Sheriff Joe Kept Us From Being Overrun

That's weird. All these years and the ACA hasn't put him in front of a death panel yet.

Barry-Care was designed to have collapsed just as Her Thighness (nod to Sassy) took office and put us into single-payer. Ask a canuck about their death panels.
Yet despite the GOP's years of sabotage, and Trump's EO's and threats to stop funding it, the ACA stands.
Communist democrats and country club republicans were living high with hordes of taco-benders streaming over the border. The Rat party needed the votes since most anglos have figured out their party is nothing but lying thieves. Did they care what happened to the invaders coming across the Sonoran Desert or living packed together in tiny houses in south Phoenix? Nope, just get their votes and resist law-enforcement efforts to toss them out. The "hospitality" industry who funds dirtbags like McCain and Jeff Flake enjoyed cheap labor they could cheat and intimidate with exposure if they acted up. Both sides had things the way they wanted them....except for that damn Sheriff Joe.

He continued raiding known businesses exploiting illegals, turning them over to ICE for a bus ride back home. He continued pulling over vehicles with illegals behind the wheel before they could crash into Americans, jump out and run like hell. Those who don't live here have no idea what we were up against before President Trump. They left their trash behind littering our beautiful desert. They drove down wages to a point you'd see construction sites or landscaping crews without any whites other than the contractor's yard boss. While the vast majority of them were just trying to make a living, a large number decided they could get away with things here they could never pull off in Mehico. Hiring a day laborer could get you burglarized soon after. Packs of them would stare at a blonde woman having never seen one where they came from....rapes of white women skyrocketed. I once saw a party of them in a Scottsdale park ripping branches off live trees to make an illegal fire for their fiesta.

But Joe kept their head on a swivel for 24 years. Thanks largely to his efforts, Phoenix ended it's sanctuary city malarkey and crime nose-dived. He was a driving force behind SB 1040 which drove thousands of invaders over to California, now bankrupting that state. While Phoenix PD drove by groups of them pretending not to notice, Joe's sheriff deputies did not. Something else those outside Maricopa County don't know about Arapio is that he was no-nonsense about animal cruelty. Abuse a pet in his county and you were going to exceptions. As to the Clinton judge who ordered him to stop enforcing the law and then convicting him of contempt for ignoring her, Trump just spit in her face much to the chagrin of RINOcrat weasels like McCain, Flake, Kasich and Paul Ryan. MAGA!!


You are a lying little cockroach. Arpaio was told to stop violating the constitutional rights of Americans and he refused to do it. He abused his authority. Trump took 1 more step out the door in 2020.
Illegals are not Americans.
Communist democrats and country club republicans were living high with hordes of taco-benders streaming over the border. The Rat party needed the votes since most anglos have figured out their party is nothing but lying thieves. Did they care what happened to the invaders coming across the Sonoran Desert or living packed together in tiny houses in south Phoenix? Nope, just get their votes and resist law-enforcement efforts to toss them out. The "hospitality" industry who funds dirtbags like McCain and Jeff Flake enjoyed cheap labor they could cheat and intimidate with exposure if they acted up. Both sides had things the way they wanted them....except for that damn Sheriff Joe.

He continued raiding known businesses exploiting illegals, turning them over to ICE for a bus ride back home. He continued pulling over vehicles with illegals behind the wheel before they could crash into Americans, jump out and run like hell. Those who don't live here have no idea what we were up against before President Trump. They left their trash behind littering our beautiful desert. They drove down wages to a point you'd see construction sites or landscaping crews without any whites other than the contractor's yard boss. While the vast majority of them were just trying to make a living, a large number decided they could get away with things here they could never pull off in Mehico. Hiring a day laborer could get you burglarized soon after. Packs of them would stare at a blonde woman having never seen one where they came from....rapes of white women skyrocketed. I once saw a party of them in a Scottsdale park ripping branches off live trees to make an illegal fire for their fiesta.

But Joe kept their head on a swivel for 24 years. Thanks largely to his efforts, Phoenix ended it's sanctuary city malarkey and crime nose-dived. He was a driving force behind SB 1040 which drove thousands of invaders over to California, now bankrupting that state. While Phoenix PD drove by groups of them pretending not to notice, Joe's sheriff deputies did not. Something else those outside Maricopa County don't know about Arapio is that he was no-nonsense about animal cruelty. Abuse a pet in his county and you were going to exceptions. As to the Clinton judge who ordered him to stop enforcing the law and then convicting him of contempt for ignoring her, Trump just spit in her face much to the chagrin of RINOcrat weasels like McCain, Flake, Kasich and Paul Ryan. MAGA!!


You are a lying little cockroach. Arpaio was told to stop violating the constitutional rights of Americans and he refused to do it. He abused his authority. Trump took 1 more step out the door in 2020.
Illegals are not Americans.

When he targeted brown people, many were Americans.
That's weird. All these years and the ACA hasn't put him in front of a death panel yet.

Barry-Care was designed to have collapsed just as Her Thighness (nod to Sassy) took office and put us into single-payer. Ask a canuck about their death panels.
Yet despite the GOP's years of sabotage, and Trump's EO's and threats to stop funding it, the ACA stands.
Thanks to Congress.
Congress is who has been sabotaging it. And still, it won't collapse.
Make no mistake, Trump did this to make his base happy. He didn't do it for the uber-racist waste of human flesh called Arpaio.

Says the scrawny gimp duped by the Rat party. ^^^^^

Trump's numbers have been dropping like a rock (Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval) so he's having rallies for stupid rednecks like you and freeing your fellow racist criminals like Arpaio and probably Manafort after he's indicted. Anything to keep you mindless mouth-breathers in his camp.
Democrats who are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws are racist.

Democrats who refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country are racist

Democrats who do not accept that America is an English speaking country are racist

Democrats who oppose Voter ID are racist.
/----/ DemocRATS who support abortion are racists.

Democrats who support gun control are racists.
Then of course Bannon leaving and that arrogant fuck Sebastian Gorka had to go, too.
It's fun watching Trump distract stupid redneck idiots with bright shiny objects like freeing an 84-year-old criminal fuck like Arpaio.

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