sherrif joe's knockin at the door...

Keeping people in 120 degrees who haven't been convicted of a crime violates the Bill of Rights..

Really? What temperature is specified in the Bill of Rights?

And what of the hard working, non-criminal guy that just can't afford an air conditioner? Are his rights being violated when it gets hot in the summertime? Is AC a Constitutional right in your mind?

the part that says excessive punishment....when they haven't been convicted why is he meriting out punishment and inhumane treatment?
Well I would call forcing non-violent people accused of a crime but not tried to endure 120 degree heat - cruel and unusual punishment...

A lot of those people don't deserve Joes bullshit...

You can't punish a person before they've been convicted, and his method of punishment is certainly questionable.

He charges them for green bologna as well. He is proud of this shit. They are not convicted of anything other than not being able to afford bail.

you guys talk like there is no oversite for this secret gulag. everyone is entitled to the same due process irrespective of the temperature. he's elected, not a dictator. if he has committed crimes he should be charged... i'm glad he's looking into the obama scandals...

he is under federal investigation....oops.
He charges them for green bologna as well. He is proud of this shit. They are not convicted of anything other than not being able to afford bail.

you guys talk like there is no oversite for this secret gulag. everyone is entitled to the same due process irrespective of the temperature. he's elected, not a dictator. if he has committed crimes he should be charged... i'm glad he's looking into the obama scandals...

he is under federal investigation....oops.

Yup, but in the meantime, this moron is being king burfer. Like I said, anything to get you to mention his name. He is sickening. He really is.

He is costing this state a lot of money because he gets sued all the time and he loses....yet they keep voting him in....!! Its infuriating. As a certain party complains about how much money we dont have yet keep voting this nut in office....well, its a circle jerk really.

He is costing us millions. Literally.
Well I would call forcing non-violent people accused of a crime but not tried to endure 120 degree heat - cruel and unusual punishment...

A lot of those people don't deserve Joes bullshit...

You can't punish a person before they've been convicted, and his method of punishment is certainly questionable.

He charges them for green bologna as well. He is proud of this shit. They are not convicted of anything other than not being able to afford bail.

you guys talk like there is no oversite for this secret gulag. everyone is entitled to the same due process irrespective of the temperature. he's elected, not a dictator. if he has committed crimes he should be charged... i'm glad he's looking into the obama scandals...

You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Oh, and even more hilarious is this, Arpaio is completely inept. If we were running on records, here is his:

What has risen on Sheriff Arpaio’s watch: violent crimes (up 69 percent overall from 2004 to 2007, with homicides up 166 percent in those three years), 911 response times, unserved arrest warrants, racist sweeps of Latino neighborhoods, and dollars paid out in budget overruns, overtime and lawsuit settlements.

What has declined: the arrest rate, the number of satellite booking stations, public access to department records, Sheriff Arpaio’s reputation.

From: Unaccomplished.pdfs

No wonder Arpaio is all hot and bothered about illegal immigrants. It's easier to blame them for the rising crime rate.

And as for his blatant disregard of the constitution (i.e. cruel and unusual), that is a statement of fact. Arpaio was has twice lost a federal lawsuit over the conditions of his prison:

Judge backs county inmates in jail case Unaccomplished.pdf
I live in Maricopa County they have paid out tens of millions of dollars to settle lawsuits over deaths and injuries of of people awaiting trails, ie not convicted of a crime.

I really wish people outside of this state would really look into what this guy is all about. I love when someone from a different state blindly says ...I like him, he is tough.

Uh, no he is not He is a media whore who plays to the camera daily and will do anything..ANYTHING to get ink. From his "Chain gangs" to his pink underwear, as long as you say his name, he wins.

He is sickening.

obama was elected, he's sickening... looking at you sig line, you are too.

Please direct that at Tank. Look closely. That was my point.
Ol Joe has no authorty passed his county line. So good luck getting Hawaii to recognize his badge.
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You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’
By the way Donalt Trump, how are your investigations in Hawaii coming along? Remember when he said his people went there and "you wont believe what they found". Well, he is right there....we didnt believe it.

Damn burfers just wont get it. Ever.

he might be part of the scam, i don't trust him... corsi doen't trust him either.
corsi, is who is untrustworthy....maybe donald too for other things, but Corsi accused mc cain of having an out of wedlock black child during his campaign for presidency the first time around....which was simply a lie.....
By the way Donalt Trump, how are your investigations in Hawaii coming along? Remember when he said his people went there and "you wont believe what they found". Well, he is right there....we didnt believe it.

Damn burfers just wont get it. Ever.

he might be part of the scam, i don't trust him... corsi doen't trust him either.
corsi, is who is untrustworthy....maybe donald too for other things, but Corsi accused mc cain of having an out of wedlock black child during his campaign for presidency the first time around....which was simply a lie.....

You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’

LMAO. That's a stretch. If anyone is going to make that claim, it should be the Arizona Secretary of State. But Arpaio is welcome to see what he can kick up in Maricopa county. Other than the process of distributing, monitoring the election, and collecting/counting the votes, this issue is way beyond the county. If the allegation was of voter fraud in Maricopa County, it would be a different story. That is not the case.

I hope any district judge refuses to endorse any warrant he requests. I doubt they will. Sounds like Maricopa County is scared of Sheriff Joe.

At any rate, another political stunt by a man well versed in political stunts.

Also, apparently I can't spell Kooky correctly.
By the way Donalt Trump, how are your investigations in Hawaii coming along? Remember when he said his people went there and "you wont believe what they found". Well, he is right there....we didnt believe it.

Damn burfers just wont get it. Ever.

he might be part of the scam, i don't trust him... corsi doen't trust him either.
corsi, is who is untrustworthy....maybe donald too for other things, but Corsi accused mc cain of having an out of wedlock black child during his campaign for presidency the first time around....which was simply a lie.....

I can't rep you again. Look at Corsi's record. The guy is so crooked they are going to have to screw him into the ground when he dies.
You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And since this law passed after election has no teeth for Obama. But again this is another lynching party for Obama that the right has created
It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’

And since this law passed after election has no teeth for Obama. But again this is another lynching party for Obama that the right has created
You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And since this law passed after election has no teeth for Obama. But again this is another lynching party for Obama that the right has created
It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’

And since this law passed after election has no teeth for Obama. But again this is another lynching party for Obama that the right has created

Just Arpaio. He knows how to fire up his base. It's a shame that he has become so corrupt.
You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’

the feds need to force him to pay out of pocket to reimburse the county for the cost of his stupid investigation which he has no authority to investigate and is a ridiculous waste of time in the first place. Second, while he is under investigation for federal civil rights violations he needs to be suspended from his position and a substitute placed in his office..the reason is because this is not the first time he has been investigated and lost for violating civil is in fact, what cost him the right to be under 287g protection in the street..he is no longer part of that program but he tries to continue his nonsense anyway.
You get the concept of jurisdiction, right?

Arpaio can investigate any crime Obama has committed in Maricopa county. When it comes to a federal election, he just might be in over his head.

I mean, I can't think of a single warrant he could request in Maricopa county that would even proximately be related to this.

Of course, he knows this, but this is an election year. So you might as well pander to your cooky base that has kept you in office for the past decade.

Of course, when you entire tenure has been tainted by scandal and you have demonstrated that you are marginally ethical at best,

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It shouldn't be surprising. Arpaio's got an indictment with his name on it somewhere. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A note about jurisdiction, Arpaio is contriving this as an alleged violation of Arizona election law, that County residents’ voting rights may have been violated where an unqualified candidate ran for the office of president and concealed that lack of eligibility from County voters accordingly.

Although technically under the County’s jurisdiction, Arpaio’s efforts are clearly partisan and an idiotic, insincere ‘law enforcement’ effort, as unpaid volunteers are conducting the ‘investigation.’

the feds need to force him to pay out of pocket to reimburse the county for the cost of his stupid investigation which he has no authority to investigate and is a ridiculous waste of time in the first place. Second, while he is under investigation for federal civil rights violations he needs to be suspended from his position and a substitute placed in his office..the reason is because this is not the first time he has been investigated and lost for violating civil is in fact, what cost him the right to be under 287g protection in the street..he is no longer part of that program but he tries to continue his nonsense anyway.

Even if this is a "volunteer" group, he is lending the reputation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department to it.

It's absurd.
he isn't a volunteer and him taking time on it costs the tax payers money...him using paper, pencils, whatever on it costs the tax payers money...those are things that they have to buy they aren't donated to it does cost money even if he has ' volunteers' the court isn't free either..and if he goes to the court they will reject him because they know that their license will be on the line for entertaining such garbage. This guy is worse than Bull O' Conner...another elected sheriff that thought it was ok to be racist.
I really wish people outside of this state would really look into what this guy is all about. I love when someone from a different state blindly says ...I like him, he is tough.

Uh, no he is not He is a media whore who plays to the camera daily and will do anything..ANYTHING to get ink. From his "Chain gangs" to his pink underwear, as long as you say his name, he wins.

He is sickening.

obama was elected, he's sickening... looking at you sig line, you are too.

Please direct that at Tank. Look closely. That was my point.

i did, and then i thought why even repeat that shit... tank's a zero, but why reinforce him.
you guys talk like there is no oversite for this secret gulag. everyone is entitled to the same due process irrespective of the temperature. he's elected, not a dictator. if he has committed crimes he should be charged... i'm glad he's looking into the obama scandals...

he is under federal investigation....oops.

Yup, but in the meantime, this moron is being king burfer. Like I said, anything to get you to mention his name. He is sickening. He really is.

He is costing this state a lot of money because he gets sued all the time and he loses....yet they keep voting him in....!! Its infuriating. As a certain party complains about how much money we dont have yet keep voting this nut in office....well, its a circle jerk really.

He is costing us millions. Literally.

now you know how we feel, only with obamavich it's trillions...

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