Shiny object alert: Trump wants Clinton emails released

Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics

The Trump/Rooskie "stealing the election from the Hildebeast" is such a load of bullshit. We already know that Seth Rich was the source of the leaks and the amount of time required to "hack" a server and download that much information would have taken days and would have alerted Cloud Strike that the server was being hacked. All this has done is take focus off of the contents of the leaked e-mails showing and proving corruption of the DNC to the highest levels.
I don't buy into the Seth Rich story but I do agree that corruption in the DNC is highly likely. Both parties are dirtier than dirt. That said, I was speaking to the political diversion tactic being used by Trump to deflect from the negative press that was coming from the Mueller indictment. It is very transparent at this point and gets exhausting when all the responses to negative accusations against Trump is pointing the finger at Clinton and the DNC. We can look at Clinton and the DNC for the many things that I'm sure they did that was corrupt, but lets stop doing it as an immediate reaction to Trump critics. Its a classic shiny object diversion, its lazy and it isn't intellectually honest.

That is because you are a critical thinker. What I believe is the deal with the Hillary e-mails is that it will further reveal Hillary's ties with pointing the finger at Trump, it deflects attention away from what really happened. You want to talk about foreign money being used to influence an election? Look no further than the Hildebeast that sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund, look at all the donors from foreign countries. That is why I maintain that we are living in a banana republic.
I think if all the cards were turned on the table regarding Clintons ties to foreign governments and the financial trails of many of her doners, it would be an ugly story. Now I don't necessarily think that means a bunch of criminal activity was going on. She was first lady and Secretary of State... Relationships and even "back room" deals are part of the game and can even be useful to some degree. As long as she was acting in the best interest of our country. I think she very well may have crossed the line to act in her own self interest in some instances and if she was still in our leadership, i'd probably push harder to expose the dirt.

If something illegal pops up then im all for holding her or the DNC accountable. I just don't like the focus constantly being turned off our current leadership and pointed at any scapegoat they can find.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.

Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
dude - if you back the thread truck up 2-3 beeps, you'll see you're the one who came at him at being stupid for not knowing the difference between an account vs. a server for no other reason than you either didn't read it or couldn't comprehend what he said.

you seem to be on the attack whether warranted or not and don't know to pull up when you're not actually under attack, so you double down.
Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
dude - if you back the thread truck up 2-3 beeps, you'll see you're the one who came at him at being stupid for not knowing the difference between an account vs. a server for no other reason than you either didn't read it or couldn't comprehend what he said.

you seem to be on the attack whether warranted or not and don't know to pull up when you're not actually under attack, so you double down.

No kidding, I called him stupid, your comprehension is severely lacking....dude.
did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
dude - if you back the thread truck up 2-3 beeps, you'll see you're the one who came at him at being stupid for not knowing the difference between an account vs. a server for no other reason than you either didn't read it or couldn't comprehend what he said.

you seem to be on the attack whether warranted or not and don't know to pull up when you're not actually under attack, so you double down.

No kidding, I called him stupid, your comprehension is severely lacking....dude.
Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

Can we end this conversation now?
Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
What insult games was I playing? I just told you to join the conversation if you can keep it smart and civil or go away.

I see...if I can keep it smart and civil. I suppose we should just ignore the insult about reading conversations before chiming in, or growing up, or contributing any smart ideas, or pissing off. Although, thank you for some civility in this last post.
did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
What insult games was I playing? I just told you to join the conversation if you can keep it smart and civil or go away.

I see...if I can keep it smart and civil. I suppose we should just ignore the insult about reading conversations before chiming in, or growing up, or contributing any smart ideas, or pissing off. Although, thank you for some civility in this last post.
Its not an insult to ask you to read conversations before chiming in with insults or to ask you to contribute with civility moving forward. If I insulted you with the language I used then I apologize. Lets move forward now shall we?! So who loves Hillary Clinton!
did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.
You gotta actually read conversations before you chime in. We’ve been talking about the 33k. And we’ve been doing so in an oppositional yet civil way then you come in trying to play the petty insult games. Tell you what, if you can grow up and contribute any smart ideas to the conversation in a civil way then please do so. If not then how about you piss off.

Wow, evidently you feel your petty insult games are better. Must be that terrific tolerance BS that idiots like you keep touting.
dude - if you back the thread truck up 2-3 beeps, you'll see you're the one who came at him at being stupid for not knowing the difference between an account vs. a server for no other reason than you either didn't read it or couldn't comprehend what he said.

you seem to be on the attack whether warranted or not and don't know to pull up when you're not actually under attack, so you double down.

No kidding, I called him stupid, your comprehension is severely lacking....dude.
This coming from someone who totally misread his post.

Like I said, you only know "attack mode"
Breaking Update!

Here's what's going down. Note the date. From 4Chan.

Trumps Plan
Release Hillary's e-mails and imprison Hillary.
Im not understanding the logic behind "release her emails" why do you want the emails released to the public? And why only Hillary?
Actually, the e-mails can't be released. Some are too classified.

Hillary needs to be imprisoned, though for her crimes.
haha, so your just yelling for her emails to get released for shits and giggles, or were you just parroting Trump and then when you actually thought about it you realized it was a stupid idea?

So now on to "Hillary needs to be imprisoned, though for her crimes." Whats gonna happen if you actually think about that one?? Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes... Then onto what? She's too old and faints too much?? GMAB, think before you speak dude.
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
He is doing it now for political reasons
Beg to differ - I think he kept quiet about it for political reasons but the leftards kicked the barn door open and now they're getting mowed down by the animals. Hey Dems - be careful what you ask for, you might get it
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
Like I say, maybe they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
Like I say, maybe they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above
Who is "they"? The ones who led thousands of people in a "lock her up" chant for months?
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
Like I say, maybe they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above
Who is "they"? The ones who led thousands of people in a "lock her up" chant for months?
Probably Sessions , the Obama loyalists in the FBI / I tel Agencies / media, and thise paid off by the Clintons or scared to death if them.... :p
Uhh, she hasn't committed any prosecutable crimes...
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
Like I say, maybe they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above
Who is "they"? The ones who led thousands of people in a "lock her up" chant for months?
Probably Sessions , the Obama loyalists in the FBI / I tel Agencies / media, and thise paid off by the Clintons or scared to death if them.... :p
I bet you started to realize how silly that all sounds while you were writing it out, huh. haha
You're full of shit. The fact that she nroke laws with her server is undeniable.

Illegal handling of classified

Illegal storage of classified

Illegal sharing of classified

Illegal destruction of classified gadgets and classified

The FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled off ger server never turned in, violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.


Giving false statements.

There is enough criminal counts to put her in jail for life ... which only makes one wonder why she is still being protected

...perhaps because they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above.
If she is being protected like you say then she is being protected by Trump and the DOJ. How do you explain that?
Like I say, maybe they don't want an ex-1st Lady to go to jail for Espionage, Conspiracy, and all these crimes listed above
Who is "they"? The ones who led thousands of people in a "lock her up" chant for months?
Probably Sessions , the Obama loyalists in the FBI / I tel Agencies / media, and thise paid off by the Clintons or scared to death if them.... :p
I bet you started to realize how silly that all sounds while you were writing it out, huh. haha
No, actually not at all. Why she is being protected I can't say because no one confided in me on that.

As I said, though, the FACT that she violated numerous laws in regards to her server is undeniable. Comey himself stated she broke the law but was too stupid to know she was doing it - a lie and not an acceprable defense for breaking the law.

If being too stupid to know you are breaking the law is a legal defense then all Manafort has to do is use it. We can call it the 'Hillary' defense. :p

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