Shiny object alert: Trump wants Clinton emails released

Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
/----/ How do you equate bombing an aspirin factory with opening a bunch of emails?

Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
/----/ How do you equate bombing an aspirin factory with opening a bunch of emails?

1. Know what the hell you are writing about seeing the damn Aspirin Factory was in the Sudan and not Iraq.

Clinton order the bombing of Iraq on the eve of the Impeachment Vote.

2. Both ( emails and bombing ) were to divert attention of the typical partisan hack and Clinton did the bombing for no other reason to divert attention just like Trump wanting to release Hillary emails.

Trump could have done this months ago but all of a sudden he want it done to divert attention from him and those around him and you will fall for it!
There will have to be an independent investigation into Obama illegally using the DOJ as his political weapon.
There will have to be an independent investigation into Hillary deleting her emails to hide the evidence of her corruption.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
wasn't getting this done one of his campaign promises?

as for negative press coming his way - do you honestly think there's a snowballs chance of that ever happening to him again? if it does in fact get proven the DNC and clintons paid $12mil or more to generate a lie, what will your take be on everything then?
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Just a couple days ago, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said they believed the Mueller investigation would be making some decisions in the near future. She said it was just guesstimation on their part, but what I believe REALLY happened is that the FBI alerted them that someone was about to be arrested.
Wonder who?
hopefully someone who committed an actual crime.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
they were deleted for political reasons, were they not? does anyone really have 33k e-mails around yoga and wedding planning?
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
I am defending nothing. I agree that Trump is likely playing some kind of crazy game, but the fact remains Clinton needs to be held accountable for her criminal acts.
Yeah I agree. If the Clintons broke a law then hold them accountable. But this situation right now is being completely politicized as a distraction from Mueller. I think it’s pretty obvious
except if mueller's evidence is a bought and paid for lie, wouldn't you do all you could do defend yourself from it?

again, trump can't go anywhere w/o media dogging him. there is zero chance he can bury or divert the trump-haters from maximizing anything found to the fullest extent. isn't that politics also?
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
/----/ How do you equate bombing an aspirin factory with opening a bunch of emails?

Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
/----/ How do you equate bombing an aspirin factory with opening a bunch of emails?

1. Know what the hell you are writing about seeing the damn Aspirin Factory was in the Sudan and not Iraq.

Clinton order the bombing of Iraq on the eve of the Impeachment Vote.

2. Both ( emails and bombing ) were to divert attention of the typical partisan hack and Clinton did the bombing for no other reason to divert attention just like Trump wanting to release Hillary emails.

Trump could have done this months ago but all of a sudden he want it done to divert attention from him and those around him and you will fall for it!
/----/ Nothing to get your panties in a knot about. Clintoon had so many diversions it's hard to keep track of which one was which after 25 years.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Do you believe that the American people have a right to know what is in those emails?
Of course not. Should we get open access to all our government leaders emails and communications? Hell no
Hell yes.

Our government should not be operating in secrete in any manner that is not in direct conflict with national security.

Why accept a government that is supposed to work for you but hides what it does and says?
It’s not a matter of hiding, it’s a simple matter of privacy. Does your boss go through all your emails? Have we ever opened the door to ANY officials email account to the public? No we haven’t, it would open Pandora’s box.

If there was suspicion of foul play then there can be a supena for investigators to view communications. That’s how it works.

Your claim that we the public should be able to read all of Clintons emails is absurd
All emails sent or received by government officials are supposed to be available to the public and are subject to FOIA requests.
So when has any officials email account been open to the public to view?

I’d love to take a look at what’s passing through the White House right now. If we are going to demand to see clintons emails then why not open everything up? It sounds like you are in agreement, right?
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
they were deleted for political reasons, were they not? does anyone really have 33k e-mails around yoga and wedding planning?
I’ve deleted way more than 33k emails over the past few years. I got about 3k sitting in one of my accounts from the past month that I need to wipe out. There’s probably close to 10k worth of USMB notifications that I’ve gotten rid of... How many do you think you’ve deleted from your accounts?
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
they were deleted for political reasons, were they not? does anyone really have 33k e-mails around yoga and wedding planning?
I’ve deleted way more than 33k emails over the past few years. I got about 3k sitting in one of my accounts from the past month that I need to wipe out. There’s probably close to 10k worth of USMB notifications that I’ve gotten rid of... How many do you think you’ve deleted from your accounts?
me? depends. are we talking my SPAM folder, or my inbox / sent mail?

not sure we know what she deleted but she said it was all yoga stuff and weddings if i recall correctly. all i said was 33k is a lot of mail for yoga and weddings.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
I am defending nothing. I agree that Trump is likely playing some kind of crazy game, but the fact remains Clinton needs to be held accountable for her criminal acts.
Yeah I agree. If the Clintons broke a law then hold them accountable. But this situation right now is being completely politicized as a distraction from Mueller. I think it’s pretty obvious
except if mueller's evidence is a bought and paid for lie, wouldn't you do all you could do defend yourself from it?

again, trump can't go anywhere w/o media dogging him. there is zero chance he can bury or divert the trump-haters from maximizing anything found to the fullest extent. isn't that politics also?
Don’t go too hard with that narrative. The investigation was under way long before the dossier was compiled. FISA warrants were issued long before the dossier was compiled. To think that was the source of evidence the DOJ and FBI used to justify their investigation is completely unrealistic and pretty absurd
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
I am defending nothing. I agree that Trump is likely playing some kind of crazy game, but the fact remains Clinton needs to be held accountable for her criminal acts.
Yeah I agree. If the Clintons broke a law then hold them accountable. But this situation right now is being completely politicized as a distraction from Mueller. I think it’s pretty obvious
except if mueller's evidence is a bought and paid for lie, wouldn't you do all you could do defend yourself from it?

again, trump can't go anywhere w/o media dogging him. there is zero chance he can bury or divert the trump-haters from maximizing anything found to the fullest extent. isn't that politics also?
Don’t go too hard with that narrative. The investigation was under way long before the dossier was compiled. FISA warrants were issued long before the dossier was compiled. To think that was the source of evidence the DOJ and FBI used to justify their investigation is completely unrealistic and pretty absurd
given most all of my info is from the media, and i don't trust them for shit, i'm open to other possibilities. never really thought of SPAM in the total because it was never said SPAM was a bulk of what was deleted. that can add up quickly for sure.

but then again only if that address is used in public. i have no idea where she used it, if she signed onto sites that sold e-mail addresses with it or not. i'll want and see where the rest of the investigations go on both sides with my biggest goal being - if you broke the law, alcatraz. reopen that bad boy up and start throwing crooked politicians in there on any and all sides.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.

Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.
i'd not say it was more secure. i'd also not say that would be the ONLY reason. she can hire almost any company to host her e-mail and they will be responsible for the account and privacy issues. putting up a server in your home means you now take on the IT burden of running it - of which is going to include patching, updates, security and the like.

and i have no issue with them using private e-mails for gov business as long as they follow protocols of ensuring all traffic is kept on file. if you don't want it on file, then don't use it for that purpose.

doing either, in this case both, is suspicious at the very least.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.

Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
they were deleted for political reasons, were they not? does anyone really have 33k e-mails around yoga and wedding planning?
I’ve deleted way more than 33k emails over the past few years. I got about 3k sitting in one of my accounts from the past month that I need to wipe out. There’s probably close to 10k worth of USMB notifications that I’ve gotten rid of... How many do you think you’ve deleted from your accounts?
me? depends. are we talking my SPAM folder, or my inbox / sent mail?

not sure we know what she deleted but she said it was all yoga stuff and weddings if i recall correctly. all i said was 33k is a lot of mail for yoga and weddings.
I don’t know the quote but I’m pretry sure she wasn’t saying that 33k emails were only about yoga and weddings. I think she was saying that they were either personal business or insignificant messages. Do you know how many SOS work product emails she did turn over?

And remember, there was an FBI investigation, and she did have to open her accounts to investigators. If they found that she hid or destroyed relevant evidence then she should be held accountable. Unfortunately for the “lock her up” crew, the FBI found her actions to be careless but not criminal.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.

Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.
I work in tech, I know the difference.... so what’s your point? You think it’s odd that an exFirst Lady who runs a huge charitable foundation and who is aspiring to be president of the USA ask for a tech person to set up a secure email system for her to use through You really don’t understand why she did that?
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
when has any public official ever setup their own e-mail server, passed classified information knowingly, deleted 33k of mails ahead of them being called into question and the like?

the sheer fact is while there was no issue with her setting up the server from a legal standpoint, there were rules around which she had to play. she didn't.

trump meets with a russian the left goes apeshit.
hillary does all this and nothing from the left. apathy.

now, what if trump did this? you'd never hear the end of IMPEACH and i'd be on their side for it.

it's the crimes being committed, not the people. ANYONE breaking the law needs to go. Now.
I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. I agree there is plenty shadiness around the Clintons and I’m not sad to see them out of power. But this email thing was blown WAY out of proportion and politicized, not analyzed.

Again with the private email accounts, you may want to find out the difference between a email account and an email server. Before you say more stupid stuff.

did you read the entire post or just get pissed at the first sentence?

"I’ll bet you many government officials continued to use a private email account while in office. Jared Kushner even did it after the whole Clinton debacle. The fact that she had her own server set up instead of using gmail only shows that she was trying to set up something that was more secure. "

so - pretty sure he knows the difference.

More secure? For who? Considering 33,000 emails vanished, I guessing it wasn't for our security.

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