"She's a Marxist. Everybody knows she's a Marxist. Her father's a Marxist professor in economics. And he taught her well."

She is worse that just a Marxist. She is pro-criminal, approved free bailouts for BLM thugs anti-ICE, anti- border patrol, and wants the illegals to just keep pouring in. She clearly wants the drugs and illegals because that makes it better for Democrats. She cares NOTHING about the American people.
She is nothing what you ranted.

Now go grab a Kleenex to hold back the tears.
And she did not deny it. Trump made sure America knows she's a Marxist. Logical thinking Americans don't want her Marxist policies that will put the nation and law abiding American citizens in jeopardy.

Coming from a fascist who could only come up with one leader who likes him - Orban - this is hilarious. LOL
And she did not deny it. Trump made sure America knows she's a Marxist. Logical thinking Americans don't want her Marxist policies that will put the nation and law abiding American citizens in jeopardy.

Donald J. Trump called Kamala Harris a “Marxist” because her father taught the subject at Stanford University, though she has repeatedly made clear that she supports capitalism.
And she did not deny it. Trump made sure America knows she's a Marxist. Logical thinking Americans don't want her Marxist policies that will put the nation and law abiding American citizens in jeopardy.

uhm......she kept making FACES when Trump made fairly
reasonable remarks----cynical smirks. It reminded me of
people with idiot defenses against reasonable charges
She is worse that just a Marxist. She is pro-criminal, approved free bailouts for BLM thugs anti-ICE, anti- border patrol, and wants the illegals to just keep pouring in. She clearly wants the drugs and illegals because that makes it better for Democrats. She cares NOTHING about the American people.
That’s basically what Marxists want for this country so she is nothing more than a Marxist.
Except she is a slut.
And she did not deny it. Trump made sure America knows she's a Marxist. Logical thinking Americans don't want her Marxist policies that will put the nation and law abiding American citizens in jeopardy.

This idiot Spelly thinks Kamala is as dumb and undisciplined as Trump and take the bait like he did - every time.
The Clintons were called marxists, Obama was also called a marxist, Biden a marxist and now Harris. Do you have nothing else in your playbook? It's been 20 years of calling democrat candidates and presidents, "marxists." Where has this gotten you? Is there a single sane person in America, including other republicans who actually thinks the US became Cuba or Mao's CCP during that time? Has the US been "destroyed" as maga continues to claim? I seem to remember a republican lying to the American people to get into a forever war in the middle east. I seem to remember the same republican president who sat around and allowed the greatest terrorist attack on America. I seem to remember the same republican president who presided over the worst economy since the Great depression. Then numb nuts Trump, another republican president comes along, and adds 8.4 trillion to the national debt and mismanages one of the worst pandemics to hit the US in 100 years, on top of attempting a coup and trying to overthrow a legal and fair election. Everything the right says about democrats destroying america, and turning it into a dictatorship is probably the most clear cut case of projection I've ever seen.

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