Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...

Sure is alot of defending of the racist Breitbart, from the folks who insist there's no racism on the right lol.

link to who said there "no racism" on the right :eusa_whistle:

there is racism in both parties, however, the dems are the dishonest ones who believe it primarily exists on the right, its as if dems believe there is no racism on the left

It's hard not to draw that conclusion:
There Are Zero Black Republicans in Congress, Yet 32 Are Running for Office in 2010? | News & Politics | AlterNet
Only one of the 32 black candidates is receiving active financial and political support from the national party: Allen West, who faces stiff opposition from well-funded Democratic incumbent Ron Klein. (That contested Florida congressional district swoops up from Broward to the northern tip of Palm Beach County, comprising the epicenter of the heated 2000 presidential recount.) West is the only black candidate in the NRCC's "Young Guns" program, an "elite" group of the party's top-priority candidates. The "merit-based" program provides funds and strategic political support to Republicans challenging Democratic incumbents or running for open seats. Young Guns must meet fundraising, volunteer-recruitment, Internet outreach and other campaign benchmarks to earn their status.

The Senate is even worse. Of the 100, only one is black (Roland Burriss), a Democrat.
[ the dems are the dishonest ones who believe it primarily exists on the right, its as if dems believe there is no racism on the left

let's not use "dems" as the gauge to whether or not there is racism on one side or the other... let's use the voting patterns of those minorities who are most impacted by racism. blacks in america overwhelmingly vote democratic. it would seem to even the most casual observer that they, more than any other group, would be able to accurately discern which party had the more racist policies.... unless, of course, you believe that negroes are just too stupid to figure that out.


So I guess Obama's anti-gay marriage stance means nothing since the voting pattern shows that gay Americans favor Obama.

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama on Gay Marriage[/ame]

Guess those drag queens and leather bikers need to just sit down and shut up. Their voting pattern has spoken!

At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.
Gee whiz.

The Dems promote the meme that the GOP is racist and demonize conservative blacks as being Uncle Toms or not really black - and you're surprised that blacks stay on the Democrat Plantation?

There are some very excellent black conservative candidates running for Congress this year, including Col. Allen West and Star Parker. Of course, they are already under assault by the left to smear them.

Here's a big group of them:
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At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

Only if your definition of full equality is equal misery, squalor, and low living standards for everyone, except of course the government overlords.
Oh c'mon.

He's probably desperately reading through every single one of Yurt's post trying to find something, anything which bears the slightest resemblance to what he claimed was said.

The closest thing he'll find is something along the lines of: "Obama's speeches are bores."
naw, i think he actually said that, but the context was far different than what it says on its own

at this rate, zona is doing what all the lib morons are claiming Breitbart did

Are you saying Yurt didnt say what I copied and pasted into my sig? Yurt said it, and it has to suck knowing he did.

Yurt, not good dude. Not good.

By the way boedicca, he did say it. I copied and pasted it because I knew he would try to weasel out of it. Like clock work, he did of course.
you prove once again that you lack reading comprehension

and too bad you dont have an honest bone in your body and put a LINK to where he said it so it can nbe read IN CONTEXT
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If she sues him and wins, then watch out...

Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Michael Moore
Joel McHale

They do this shit all the time.

You're correct that it might set a precedent, but one I think is needed because of the out-of-control, say-anything free for all that prevails in today's atmosphere. If someone like Michael Moore were to do, say, Bowling for Columbine with restrictions on his selection of footage as back story, he would at least need to stipulate: "This is just a clip of a longer interview/speech/video/sound, or whatever."

Don't know who Joel McHale is.
Oh c'mon.

He's probably desperately reading through every single one of Yurt's post trying to find something, anything which bears the slightest resemblance to what he claimed was said.

The closest thing he'll find is something along the lines of: "Obama's speeches are bores."
naw, i think he actually said that, but the context was far different than what it says on its own

at this rate, zona is doing what all the lib morons are claiming Breitbart did

Well our comments on this message board don't reach millions of others, so therein lies the difference. And that is what's terribly wrong with that kind of "reporting" (from a blog or wherever) by either party partisan. There are too many people who are eager to lap up every drop of perceived scandalous information in order to justify their own political stance, and don't bother to do a single bit of fact-checking before going off half-cocked themselves. And usually, by the time it comes back around again, it's seen as truth, whether or not it is. That's what's meant by "going viral." Viruses are evil transporters of sickness, whether in the physical body or emotional mind.
Oh c'mon.

He's probably desperately reading through every single one of Yurt's post trying to find something, anything which bears the slightest resemblance to what he claimed was said.

The closest thing he'll find is something along the lines of: "Obama's speeches are bores."
naw, i think he actually said that, but the context was far different than what it says on its own

at this rate, zona is doing what all the lib morons are claiming Breitbart did

Well our comments on this message board don't reach millions of others, so therein lies the difference. And that is what's terribly wrong with that kind of "reporting" (from a blog or wherever) by either party partisan. There are too many people who are eager to lap up every drop of perceived scandalous information in order to justify their own political stance, and don't bother to do a single bit of fact-checking before going off half-cocked themselves. And usually, by the time it comes back around again, it's seen as truth, whether or not it is. That's what's meant by "going viral." Viruses are evil transporters of sickness, whether in the physical body or emotional mind.
"going viral" has a whole different meaning on the internet
WikiAnswers - What does going viral mean in the internet world

and i am correct in what i said zona is doing
At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

Only if your definition of full equality is equal misery, squalor, and low living standards for everyone, except of course the government overlords.

So how do you figure that? Most of my friends are Democrats, including a few blacks and one gay man. My last employer was gay. More than a dozen lawyers in the law firm where I worked for years were gay. One of my nieces is gay. Our Secretary of State is gay. None of us live in squalor nor suck off the government.

Why don't you and Stephanie go play dolls or something. You're both that childish.
naw, i think he actually said that, but the context was far different than what it says on its own

at this rate, zona is doing what all the lib morons are claiming Breitbart did

Well our comments on this message board don't reach millions of others, so therein lies the difference. And that is what's terribly wrong with that kind of "reporting" (from a blog or wherever) by either party partisan. There are too many people who are eager to lap up every drop of perceived scandalous information in order to justify their own political stance, and don't bother to do a single bit of fact-checking before going off half-cocked themselves. And usually, by the time it comes back around again, it's seen as truth, whether or not it is. That's what's meant by "going viral." Viruses are evil transporters of sickness, whether in the physical body or emotional mind.
"going viral" has a whole different meaning on the internet
WikiAnswers - What does going viral mean in the internet world

and i am correct in what i said zona is doing

Well of course. Some phony doctor could claim that warts cause blindness, and that too could go viral if enough people freaked out about it. :confused:
At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

Only if your definition of full equality is equal misery, squalor, and low living standards for everyone, except of course the government overlords.

So how do you figure that? Most of my friends are Democrats, including a few blacks and one gay man. My last employer was gay. More than a dozen lawyers in the law firm where I worked for years were gay. One of my nieces is gay. Our Secretary of State is gay. None of us live in squalor nor suck off the government.

Why don't you and Stephanie go play dolls or something. You're both that childish.

Ethnicity and race are not germane. The government's policies are destroying our economy, which makes life worse for everyone in the private sector.

You're an economic illiterate if you can't see this.
let's not use "dems" as the gauge to whether or not there is racism on one side or the other... let's use the voting patterns of those minorities who are most impacted by racism. blacks in america overwhelmingly vote democratic. it would seem to even the most casual observer that they, more than any other group, would be able to accurately discern which party had the more racist policies.... unless, of course, you believe that negroes are just too stupid to figure that out.


So I guess Obama's anti-gay marriage stance means nothing since the voting pattern shows that gay Americans favor Obama.

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama on Gay Marriage[/ame]

Guess those drag queens and leather bikers need to just sit down and shut up. Their voting pattern has spoken!

At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

They have Full Equality...

What they don't have is Special Rights that Allows them to Force an Equality that doesn't Exist in Marriage...

If they want to Marry, they can... If they Choose to Defy thier Natural Design and Equipment, then THEY have Changed the Equation and must Live with those Choices, not Expect Society to Embrace those Choices as Equal to something they are not.


let's not use "dems" as the gauge to whether or not there is racism on one side or the other... let's use the voting patterns of those minorities who are most impacted by racism. blacks in america overwhelmingly vote democratic. it would seem to even the most casual observer that they, more than any other group, would be able to accurately discern which party had the more racist policies.... unless, of course, you believe that negroes are just too stupid to figure that out.


So I guess Obama's anti-gay marriage stance means nothing since the voting pattern shows that gay Americans favor Obama.

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama on Gay Marriage[/ame]

Guess those drag queens and leather bikers need to just sit down and shut up. Their voting pattern has spoken!

At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

How do you figure? Show the results.

So I guess Obama's anti-gay marriage stance means nothing since the voting pattern shows that gay Americans favor Obama.

YouTube - Barack Obama on Gay Marriage

Guess those drag queens and leather bikers need to just sit down and shut up. Their voting pattern has spoken!

At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

How do you figure? Show the results.
no shit
the dems were at the helm for over 50 years prior to 1994
yet they had more progress in the 80's than the 50 years of democratic dominance
Is she also going to sue the WH? Is she also going to sue POTUS? Is she also going to sue the Dept.of Agriculture? is she also going to sue her old Boss?....Is she going to sue the NAACP? They were among the first to throw her under the bus.This is stupid,just another reason to attack the conservatives.If she files suit against all the above I mentioned I will be shocked.The left has such a hatred against the right it's ridiculous.
Only if your definition of full equality is equal misery, squalor, and low living standards for everyone, except of course the government overlords.

So how do you figure that? Most of my friends are Democrats, including a few blacks and one gay man. My last employer was gay. More than a dozen lawyers in the law firm where I worked for years were gay. One of my nieces is gay. Our Secretary of State is gay. None of us live in squalor nor suck off the government.

Why don't you and Stephanie go play dolls or something. You're both that childish.

Ethnicity and race are not germane. The government's policies are destroying our economy, which makes life worse for everyone in the private sector.

You're an economic illiterate if you can't see this.

WTF? You jump from alleged economic standards among the gay community, to the government's economic policy. You're fucking insane. Stay with one subject or another.

I will, however, address the so-called "destruction" of the economy. Right now, it appears that it's the "new" capitalism that's holding the economy from expansion. When businesses (private sector, sweetie) start hoarding their profits and expect existing employees to work longer hours for less pay and no benefits, they have no incentive to hire new people. Greed, as usual, is contributing greatly to unemployment numbers remaining high.

So I guess Obama's anti-gay marriage stance means nothing since the voting pattern shows that gay Americans favor Obama.

YouTube - Barack Obama on Gay Marriage

Guess those drag queens and leather bikers need to just sit down and shut up. Their voting pattern has spoken!

At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

How do you figure? Show the results.

Obama is not anti-gay in general, as most Republicans/Conservatives are (other than those who secretly practice it, that is). The fact that he opposes gay "marriage" is a moot point. There is nothing in the Constitution that discusses marriage as part of the equal opportunity equation.
At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

How do you figure? Show the results.

Obama is not anti-gay in general, as most Republicans/Conservatives are (other than those who secretly practice it, that is). The fact that he opposes gay "marriage" is a moot point. There is nothing in the Constitution that discusses marriage as part of the equal opportunity equation.

No results to show, so you then make a baseless accusation.

Obama could end DADT by Executive Order this minute if he wanted to. Obama could treat DOMA the same way he treats immigration and black panther voter intimidation. Instead, his DOJ argues in favor of DOMA and DADT is still used as a political wedge.

The self-deception of the LGBT community on this issue is astounding.
At least they have a better chance at attaining full equality with Dems at the helm.

How do you figure? Show the results.
no shit
the dems were at the helm for over 50 years prior to 1994
yet they had more progress in the 80's than the 50 years of democratic dominance

Opinion pieces will be touted as authoritative histories, but the facts don't lie.

The GLBT community said that Obama was going to legalize gay marriage and end DADT. So far nothing. The irony of course is that gay marriage is illegal in California now, thanks the over a million Obama voters there.

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