}

{Women who claim to be victims of 'date-rape' drugs such as Rohypnol have in fact been rendered helpless by binge-drinking, says a study by doctors.

They found no evidence that any woman seeking help from emergency doctors because their drinks were allegedly spiked had actually been given these drugs.

Around one in five tested positive for recreational drugs while two-thirds had been drinking heavily.

The findings further erode the theory that there is widespread use of Rohypnol and GHB, another drug said to be favoured by predatory rapists.

Last month a personal safety campaigner claimed that Rohypnol had never been used to assist a sexual assault in the UK. Doctors carrying out the latest study at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital said it was far more likely women were claiming their drinks had been spiked as an "excuse" for binge-drinking. }

Drug rape myth exposed as study reveals binge drinking is to blame | News

Hey, just because it's fraud doesn't mean that men shouldn't be lynched - they ARE guilty of gender crime and MUST be hated.
I have been with a few women who behaved the same way, but I never thought they would deserve to be raped, its a red flag that you think this girl deserves to be raped because she was a "cock tease".:doubt:
"Red flag?" Meaning what?

Remember that old punch line, "We've already established what you are, now we're just haggling over the price"?

Red flag - it's established that you condone rape, in certain cases.
You should look up the stats for the Air Force Academy, that place is setting records for date rape.

Say, can you provided documented cases of Rohypnol and GHB surreptitiously used?

From the study I've done, the number of cases that show blood presence of these drugs after the report of them being slipped to women is a net of zero.

Don't get me wrong, male gender is a crime, so the fact that date rape drug use appears to be a complete fabrication doesn't mean that college boys shouldn't be thrown in prison and branded with a scarlet letter, they are male, their gender is their crime. Still, it does appear that the whole "date rape drug" thing is an urban legend, perpetrated by law enforcement and colleges, with no actually support in fact.
You should look up the stats for the Air Force Academy, that place is setting records for date rape.

Say, can you provided documented cases of Rohypnol and GHB surreptitiously used?

From the study I've done, the number of cases that show blood presence of these drugs after the report of them being slipped to women is a net of zero.

Don't get me wrong, male gender is a crime, so the fact that date rape drug use appears to be a complete fabrication doesn't mean that college boys shouldn't be thrown in prison and branded with a scarlet letter, they are male, their gender is their crime. Still, it does appear that the whole "date rape drug" thing is an urban legend, perpetrated by law enforcement and colleges, with no actually support in fact.

All I know is what they briefed us in the Air Force, they had a zero tolerance policy towards this no matter what substance is used.
All I know is what they briefed us in the Air Force, they had a zero tolerance policy towards this no matter what substance is used.

Yep, you were briefed. Men are to be feared and hated.

Actual, documented cases though?

Well, not so much.....

I do know a guy who was accused of date rape in the service though, his life became a living hell, he had to hire a lawyer and everything, he ended up leaving the Military completely because nobody would trust him anymore, even when he was cleared.
I remember when I was younger, my girlfriends and I would refer to some of our more provacative garb as "CFM." That's "come fuck me," folks.

We had our spike heeled "come fuck me" shoes, our CFM halter tops, our CFM skin tight jeans.

Yeah, we were just kidding around...kind of. But the message we were striving to send is...we are hot, hot, hot...we are so fuckable!

So, when we dressed up like that with that kind of mindset, did we want to get raped? No. But, in a way I can see why we were "asking for it." Dressing up in our "come fuck me" outfits and then going out and drinking and flirting with men.

If someone had raped us, would that be an excuse, would that make it okay? No.

After partying at the club if we had gone to some guy's house and made out enthusiastically with them on their bed, and they had wanted to consummate the act, and we changed our mind and they went ahead anyway...did we ask for it? Yes. Absolutely.

Just saying. It's about personal responsibility.

I'm tired of women and all their whining about domestic violence and rape and sexual abuse. Been there, done that and the only one who could save me...was me.

Actually, the domestic violence really made me tough, and I'm grateful for that. I'd hate to be the guy who tries to attack me.
Last edited:
I remember when I was younger, my girlfriends and I would refer to some of our more provacative garb as "CFM." That's "come fuck me," folks.

We had our spike heeled "come fuck me" shoes, our CFM halter tops, our CFM skin tight jeans.

Yeah, we were just kidding around...kind of. But the message we were striving to send is...we are hot, hot, hot...we are so fuckable!

So, when we dressed up like that with that kind of mindset, did we want to get raped? No. But, in a way I can see why we were "asking for it." Dressing up in our "come fuck me" outfits and then going out and drinking and flirting with men.

If someone had raped us, would that be an excuse, would that make it okay? No.

After partying at the club if we had gone to some guy's house and made out enthusiastically with them on their bed, and they had wanted to consummate the act, and we changed our mind and they went ahead anyway...did we ask for it? Yes. Absolutely.

Just saying. It's about personal responsibility.

I'm tired of women and all their whining about domestic violence and rape and sexual abuse. Been there, done that and the only one who could save me...was me.

Actually, the domestic violence really made me tough, and I'm grateful for that. I'd hate to be the guy who tries to attack me.

I would say you deserve a good fucking, but not to be raped.
An explicit "no" means there is no consent given. To force sexual intercourse after a woman has said no is rape.

Agreed, that NEVER was the issue.

It most certainly was the issue. You were the one that said rape is a "grey" area. It's not grey at all. If she said no, it's rape. If she didn't say no, and later claims rape, she should be arrested for filing a false police report.

Simple. As for the rest of your poor-abused-men whinefest, young men are not branded for life for screwing a drunk cheerleader unless the drunk cheerleader was screaming "NO" at the top of her lungs and fighting tooth and nail.

Yes they are, every single day.

Remember the Duke Lacrosse charges?

How about this one?

{BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — Three lacrosse players for a Catholic university in New England have been charged with conspiring to sexually assault a female student in a dorm room.}

SHU Lacrosse Rape? Three Sacred Heart Players Charged With Sexual Assault

These boys were lucky, they were high enough profile that they got sprung before the lynching was complete. Most men aren't that lucky, they get lynched and the facts are never considered.

Luck had nothing to do with it. The victim's story was inconsistent and upon investigation, proved to be false. Are those men in prison? No. Have their lives been ruined because people believe them to be sex offenders? No, they have public sympathy because they were victims. Was the woman who falsely accused them arrested and charged? Yes, yes she was.

You are acting as if the vast majority of women who claim they were raped are lying, when in fact rape is an under-reported crime, and a very small minority of rape claims are found to be false.

And if she is slurring "iiii luvzzz yuuuu toooz babby" then let's lynch him. He is guilty by merit of his gender. No, we hear about him being put in prison and then into a "sexual predator database" for the rest of his life, published on the internet, to keep him from having a home or decent job, ever.

Aww, poor little abused men. Please list for me the cases involving a drunk woman who agreed to sex, then cried rape afterward which resulted in the man being lynched. After all, according to you it happens every damned day. Prove it, or STFU.

You don't have a son that you care about, obviously...

I have three sons, asshole, and I care about them all. Isn't there some kind of rule here about bringing a person's family in as a means of attack?

But if you do, better tell him that if his girlfriend gets mad at him, he'll have less rights than a mass murderer. His gender is his crime, his guilt is being male. There is no defense, he has zero rights.

I told them "no means no"... and guess what? None of them ever was accused of rape.

Really? Good to know that no teen girl or young woman ever was capricious or vindictive...

{Come on baby, I really love you.

I don't know, I don't think we should.

If you love me you will

We should wait

Come on baby, I have needs

We can fool around but if I say stop

I'll respect you


Did she say stop and he didn't? Rape. If she didn't say stop, not rape. Simple. If it wasn't rape and she accuses him anyway, she should be arrested and charged, but the reality is that a huge percentage of rape accusations never reach the arrest stage because it's "he said, she said" and there is rarely enough evidence. The majority of these situations go nowhere, even if a legitimate rape took place. You dispute that? Prove it.

It's about as grey as anything gets. We live in a society where men are treated as subhuman, with no rights, but it IS grey. Conversations like the one above go one every day. In your world, he goes to prison as a rapist and is tagged with a scarlet letter for life.

Your misogyny and self-pity is noted.

At what age do you believe that castration should be compulsory?

At what age do you believe females should be returned to their rightful role as chattel?
I have been with a few women who behaved the same way, but I never thought they would deserve to be raped, its a red flag that you think this girl deserves to be raped because she was a "cock tease".:doubt:
"Red flag?" Meaning what?

That means that its not a good sign that you think anyone deserves to be raped.
It was established early in this discussion that rape is generally unacceptable yet you have exhibited what might be called a chauvinistically repetitious insistence that no one deserves to be raped. How do you account for that? Has something in your background inspired that position?

I've already explained my position on the matter and I don't believe there is anything insidious about it. I am as opposed to the act of forcible rape as any moral and reasoning individual should be. But there are exceptions to every rule and I believe the simple fact of the matter is some women do "ask for it."

Some time ago I watched a tv documentary about child prostitution in Thailand. One segment told of a rather attractive middle-age Thai woman who specialized in buying girls as young as two from their impoverished parents and renting them out to pedophile tourists for $50 - $100 an hour. Would you say that woman does not deserve to be raped?
"Red flag?" Meaning what?

That means that its not a good sign that you think anyone deserves to be raped.
It was established early in this discussion that rape is generally unacceptable yet you have exhibited what might be called a chauvinistically repetitious insistence that no one deserves to be raped. How do you account for that? Has something in your background inspired that position?

I've already explained my position on the matter and I don't believe there is anything insidious about it. I am as opposed to the act of forcible rape as any moral and reasoning individual should be. But there are exceptions to every rule and I believe the simple fact of the matter is some women do "ask for it."

Some time ago I watched a tv documentary about child prostitution in Thailand. One segment told of a rather attractive middle-age Thai woman who specialized in buying girls as young as two from their impoverished parents and renting them out to pedophile tourists for $50 - $100 an hour. Would you say that woman does not deserve to be raped?

Have you gone quite mad?
I do know a guy who was accused of date rape in the service though, his life became a living hell, he had to hire a lawyer and everything, he ended up leaving the Military completely because nobody would trust him anymore, even when he was cleared.

And this is my whole point. The accused isn't just guilty until proven innocent, most of the time they are guilty despite being proven innocent.
That means that its not a good sign that you think anyone deserves to be raped.
It was established early in this discussion that rape is generally unacceptable yet you have exhibited what might be called a chauvinistically repetitious insistence that no one deserves to be raped. How do you account for that? Has something in your background inspired that position?

I've already explained my position on the matter and I don't believe there is anything insidious about it. I am as opposed to the act of forcible rape as any moral and reasoning individual should be. But there are exceptions to every rule and I believe the simple fact of the matter is some women do "ask for it."

Some time ago I watched a tv documentary about child prostitution in Thailand. One segment told of a rather attractive middle-age Thai woman who specialized in buying girls as young as two from their impoverished parents and renting them out to pedophile tourists for $50 - $100 an hour. Would you say that woman does not deserve to be raped?

Have you gone quite mad?
What do you mean? What is the point of that question? If you have a criticism how about laying it out rather than asking if I've gone mad.
It most certainly was the issue.

No, that was not the "issue," that was the straw man you created.

You were the one that said rape is a "grey" area.

That is NOT what I said, you are quite dishonest.

I said that the interaction between men and women, the line between no and yes is often a grey area, I went on to demonstrate the point with dialogue.

It's not grey at all. If she said no, it's rape. If she didn't say no, and later claims rape, she should be arrested for filing a false police report.

In your world, if she says "no" a week or a month later, it's rape. If he doesn't send flowers it's rape.

I find you irrational and dangerous, hostile to civil rights and any concept justice.

Luck had nothing to do with it.


Luck was the only factor. BECAUSE the story got headlines, the boys were set free - though they still must wear a scarlet letter for life.

IF this had been low profile, they would be in prison - period. The accusation is the conviction in virtually all cases - only media coverage altered it this time.

The victim's story was inconsistent and upon investigation, proved to be false.

So what? That has no bearing on these cases. The allegation is a conviction. The subhuman male is guilty - not "presumed guilty," but irrefutably guilty unless the proof of innocence is so overwhelming that the press runs with it.

Are those men in prison? No.

ONLY because their witch trials got press coverage.

Have their lives been ruined because people believe them to be sex offenders?

Yes - they will forever be branded as rapists and wear the scarlet letter.

No, they have public sympathy because they were victims.

Bullshit.. The feminazis still want the Duke boys castrated.

Was the woman who falsely accused them arrested and charged? Yes, yes she was.

Not for the false charge, for an unrelated murder.

You are acting as if the vast majority of women who claim they were raped are lying,

No, I am stating the FACT that a man accused of "date rape" is guilty - regardless of proof of innocence. I saying that men have been stripped of all civil rights and that a date rape accusation is a conviction, the witch trial is a formality at best. Those accused WILL be lynched, regardless of evidence and fact.

when in fact rape is an under-reported crime, and a very small minority of rape claims are found to be false.

It is almost impossible for a rape claim to be considered false. Making the claim is proof of the guilt of the accused. It is more than enough proof for most courts.

Women in Salem circa 1684 had far more chance of acquittal and more rights than does a college boy accused of date rape. His crime is his gender, and for that he will be lynched.

Aww, poor little abused men.

How long have you hated men? Do you think they should be punished just because they are men?

Please list for me the cases involving a drunk woman who agreed to sex, then cried rape afterward which resulted in the man being lynched. After all, according to you it happens every damned day. Prove it, or STFU.

Come off it, don't play dumb;

{Half of all Rape Charges May Be False

Rape is a terrible crime. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But false rape charges are a troublesome reality. At least 10 percent and perhaps as many as 40 percent of all rape charges are lies. Research results In the Midwest:
· 41% of the total rape cases were recanted by the alleged victim during a 9-year study in a metropolitan Midwestern town.
·45 of the 109 complainants admitted that no rape had occurred in period.
The incidence figure (from 1978 to 1987) of false rape varied from year to year and ranged from a low of ·27% to a high of 70%

The alleged rape victims admitted that they had made the false rape charges for three reasons:
· to create an alibi,
· to get revenge,
· to get attention or sympathy.
Educated women lie, too....
· University women were as likely to file a false rape charge as a valid charge. Other reports from university police agencies support these findings (Jay, 1991). Source: Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University, www.anandaanswers.com/pages/naa

Why women make false rape charges

· Common reasons given by women who falsely accused rape were "spite or revenge," and to compensate for feelings of guilt or shame. Source: (Forensic Science Digest, vol. 11. no. 4, December 1985).
· · False accusers were motivated by a need for an alibi or a desire for revenge in the study byEugene J. Kanin. Source: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994). Kanin was once well known and lauded by the feminist movement for his groundbreaking research on male sexual aggression.
· · The need for attention: as in the case of the Detroit woman who gave police details about her rapist and his truck, then admitted she had lied: it never happened. Source: Detroit Free Press, April 21, 2004 http://www.freep.com/news/locoak/hoax21e_20050421.htmCriminal D.A. Affirms False Rape Charges

A female defense attorney saw it happen

"Not too long ago, I represented an Ivy League honor student who'd spent a weekend at a beach party coupled with a woman to whom he was introduced by a mutual friend. According to the client - and about a dozen witnesses - the two seemed to really "hit it off." When the party ended on Sunday night, they said their good-byes, like everybody else, and maybe even promised half-heartedly to call each other. "Imagine my client's surprise when on Tuesday, he received an angry call from his paramour's estranged boyfriend - a boyfriend whose existence she failed to disclose when the pair were kissing beyond the crackle of a bonfire. "Of course, this was nothing compared to his total shock when, two weeks later, he received a warrant in the mail commanding his appearance in court on felony rape charges." --Defense Attorney Jonna Spilbor Source: FindLaw's Writ - Spilbor: What If Kobe Bryant Has Been Falsely Accused? }

have three sons, asshole, and I care about them all.

Yeah, if they go to college, they are guilty of rape - all that is missing for them to go to prison is the charge.

Isn't there some kind of rule here about bringing a person's family in as a means of attack?

I didn't bring your family into it - try again.

I told them "no means no"... and guess what? None of them ever was accused of rape.

Good, they didn't fall into the 2% of college men who are guilty by being accused.

Did she say stop and he didn't?


Have you no reading comprehension?

Of course, there is no grey area, no negotiation, no begging - he is fiend who belongs in prison.

His guilt is his crime.

If she didn't say stop, not rape.

Umm, she THOUGHT no, so prison for him.

Simple. If it wasn't rape and she accuses him anyway, she should be arrested and charged, but the reality is that a huge percentage of rape accusations never reach the arrest stage because it's "he said, she said" and there is rarely enough evidence.

The accusation is more than enough proof.

The majority of these situations go nowhere, even if a legitimate rape took place. You dispute that? Prove it.

Already did.

Your misogyny and self-pity is noted.


Failure to declare that all men are rapists is misogyny, thus saith the feminazis...

At what age do you believe females should be returned to their rightful role as chattel?

As I figured, you see this as revenge for past wrongs.
It was established early in this discussion that rape is generally unacceptable yet you have exhibited what might be called a chauvinistically repetitious insistence that no one deserves to be raped. How do you account for that? Has something in your background inspired that position?

I've already explained my position on the matter and I don't believe there is anything insidious about it. I am as opposed to the act of forcible rape as any moral and reasoning individual should be. But there are exceptions to every rule and I believe the simple fact of the matter is some women do "ask for it."

Some time ago I watched a tv documentary about child prostitution in Thailand. One segment told of a rather attractive middle-age Thai woman who specialized in buying girls as young as two from their impoverished parents and renting them out to pedophile tourists for $50 - $100 an hour. Would you say that woman does not deserve to be raped?

Have you gone quite mad?
What do you mean? What is the point of that question? If you have a criticism how about laying it out rather than asking if I've gone mad.

You think of rape as a punishment for human trading. Is that across the boards? The men should be raped as well, then? Why don't we just do it here, in America, as a standard penal system punishment.

Oh, by the way. Who shall be doing the raping.
Have you gone quite mad?
What do you mean? What is the point of that question? If you have a criticism how about laying it out rather than asking if I've gone mad.

You think of rape as a punishment for human trading. Is that across the boards? The men should be raped as well, then? Why don't we just do it here, in America, as a standard penal system punishment.
My comment was in response to someone's repeated statements that nobody deserves to be raped. I disagree. I believe some people deserve anything bad that happens to them, rape being among the least punishing.

To emphasize that I pointed to what I believe is a particularly heinous example of actions that vastly exceed ordinary rape. In other words, rape isn't the worst thing someone can do to others. To be more specific I believe that rape is the least punishment the Thai woman deserves.

Re: who should be doing the raping: I don't care. Toss her into a prison for criminally insane men. She deserves it for what she's done to hundreds if not thousands of innocent little girls.
You're an idiot and an ass. Take off the damn blinders.
Most date rapes occur in colleges and universities and are planned.
Here read, if you know how.

[url=http://www.jstor.org/pss/189830]JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie[/URL]

Date rape 'most unreported' crime on college campus

4collegewomen.org - Date Rape

Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses

Yeah, yeah - every subhuman male out there has a store house of Ruppies just ripe for dropping in the drinks of women.

{From time to time the feminazi hate machine pushes a "date rape drug" campaign to blame and accuse men. Females claim that they have been drugged by Rohypnol or other drugs, became unconscious, and were raped. Blue gun thugs have used these fabricated lies to capture and destroy men. College women are "educated" to distrust the men they go out with, to watch their drinks so that it can't be tampered with. Fear and hate of men is the message.}

{Women who claim to be victims of 'date-rape' drugs such as Rohypnol have in fact been rendered helpless by binge-drinking, says a study by doctors.

They found no evidence that any woman seeking help from emergency doctors because their drinks were allegedly spiked had actually been given these drugs.

Around one in five tested positive for recreational drugs while two-thirds had been drinking heavily.

The findings further erode the theory that there is widespread use of Rohypnol and GHB, another drug said to be favoured by predatory rapists.

Last month a personal safety campaigner claimed that Rohypnol had never been used to assist a sexual assault in the UK. Doctors carrying out the latest study at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital said it was far more likely women were claiming their drinks had been spiked as an "excuse" for binge-drinking. }

Drug rape myth exposed as study reveals binge drinking is to blame | News

Hey, just because it's fraud doesn't mean that men shouldn't be lynched - they ARE guilty of gender crime and MUST be hated.

Oh wow! one news article on one research team's supposed findings. I guess that means we can throw out all the rest. :roll eyes: BTW if a woman is that drunk as to be nearly incoherent that does not equate to a yes, it equates to predatory behavior on the rapists part.
I think you meant PUBIC not PUBLIC :lol:Retired...just saying :cool:
As long as all appropriate areas are covered. If a woman is stupid enough to go into public with their tits or pussy showing, they are culpable in the results.

They may not have ask for it but they enabled it.
Nice Me,trust your well,you naughty little MINX..steve:cool:
I remember when I was younger, my girlfriends and I would refer to some of our more provacative garb as "CFM." That's "come fuck me," folks.

We had our spike heeled "come fuck me" shoes, our CFM halter tops, our CFM skin tight jeans.

Yeah, we were just kidding around...kind of. But the message we were striving to send is...we are hot, hot, hot...we are so fuckable!

So, when we dressed up like that with that kind of mindset, did we want to get raped? No. But, in a way I can see why we were "asking for it." Dressing up in our "come fuck me" outfits and then going out and drinking and flirting with men.

If someone had raped us, would that be an excuse, would that make it okay? No.

After partying at the club if we had gone to some guy's house and made out enthusiastically with them on their bed, and they had wanted to consummate the act, and we changed our mind and they went ahead anyway...did we ask for it? Yes. Absolutely.

Just saying. It's about personal responsibility.

I'm tired of women and all their whining about domestic violence and rape and sexual abuse. Been there, done that and the only one who could save me...was me.

Actually, the domestic violence really made me tough, and I'm grateful for that. I'd hate to be the guy who tries to attack me.

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