Sheriff Joe should be running the INS and border security

If you lived there, if you saw how little that self-aggrandizing blow hard actually does, you just might think differently.

Hint: he's 13th on the list of those who have actually caught and deported illegals.

And yet that's not why you hate him, is it?
I mostly agree with his politics on the illegal immigrant matter. I also agree he is a good bit of a showman. It's time for the guy to be put out to pasture. His lawsuits are costing us taxpayers here in Maricopa County too much money, plus he's at an age where he deserves a nice retirement.
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?
Well, it's easy to see why Repug's like him so much, he's just like all the GOP congressional witch hunts that waste 10's of millions of dollars of tax payer money and haven't had any results to warrant that much money wasted. Is that small government or small minds?
Joe Arpaio, America's most expensive sheriff
Joe Arpaio America s most expensive sheriff
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?
Yeah, it's not like when the third worlders (not a word)that cam e here over a century ago..
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?

If you are using that old man and Coulter as a gauge, adding a horse turd would bring the average up.
any day now he's going to come out with obama's "real" birth certificate. just you wait. it's coming. any moment now. for reals. he has the proof. any day now. it's going to happen. promise.
any day now he's going to come out with obama's "real" birth certificate. just you wait. it's coming. any moment now. for reals. he has the proof. any day now. it's going to happen. promise.

Joint press conference with Trump. I'm sure it will be any day now.
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?
Yeah, it's not like when the third worlders (not a word)that cam e here over a century ago..
Your lack of knowledge on this and most issues is exposed in every post.

1. The Euro immigrants of a century ago, were not from the third world.
2. In case you haven't noticed, the USA economy does not need and can't employ millions of unskilled and illiterate workers. This is not 1900. It is 2015, which apparently you fail recognize..

..but they do make good D voters, which is why you love them.
"Sheriff Joe Democrats using illegals for votes"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

It would seem most conservatives aren't concerned about the fact they're completely devoid of credibility.

One can't believe anything a rightist says without fact checking it first.

"Sheriff Joe Democrats using illegals for votes"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

It would seem most conservatives aren't concerned about the fact they're completely devoid of credibility.

One can't believe anything a rightist says without fact checking it first.

They are so used to their phantom fears being used against them they think that's how it's supposed to be.
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?
Yeah, it's not like when the third worlders (not a word)that cam e here over a century ago..
Your lack of knowledge on this and most issues is exposed in every post.

1. The Euro immigrants of a century ago, were not from the third world.
2. In case you haven't noticed, the USA economy does not need and can't employ millions of unskilled and illiterate workers. This is not 1900. It is 2015, which apparently you fail recognize..

..but they do make good D voters, which is why you love them.
Yet you have no proof they vote D at all...And Euro-immigrants from the Eastern and southern Europe were hated more than the ones from the north...But you also fail to see that there were more than immigrants from Europe, dweeb...
U.S. Immigration Before 1965 - Facts Summary -
Love Sheriff Joe, but he is stating the obvious.

I suppose he is right to speak out, since many Americans are so dumb they can't see the obvious.

He and Ann Coulter should get together and get these dumb Americans to wake up.

Who thinks lots of ignorant illiterate third worlders will make America better?
Yeah, it's not like when the third worlders (not a word)that cam e here over a century ago..
Your lack of knowledge on this and most issues is exposed in every post.

1. The Euro immigrants of a century ago, were not from the third world.
2. In case you haven't noticed, the USA economy does not need and can't employ millions of unskilled and illiterate workers. This is not 1900. It is 2015, which apparently you fail recognize..

..but they do make good D voters, which is why you love them.
Yet you have no proof they vote D at all...And Euro-immigrants from the Eastern and southern Europe were hated more than the ones from the north...But you also fail to see that there were more than immigrants from Europe, dweeb...

It is clear that the Hispanic vote is trending D and has been for some time. It is clear that these illegals from Latin America are for the most part illiterate not only in English, but also in their native language (much like you). Most have very little education (much like you). Now tell me how they will make a living and support themselves in a first world nation that has off shored much of it's low skilled manufacturing jobs and has limited low skilled jobs available?

Now lets try to think logically (I know that is tough for you). It is true that many immigrants who come to America whether legally or illegally, can easily access our welfare programs unlike before we became a Welfare State thanks to progressives like you. And as the D Party has enslaved many black Americans to welfare to get their vote (you may not know that blacks vote 90-95% D), the D party is trying to enslave Hispanics to government dependency to get their vote.

NOTE: Your comment on hatred for southern Euros is meaningless to our debate and stupid (as usual).

NOTE 2: You might want to do some research on 19th and early 20th century immigration, since it is apparent you know little to nothing about it. Those who immigrated here were predominated from Europe. Read this, but only if you are capable of reading and comprehending:
U.S. Immigration Before 1965 - Facts Summary -
Sheriff Joe Democrats using illegals for votes

of course the left wing blowhards on this board and in the country would go nuts (come to think of it they already are nuts).

Nah. He's a corrupt thug. Regardless of what you think of the man's approach to illegal immigration, his abuse of power to investigate political opponents or even the family of judges in cases he's involved in would disqualify him. Plus, he sucks at his job. While crime was going down nation wide, it was increasing in his jurisdiction.
If you lived there, if you saw how little that self-aggrandizing blow hard actually does, you just might think differently.

Hint: he's 13th on the list of those who have actually caught and deported illegals.

And yet that's not why you hate him, is it?

Gee. For a guy that you say doesn't do anything he sure keeps getting re-elected.
This was always the plan by Democrats… flood the US with millions of dependent immigrants and change America forever.
The country will become less prosperous but at least Democrats will have millions of new government dependent citizens to keep them in power.

In 1980 6.2% of the US population was foreign born. Thirty-five years later, in 2015, 13.5% of the US population is foreign born.

The Hispanic population in the United States has increased from 6.5% of the population in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won the presidency to 17.6% today.

Here They Are Three Shocking US Immigration Statistics in Three Simple Charts - The Gateway Pundit

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