Shelves Aren't Empty, Oil Prices Are Falling, But Republicans Are Locked Into A Disaster Story

I wish I had a dollar for every time that's happened to me, that some dimwittedcrat told me that I didn't see what I saw, hear what I heard, although they were a continent away at the time. They must be fucking magicians!

Nothing magical about Democrats. They're just hucksters.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. [...] The eyeless crature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, too-in some more double complex way, involving doublethink-Syme, swallow it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”

Orwell George, 1984
Republicans have seized on claims of rapidly rising gas prices, along with fear-mongering over “empty store shelves” to create a narrative that not only is inflation soaring, but both Thanksgiving tables and Christmas living rooms are going to be bare. And somehow, all of this can be blamed on Biden.

The truth is that gas prices were already in decline even before the strategic reserves were tapped. The Houston Chronicle reports that while prices remain higher than they were a year ago—when travel restrictions and a greater fear of the pandemic strongly impacted consumption—they’ve fallen over the past week. When it comes to product availability, The Wall Street Journalreports that the “shelves overfloweth” at the nation’s largest retailers.

But Republicans are riding a disaster narrative. Don’t expect that train to stop soon.

Yep. Americans are flush with cash, traveling in record numbers, and retailers have no shortage of merchandise to sell.
We need to see a clear and undeniable decline in the inflation rate. If that happens, things could get pretty good. I think markets have mostly priced in the Fed backing off (finally). We have to get past that too.

We'll see. Here's hoping.

Republicans have seized on claims of rapidly rising gas prices, along with fear-mongering over “empty store shelves” to create a narrative that not only is inflation soaring, but both Thanksgiving tables and Christmas living rooms are going to be bare. And somehow, all of this can be blamed on Biden.

The truth is that gas prices were already in decline even before the strategic reserves were tapped. The Houston Chronicle reports that while prices remain higher than they were a year ago—when travel restrictions and a greater fear of the pandemic strongly impacted consumption—they’ve fallen over the past week. When it comes to product availability, The Wall Street Journalreports that the “shelves overfloweth” at the nation’s largest retailers.

But Republicans are riding a disaster narrative. Don’t expect that train to stop soon.

Yep. Americans are flush with cash, traveling in record numbers, and retailers have no shortage of merchandise to sell.
In Arizona gas prices are still rising, I paid five cents a gallon more than I paid last week. Grocery shelves may not be empty, but supplies are inconsistent and stocks are low. It’s not as bad as at the height of Covid, but it’s getting closer.
Republicans have seized on claims of rapidly rising gas prices, along with fear-mongering over “empty store shelves” to create a narrative that not only is inflation soaring, but both Thanksgiving tables and Christmas living rooms are going to be bare. And somehow, all of this can be blamed on Biden.

The truth is that gas prices were already in decline even before the strategic reserves were tapped. The Houston Chronicle reports that while prices remain higher than they were a year ago—when travel restrictions and a greater fear of the pandemic strongly impacted consumption—they’ve fallen over the past week. When it comes to product availability, The Wall Street Journalreports that the “shelves overfloweth” at the nation’s largest retailers.

But Republicans are riding a disaster narrative. Don’t expect that train to stop soon.

Yep. Americans are flush with cash, traveling in record numbers, and retailers have no shortage of merchandise to sell.
Spot.on title. They married the narrative and don't know how to admit they got fooled by paid liars who use them to make money.
We need to see a clear and undeniable decline in the inflation rate. If that happens, things could get pretty good. I think markets have mostly priced in the Fed backing off (finally). We have to get past that too.

We'll see. Here's hoping.

That will happen naturally. Inflation spiked because people had more money to spend after nearly a year of saving money.
My grocery stores still have huge gaping holes in them.

Gasoline is still expensive.

Department stores still have extremely limited merchandise. And lumber is still 3x as expensive as it should be.

The dollar is gaining strength...too much strength and inflation is going to starve a LOT of people. Here in America we will feel the pinch of high food prices but considering the numbers of people America feeds... some people are just going to starve.

We should be devaluing the dollar to make exports cheaper...but that's not what we are doing. The Fed is a disaster.
There is no shortage of labor in employers that pay well. Those that can't shouldn't be posting jobs and expecting workers to fill them
There is no shortage of labor in employers that pay well. Those that can't shouldn't be posting jobs and expecting workers to fill them
Yes there is.
Qualified and trained labor is extremely difficult to come by. There's huge gaps everywhere at the moment. People just don't care.
I wish I had a dollar for every time that's happened to me, that some dimwittedcrat told me that I didn't see what I saw, hear what I heard, although they were a continent away at the time. They must be fucking magicians!

Yeah, I know the feeling.


If you trolls could only read, you would be all set. Looks like author of the article nailed it.
It's ok people don't care. They're too busy working. It's nobody's duty to fill those jobs.
Glad things are going so well in your part of the world.

In the real world, wife is trying to find some decent white shirts, and some slacks for the SiLs present.
Tried all the usual sources online, and only stuff available is crap.

Tying to find oldest grandson a crockpot.

again, checked all the usual sources, only available are crap.

BTW, is Peter Pan your president, and do you have to worry about Captain Hook when you are out and about?
I always give cash.
Yep. Americans are flush with cash, traveling in record numbers, and retailers have no shortage of merchandise to sell.

That must be why the local Walmart Superstore I went to last week for groceries didn't have a gallon of milk to sell me.
Well then someone has failed to pay decent wages to attract suppliers. It is that simple. Want people to work? Increase wages to attract them. Again it is that simple.
Want workers? Attract them. It is nobody's "duty" to fill an open job. Lazy entitled companies who aren't worth working for are struggling.
Tapping the reserve will have little if any impact on gas prices all Opec has to do is cut production more to counter that plus the amount released would be used up in a few days max. Week and a half ago I had to pay $45.00 dollars for fifteen gallons of gas that is not falling prices.
Well then someone has failed to pay decent wages to attract suppliers. It is that simple. Want people to work? Increase wages to attract them. Again it is that simple.
And most of our suppliers are in East Asia in areas that were and still are getting smashed by the pandemic. And the RWNJs can't complain about the pandemic, because they also say it is an overblown hoax. So...Biden it is!
Get a second job. And hold out for a higher wage. You can negotiate. Don't settle for the first offer.

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