Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...

In a statement released Monday, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said that the organization concurred with Vilsack accepting Sherrod's resignation, adding, "Racism is about the abuse of power. Sherrod had it in her position at USDA. According to her remarks, she mistreated a white farmer in need of assistance because of his race."

Shirley Sherrod Resigns from USDA over Race Remark Furor - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

they called her comments "shameful"....

why isn't she suing the naacp?

Cmon Bro, I am as opposed to OBAMA and the DEMS as you are, But what are you talking about. Briebart Deserves to be sued, Not the NAACP or FOX. Both were victims of Briebart just like Sherrod was.
Question: What is the most important issue facing the U.S. today?

- Two wars
- The Deficit and Debt
- Unemployment
- The BP Oil Spill
- Breitbart posting two video clips on his political blog site

Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

The fact that Obama called for the 6 month moratorium is pretty telling as to what the agenda was.
Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion?

How about Alan Grayson?

And Dan Rather was publicly humiliated, made to apologize, and then forced to resign.

Because Dan Rather worked for a media outlet that at least nominally has a minimum level of journalistic integrity. Unlike some media sources I could mention.

And nobody dared sue over the "alleged" records. Wonder why?
Palin is a public figure.

She'll never sue cause she knows she'd lose.

Sherrod is a public figure now also whether she wanted to be our not. She was a government employee at the time and was giving a public speech. What happened to her was wrong but she has been offered more than aqueduct compensation for her troubles. Breitbart reputation is forever tarnished and he will be hard pressed to ever have any credibility. She can throw salt in the wound he created but I doubt she will get much other than further tarnishing an already crappy reputation.


Do you idiots actually ENJOY being dumbed down?
at the time of her speech she was
Truth and a "Teachable Moment".

Breitbart was responding to the NAACP's attack on the Tea Party as being racist. He was giving them a lesson. And it was very telling how they and the Obama Administration reacted.

Now, see, here's a point. I agree that the Tea Party has been attacked unfairly by the NAACP for supposed "racism".

Personally I think that the Tea Party is so assailable on the issues, that there is no point in making up stupid "racism" shit.

Aside from that one guy with the "******" sign in the Tea Party leadership, there is no real proof of rampant racism in the Tea Party.

However, that being said, Ms Sherrod was not responsible for said comments from the NAACP. She was in fact, in that very speech, trying to point out that anti-white racism exists and that the urge some black people have to be racist in that way should be fought against.

Thus, Mr Breitbarts lie of omission in this case is doubly damning, as he is using it to slander a woman who was specifically trying to educate people at the NAACP to do the opposite of what he accused her of.

And yes, lies of omissions are still lies, and yes, by editing and distributing that tape, Brietbart was using a lie of omission to falsely accuse Ms Sherrod of racism.
Question: What is the most important issue facing the U.S. today?

- Two wars
- The Deficit and Debt
- Unemployment
- The BP Oil Spill
- Breitbart posting two video clips on his political blog site

Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

The Liberal Press Blew it WAY OUT OF proportion, and failed to explain to people that Oil does not stay for ever, It naturally disperses. The Liberal Press over Played it so much, that Million of tourism Dollars are still being lost because people are under the Impression every beach from East Texas to North Florida is ruined. The Press has caused that impression, and it could not be further from the Truth. The VAST majority of the Beaches Had Little OR NO oil come ashore. Hotels rooms are sitting empty for No reason.

In their Zeal to make it look as bad as they could, to Drum up more support for Cap and Trade, and Anti Oil moves, they have cost innocent American Businesspeople Millions in lost Tourism Dollars. Way to go Liberal Press.
Geithner and Rangel owed far more in past due taxes than Joe did.

Rangel is a corrupt POS. We agree on that point.

Hopefully he will get drummed out of congress and then he can be criminally convicted of rent fraud by the NYC authorities.
She was forced to resign after an incompetent employer overreacted. It's the employer's fault.

After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it

Not Breitbart's problem...

She should Sue the Administration and or who Specifically Employed her.

Breitbart isn't Responsible for her Termination... End of Fucking List.



She wouldn't be suing for unlawful termination; she would be suing for defamation of character.
After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it

Not Breitbart's problem...

She should Sue the Administration and or who Specifically Employed her.

Breitbart isn't Responsible for her Termination... End of Fucking List.



She wouldn't be suing for unlawful termination; she would be suing for defamation of character.

Good luck with that. Breitbart can use her own racist accusations towards him in a countersuit.
In a statement released Monday, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said that the organization concurred with Vilsack accepting Sherrod's resignation, adding, "Racism is about the abuse of power. Sherrod had it in her position at USDA. According to her remarks, she mistreated a white farmer in need of assistance because of his race."

Shirley Sherrod Resigns from USDA over Race Remark Furor - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

they called her comments "shameful"....

why isn't she suing the naacp?

Cmon Bro, I am as opposed to OBAMA and the DEMS as you are, But what are you talking about. Briebart Deserves to be sued, Not the NAACP or FOX. Both were victims of Briebart just like Sherrod was.

how odd....the naacp made comments far more demeaning and harmful than breitbart....they claimed it was shameful and called for her to lose her job

breitbart never went that far....if she is going to sue him, she should also sue the naacp
You didn't answer my questions.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion? What about Alan Grayson?

He thought he was stating fact, and was wrong. Which is why he was forced to resign.


Not opinion, fact that he thought was fact. What procedures did he use to verify his sources and the information?

The guy's a journalist. Surely journalists practice their trade, no?

As far as Alan Grayson goes, I'm not really sure what you are referring to...

Any number of lies and slanders that Grayson has uttered - "Die Quickly" comes to mind.

Ironically, no one has been able to prove Dan Rather was wrong, either.
What fun is that? :lol:

It's here on this page...the little blue box that now appears in front of the video wasn't there until after the full video came out.

The money quote:

The graphic of the "race card" at the top of the post is a nice touch, too.

I don't see it on this page.
Oh, forgot the link, sorry.

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

Scroll down towards the bottom to see the video.

Still won't cut it in the legal department though. Too many hurdles to overcome.

1. It would have to be proven the Breitbart added the written commentary in the beginning of the clip.

2. If (1) happens, then it would have to be proven that Breitbart knew the full context of the clip in question.

No matter what we believe about either of those things, I doubt it can be proven in a court of law.
In a statement released Monday, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said that the organization concurred with Vilsack accepting Sherrod's resignation, adding, "Racism is about the abuse of power. Sherrod had it in her position at USDA. According to her remarks, she mistreated a white farmer in need of assistance because of his race."

Shirley Sherrod Resigns from USDA over Race Remark Furor - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

they called her comments "shameful"....

why isn't she suing the naacp?

Cmon Bro, I am as opposed to OBAMA and the DEMS as you are, But what are you talking about. Briebart Deserves to be sued, Not the NAACP or FOX. Both were victims of Briebart just like Sherrod was.

how odd....the naacp made comments far more demeaning and harmful than breitbart....they claimed it was shameful and called for her to lose her job

breitbart never went that far....if she is going to sue him, she should also sue the naacp

Yep, But the incomplete Video was originally posted by Briebart. Legally he holds the liability for it.

Was the NAACP wrong, Sure as shit, Do I think they can or should be sued. No.

Now if we can prove that since the NAACP was the one who had the full tap, that Briebarts source was from the NAACP and that that source deliberately gave him an Incomplete out of context tape.

Then I would say, sue em sure as shit.
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seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

ROFL, so now it's Obama and BP that have been exaggerating the effects of the oil spill?

What drugs are you taking?

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