She's Running: Sarah Palin Hires Chief-Of-Staff (Michael Glassner)

A 3% total in CPAC. USAR, what is your issue? Your candidate is a non-starter even with the respectable far right of the party. The rest of us wouldn't give her a dance at the GOP prom, though every man jack of us,and a few of the gals, would have loved to dance with her at the high school prom.
You still haven't provided facts to why she will get her ass kicked?
Yeah, I have. Oh, ye who have ears and won't listen, and have eyes yet refuse to see. Yet keep running your damned mouth.
Palin running would be like injecting cancerous cells into the Republican party.
The Katie Couric interview was nothing. You have seen clips of the idiocies our POTUS has gibbered?

Thread isn't about the POTUS. Try to divert if you want.
I can see Mexico from my RV. That makes me an expert on Mexico!
We are going to see Sarah Palin for what she really IS; Sharron Angle with a good 'makeover'. :lol:

B for Bullshit Kid,

You are an Obamarrhoidal idjit. Obviously Sarah was kidding around with the "I see Russia" statement.

Question: Did Obami Salaami mispeak when he said that we have 57 states ??? Or, repeatedly compliment the "CORPESMEN" at the Military Function honouring our Corpsmen as CORPSES by mispronouncing the word ?????

Or, more importantly spend TWENTY FUCKING YEARS in the Cathedral of Hate and have that PSYCHO "Goddamn America" Wright in Obami Salaami's own words be his "Pastor, friend and mentor" ?!?!?!?

Listen should really go and flush yourself down the nearest toilet for being one of the more idiotic Obamarrhoidal stooges extant.
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i cant see her running, and if she runs, i cant see her winning.

she is brilliant in her way, but the media's constant bashing and outright lies about her make her dammaged goods
My god it's like the libs are being exorcised or something...they're writhing on the floor, screaming, clawing at their eyes...

It reminds me of something...what is it...oh, I know:

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I do believe that Gov. Palin will show herself to be a completely different animal when running her own campaign.

Many stereotypes about her are going to be shattered.

I'm sure the media has released every piece of information they have on her. We know more about her than we do obama.
We want to win. The Dems are started funneling money to her if she begins a campaign she will be so easily beat. They are terrified of Romney Christie ticket. The should be. Don't mention Barbour; he will make the left and the center bolt. They would have rather Satan than him.
We want to win. The Dems are started funneling money to her if she begins a campaign she will be so easily beat. They are terrified of Romney Christie ticket. The should be. Don't mention Barbour; he will make the left and the center bolt. They would have rather Satan than him.

Jake it's a good thing you don't speak for the GOP, if you did we would be fucked.
A Romney/Palin ticket might win.

but palin as president That is just rediculous.

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