Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...

I don't see it on this page.
Oh, forgot the link, sorry.

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

Scroll down towards the bottom to see the video.

Still won't cut it in the legal department though. Too many hurdles to overcome.

1. It would have to be proven the Breitbart added the written commentary in the beginning of the clip.

2. If (1) happens, then it would have to be proven that Breitbart knew the full context of the clip in question.

No matter what we believe about either of those things, I doubt it can be proven in a court of law.

If My guess about who the Source was is right. I would be willing to BET the NAACP is calling Mrs. Sherrod as we speak and asking her not to sue briebart because they do not want the SOURCE known :)
Question: What is the most important issue facing the U.S. today?

- Two wars
- The Deficit and Debt
- Unemployment
- The BP Oil Spill
- Breitbart posting two video clips on his political blog site

Well in order of "importance" by the RWNM, the BP oil spill is getting a lot of faux press by their unequivocal defense of BP, now claiming the damage is actually minimal and those people in the Gulf should just grin and bear it.

seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....
Man, you live in LA LA Land. :lol::lol::lol:
What makes you think that mess is cleared up?
The Liberal Press Blew it WAY OUT OF proportion, and failed to explain to people that Oil does not stay for ever, It naturally disperses. The Liberal Press over Played it so much, that Million of tourism Dollars are still being lost because people are under the Impression every beach from East Texas to North Florida is ruined. The Press has caused that impression, and it could not be further from the Truth. The VAST majority of the Beaches Had Little OR NO oil come ashore. Hotels rooms are sitting empty for No reason.

In their Zeal to make it look as bad as they could, to Drum up more support for Cap and Trade, and Anti Oil moves, they have cost innocent American Businesspeople Millions in lost Tourism Dollars. Way to go Liberal Press.

Wow, I was unaware that Bobby Jindal was a member of the "Liberal Press".

Must have gotten a job at the NY Times while I wasn't looking.
seems mother nature cleaned up the spill fatser than obama and bp could....either that it obama and company blew it all out of proportion...remember never let a good crisis go to waste....

ROFL, so now it's Obama and BP that have been exaggerating the effects of the oil spill?

What drugs are you taking?

Um no BP down played it, Obama, the Dems and the Liberal Media over played it.
maybe we should set a precedent? There is already a problem with responsible journalism.

Bingo. That's the reason I hope to hell she does sue. It would at the very least force these assholes to think about the consequences before posting insulting material meant solely to enflame and bring down another person because of a political agenda.

I think I might agree with you here.

It would be nice to see the NAACP get bitch slapped for their baseless accusations about the TEA Party.

In the aftermath of that, certain tea party members have come forth and said that last summer's ugly displays did indeed fuel the flames. It's hard to get past those images, you know. Those same [higher profile] tea party people would love to see the radicals take a hike. If they can accomplish that, they will be seen as credible, but not until.
Cmon Bro, I am as opposed to OBAMA and the DEMS as you are, But what are you talking about. Briebart Deserves to be sued, Not the NAACP or FOX. Both were victims of Briebart just like Sherrod was.

how odd....the naacp made comments far more demeaning and harmful than breitbart....they claimed it was shameful and called for her to lose her job

breitbart never went that far....if she is going to sue him, she should also sue the naacp

Yep, But the incomplete Video was originally posted by Briebart. Legally he holds the liability for it.

Only if it can be proven that he knew the full context of the whole speech, and only if it can be proven that he added the written commentary in the beginning of the video.

Simply posting a video out of context is not slander.
LOL what planet do you live on. The One I live on. THAT NEVER happens to Democrats.

I live on the planet "New York City" and I can tell you that no-one is liking Rangel 'round these parts.

If he's not removed from congress, he will lose the next election.
The Liberal Press Blew it WAY OUT OF proportion, and failed to explain to people that Oil does not stay for ever, It naturally disperses. The Liberal Press over Played it so much, that Million of tourism Dollars are still being lost because people are under the Impression every beach from East Texas to North Florida is ruined. The Press has caused that impression, and it could not be further from the Truth. The VAST majority of the Beaches Had Little OR NO oil come ashore. Hotels rooms are sitting empty for No reason.

In their Zeal to make it look as bad as they could, to Drum up more support for Cap and Trade, and Anti Oil moves, they have cost innocent American Businesspeople Millions in lost Tourism Dollars. Way to go Liberal Press.

Wow, I was unaware that Bobby Jindal was a member of the "Liberal Press".

Must have gotten a job at the NY Times while I wasn't looking.

Jindal Never put a graphic up on Nation TV with a massive swath of the Gulf covered in a Red Blob that Said OIL SPILL. That was the Liberal Press, I credit that Graphic Shown on ABC and CNN at least, Repeatedly with making many people think there would be oil on every single Beach, and cancel their plans.
I don't see it on this page.
Oh, forgot the link, sorry.

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

Scroll down towards the bottom to see the video.

Still won't cut it in the legal department though. Too many hurdles to overcome.

1. It would have to be proven the Breitbart added the written commentary in the beginning of the clip.

2. If (1) happens, then it would have to be proven that Breitbart knew the full context of the clip in question.

No matter what we believe about either of those things, I doubt it can be proven in a court of law.
IMO, only #1 needs be proven. But yes, that is a good weasel. It will come down to his word against his source.
She was offered a promotion. Saying "well I turned down more money because I was so distraught" won't exactly play well with a jury.

This really is going to be funny.

Newsflash: Except for the rabid rightwingers, the jury so far (the rest of America) is on her side.

Newsvine - POLL: Should Shirley Sherrod sue Andrew Breitbart over edited video tape or simply move on?
an online poll???

i guess the sitting POTUS is Ron Paul then

Well organized pollsters don't usually waste their time on single-issue crap.
LOL what planet do you live on. The One I live on. THAT NEVER happens to Democrats.

I live on the planet "New York City" and I can tell you that no-one is liking Rangel 'round these parts.

If he's not removed from congress, he will lose the next election.

I didn't say he would not be removed. I said he will not face any Criminal Charges, and if he does, he will not go to prison.
Oh, forgot the link, sorry.

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism?2010 - Big Government

Scroll down towards the bottom to see the video.

Still won't cut it in the legal department though. Too many hurdles to overcome.

1. It would have to be proven the Breitbart added the written commentary in the beginning of the clip.

2. If (1) happens, then it would have to be proven that Breitbart knew the full context of the clip in question.

No matter what we believe about either of those things, I doubt it can be proven in a court of law.
IMO, only #1 needs be proven. But yes, that is a good weasel. It will come down to his word against his source.

But even if #1 is proven, it only reaches the legal definition of slander if he knew it not to be true. Which is why #2 must happen as well.
The fact that he USED her to make his point is why she is the victim, and in an even better position to sue. It's a nofuckingbrainer.

Oh. Now it's clear.

In order to hold your point of view, one must have nofuckingbrain. No wonder you post such nonsense.

As I've said over and over, you have a real serious problem with comprehension, genius. I said the STATEMENT by Dr. House was a nofuckingbrainer. I mean, really, that's a nofuckingbrainer. READ!!
She was offered a promotion. Saying "well I turned down more money because I was so distraught" won't exactly play well with a jury.

This really is going to be funny.

Newsflash: Except for the rabid rightwingers, the jury so far (the rest of America) is on her side.

Newsvine - POLL: Should Shirley Sherrod sue Andrew Breitbart over edited video tape or simply move on?

Are you personally attacking everyone who has a different opinion than yours?

I don't agree with "her side" and I am far from a rabid rightwinger. I've even talked to a staffer of a Democrat running in my district about volunteering for her campaign.

Are you trying to hamper my efforts?

Ironically, no one has been able to prove Dan Rather was wrong, either.

Indeed, though his methods and data were assailed, no-one actually argued the truth of his actual point.

That's absolutely incorrect. The memogate documents were outed as forgeries. Their is no point in arguing whether the content of a forgery is true or false. The documents themselves were bogus and that speaks for their veracity.

The "Fake But Accurate" excuse fell flat.
Jindal Never put a graphic up on Nation TV with a massive swath of the Gulf covered in a Red Blob that Said OIL SPILL. That was the Liberal Press, I credit that Graphic Shown on ABC and CNN at least, Repeatedly with making many people think there would be oil on every single Beach, and cancel their plans.

No, you're right...

Jindal screamed bloody murder when the Obama administration didn't let him waste tens of millions of dollars building berms to protect the Louisiana coastlines.

And no-one said anything about there being "oil on every beach" that I can recall. Ever.

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