She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)


May 29, 2010
The article states he will handle political operations as she considers a possible 2012 presidential bid. Aparently she is in full control and trust the fellow. This is going to shake things up in the GOP and with the other possible candidates. This guy is a real professional with serious connections within the old GOP. Not the kind of person who signs up to work with the village idiot. Also causes problems for Romney who has spent the last two years glad handing the “GOP insiders”. Sounds like a good hire to me.

Michael Glassner’s Summary:

A 25-year veteran in public affairs and national political campaign management, Glassner provides experience and leadership in public affairs and policy development to achieve bottom-line business and policy objectives for clients.

C&M Transcontinental LLC offers national and international experience and expertise at devising and leading global strategic plans for successful public policy and communications challenges.

SpecialtiesGovernment affairs, corporate and campaign operations, internal and external corporate communications, investor relations, general corporate management.

Michael Glassner’s Experience
Partner C&M Transcontinental
Public Relations and Communications industry

September 2009 – Present (1 year 6 months)

C & M Transcontinental (C & M T) merges the leadership and public affairs capabilities and policy and market development expertise of two leading professionals with over 50 years combined experience in corporate strategic communications, government program management, marketing and public relations at the executive level, political campaign management and more. C & M T is committed to its clients’ bottom-line business and policy objectives, achieved with a commitment to exceptional client service, quality control standards, and delivering a return on investment.

Director, VP Operations McCain-Palin 2008
Telecommunications industry

May 2008 – November 2008 (7 months)

Managed the Vice Presidential campaign on behalf of Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican nominees for President and Vice President of the United States. Directed campaign travel and scheduling, logistical advance, personnel, budgets, fundraising, and other campaign activities for the VP nominee. Managed a team of over 100 campaign staff and volunteers and served as a member of the campaign’s senior staff. Participated in strategy and planning for the McCain-Palin general election campaign

Senior Vice President, External Affairs IDT Corporation
Telecommunications industry

July 2001 – July 2008 (7 years 1 month)

Directed public affairs, internal and external communications, investor relations, and strategic planning for an international telecommunications company with an excess of $ 2 billion in annual revenues. Acted as Chief of Staff to the Chief Executive Officer, chief spokesman for the firm, and leader of its public affairs efforts at the local, state, federal and international arenas including regulatory and legislative matters. Other duties included acting as liaison to members of the board of directors, advising the CEO on brand management, corporate governance matters, led extensive political fundraising activities, and served as Treasurer of the IDT Corporation PAC. Also determined corporate sponsorships, assisted with new business development and charitable foundation contributions. IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT, IDTb) is a leading facilities-based multinational telecommunications carrier that provides a broad range of services to customers worldwide. IDT’s businesses include wholesale carrier and retail services including prepaid calling cards, domestic and international long distance services, wired and wireless consumer telecommunications products, and natural gas and electric sales and distribution networks.

Chief of Staff to the Chairman Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Government Agency; Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry

Palin hires chief-of-staff – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
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I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.
It's fun time class......
We've had two class clowns for the last two years.
I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.
The more candidates the better imho. Me, I'm not liking Mitt Romney this time around just because of RomneyCare in Taxachusetts. I think we need a President more like Ron Paul.

Paul/Palin 2012 sounds good to me!
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She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot.
She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot.

Bullshit. The media, thanks to Obama's goonishness, has been stalking her for years. Literally. Also lying about her, harassing her, and working hand in hand with the thugs hired by the Obama camp to ruin her.

I hope she wins.
She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)
Awriiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....the RNC finally picked her "Dick Cheney"!!!

She's really gonna need a speechwriter, though.....someone who thinks like her....

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She's gonna find out what a real media woodchipper feels like. Up to now, the media's only been sparring with her, taking the odd pot shot.

Bullshit. The media, thanks to Obama's goonishness, has been stalking her for years. Literally. Also lying about her, harassing her, and working hand in hand with the thugs hired by the Obama camp to ruin her.

I hope she wins.

Poor little Sarah, who couldn't even handle Katie 'Koran' Couric.
The Katie Couric interview was nothing. You have seen clips of the idiocies our POTUS has gibbered?
The Katie Couric interview was nothing. You have seen clips of the idiocies our POTUS has gibbered?

Thread isn't about the POTUS. Try to divert if you want.
I can see Mexico from my RV. That makes me an expert on Mexico!
We are going to see Sarah Palin for what she really IS; Sharron Angle with a good 'makeover'. :lol:
I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.
Yeah.....all-of-a-sudden she's gonna grow a brain, huh???


We've already been too-close to an unstable/short-tempered candidate, with John McCain. We don't need to risk that, a second-time.......​

"Warm and effusive in public, indifferent or angry in private: this is the pattern of Palin’s behavior toward the people who make her life possible. A onetime gubernatorial aide to Palin says, “The people who have worked for her—they’re broken, used, stepped on, down in the dust.” On the 2008 campaign trail, one close aide recalls, it was practically impossible to persuade Palin to take a moment to thank the kitchen workers at fund-raising dinners. During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. At the end of one long day, when Palin was mid-tirade, a campaign aide remembers thinking, “You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from?”

This is great news for Obama.

By the time The Disasta From Alaska gets done mud wrestling with The Mormon Moron With Great Hair, Huckleberry Round and maybe Tom "Quit Laughing At Me" Tancredo, that clown circus will be but a twisted side show for the electorate come Fall, 2012.

Meanwhile, the Centrist Fringe Killer deals masterfully with world crises, holds office while the economy slowly recovers, and still polls around 50+% in the midst of the carnage left by Junior's historic clusterfuck terms.

Stock-up on the popcorn, folks!!!

The Katie Couric interview was nothing. You have seen clips of the idiocies our POTUS has gibbered?

Thread isn't about the POTUS. Try to divert if you want.
I can see Mexico from my RV. That makes me an expert on Mexico!
We are going to see Sarah Palin for what she really IS; Sharron Angle with a good 'makeover'. :lol:
Honestly, she couldn't be worse than Obama. In fact, Obama automatically makes anyone who comes after him look that much better.
I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered

Which ones?

Sarah Palin is as qualified as anyone else. The fact is that people are responding to the caricature that has been created of her. She even acknowledged that she wouldn't support herself if she believed the things she read about herself. If she decides to run then she will have a chance through debates and talking directly to people to change that caricature. She had a question and answer session with conservative leaders late last year and one source said that she was not what they were led to believe. She was described as "very knowledgable and gave intelligent answers. And was charming."

At this point in the 2008 cycle, Guiliani was the frontrunner, yet a year later he was down to a last stand in Florida. Reagan trailed Carter by 25 points. Things can change ery quickly.
Is it finally starting to dawn on you conservatives that the GOP really has NO particularly attractive candidates?

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