Shifting the tax burden to the wealthy class does NOT harm the economy

the poor are poor because of imaginary financial tools?


The poor are poor because of those that believe that restaurants and Walmart only make 3% net.

more cryptic shit. make your case.

oh wait you cant.

Cryptic? Nothing cryptic about it. I stated fact.

if they were facts you could back them up idiot. you stated opinion, and aren't even offering anything to support that

I've backed up my facts many time on this board. I suggest you keep up.
The amazing thing is that so many 30K a year Republicans working at the local convenience store keep voting and supporting their very worst enemies.


I still can't figure out what you think yo are a one percenter of

So you think mooching is the natural state of humans rather than being proud enough to make it on their own? Or is that just you?
What class? These mysterious divisions between people of different levels of wealth just don't exist. Anyone can talk to someone who is richer than they are.

I really think that socialism is history's unshitted shit that is going to take a while to drop.
There ya' go. A perfect demonstration of the mental illness of conservatives.
They think everyone is out to screw them.
They think no one works for their money but them.

And here you have a rightie open claiming non-conservatives are " moochers ".

I'd bet he claims taxes are theft too.

Another typical right wing nut job claim.

I would laugh at him but it's like laughing at a cripple. Not nice.

The scientists are proven right, by posters like this, when they claim Conservatism is a Mental Illness.

And they have the MRI's to back them up.

The MRI's show increased activity, in the brains of Conservatives during interviewing, in the area that deals with FEAR.

Righties are afraid of EVERYTHING.

Everyone is out to fuck them.
Everyone is out to steal from them.
Nobody works for their money but them.

Those are the typical Republican attitudes and complaints that can be seen in discussion forums all over the Internet.

I'm surprised some Pharmaceutical company isn't developing a pill for them.
Although, in truth, they should probably be institutionalized.


So you think mooching is the natural state of humans rather than being proud enough to make it on their own? Or is that just you?

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