Shiny object alert: Trump wants Clinton emails released

Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Glad to see you referred to actual "leadership", we haven't seen much of that in the last 16 years.
Unfortunately our current leadership seems to be leading us to the gutter instead of to prosperity. It is unfortunate because he actually does have great potential but his ego is pissing it all away.

Is this another example of liberal dishonest spin?? Stock market all time highs, GDP higher than Obama, what is your justification for saying, "leading us to the gutter instead of prosperity"?
I’m speaking too division, partisanship, lack of civil discourse. Flat out lies coming out of the Whitehorse on nearly a daily basis. High school name calling on Twitter. It’s damn embarrassing. They’ve been on Obama last budget and riding off his unemployment numbers and economic growth. So let’s see if Trump can keep the boat moving. I sure hope so.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics

No...the mueller indictments are the shiny objects......since he is now implicated in covering up the Uranium One scandal.....and regular political journalists are now calling for him to step down as the lead in the investigation....
What’s the Uranium One scandal? Be specific because I’ve heard a lot of false BS about it from the right.
/—-/ Oh that silly old uranium thingy? Hillary was just looking for some donations to her charity so she could help feed and clothe hungry naked children, nothing to it at all. P
I’ve heard the accusations but they haven’t lined up with facts. Like the Russians donated 150 million to the foundation while she was SOS so she passed the Uranium one deal. That’s what I’ve heard and it is outright false. So present the case with facts to support it. I’m all ears...
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics

That's funny. So do I. Who knew!
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Snowflakes?? Jesus man, if it was such an obvious violation of the law then arrest her already. The republicans and Trump control congress the whitehouse and the DOJ. Why has nothing happened?
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Snowflakes?? Jesus man, if it was such an obvious violation of the law then arrest her already. The republicans and Trump control congress the whitehouse and the DOJ. Why has nothing happened?
I don't understand why they don't. I can only believe that the Clintons must be blackmailing Sessions
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Why shouldn't they be released?
Because they are her emails. When has any public official ever had all their emails released to the public? Y’all are on crack
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Snowflakes?? Jesus man, if it was such an obvious violation of the law then arrest her already. The republicans and Trump control congress the whitehouse and the DOJ. Why has nothing happened?
I don't understand why they don't. I can only believe that the Clintons must be blackmailing Sessions
Wow, I think you figured it out!!! Well done!!!!
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Do you believe that the American people have a right to know what is in those emails?
Of course not. Should we get open access to all our government leaders emails and communications? Hell no
Hell yes.

Our government should not be operating in secrete in any manner that is not in direct conflict with national security.

Why accept a government that is supposed to work for you but hides what it does and says?
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Do you believe that the American people have a right to know what is in those emails?
Of course not. Should we get open access to all our government leaders emails and communications? Hell no
Hell yes.

Our government should not be operating in secrete in any manner that is not in direct conflict with national security.

Why accept a government that is supposed to work for you but hides what it does and says?
It’s not a matter of hiding, it’s a simple matter of privacy. Does your boss go through all your emails? Have we ever opened the door to ANY officials email account to the public? No we haven’t, it would open Pandora’s box.

If there was suspicion of foul play then there can be a supena for investigators to view communications. That’s how it works.

Your claim that we the public should be able to read all of Clintons emails is absurd
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Do you believe that the American people have a right to know what is in those emails?
Of course not. Should we get open access to all our government leaders emails and communications? Hell no
Hell yes.

Our government should not be operating in secrete in any manner that is not in direct conflict with national security.

Why accept a government that is supposed to work for you but hides what it does and says?
It’s not a matter of hiding, it’s a simple matter of privacy. Does your boss go through all your emails? Have we ever opened the door to ANY officials email account to the public? No we haven’t, it would open Pandora’s box.
Yes, your boss does (or at least the IT department in any major employer). It is not a matter of privacy in any regard whatsoever - private matters should be executed in a private space. Those matters regarding government business should be executed in an official space and available to the public. If you insist on mixing the two then YOU are forgoing privacy. Exchange some pornographic materials with a friend from your workstation and see how your privacy hold up then in ANY company.

It does not.
If there was suspicion of foul play then there can be a supena for investigators to view communications. That’s how it works.

Your claim that we the public should be able to read all of Clintons emails is absurd
No, it is reasonable to think that any and all communications on the behalf of the government should be open source for the public as part of their intrinsic OBLIGATION to command oversight of the government.

What is absurd is that it is now considered standard for the government to blatantly conceal its actions from the very people that it represents. If it cannot stand in the light of day then there is clearly something wrong.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Do you believe that the American people have a right to know what is in those emails?
Of course not. Should we get open access to all our government leaders emails and communications? Hell no
Hell yes.

Our government should not be operating in secrete in any manner that is not in direct conflict with national security.

Why accept a government that is supposed to work for you but hides what it does and says?
It’s not a matter of hiding, it’s a simple matter of privacy. Does your boss go through all your emails? Have we ever opened the door to ANY officials email account to the public? No we haven’t, it would open Pandora’s box.

If there was suspicion of foul play then there can be a supena for investigators to view communications. That’s how it works.

Your claim that we the public should be able to read all of Clintons emails is absurd
All emails sent or received by government officials are supposed to be available to the public and are subject to FOIA requests.
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Snowflakes?? Jesus man, if it was such an obvious violation of the law then arrest her already. The republicans and Trump control congress the whitehouse and the DOJ. Why has nothing happened?
I don't understand why they don't. I can only believe that the Clintons must be blackmailing Sessions
Wow, I think you figured it out!!! Well done!!!!

Yup old super spy cracked the case right there!
All of her e-mails can not be released...

Unfortunately there are e-mails the Obama administrarion declared 'so secret that the release of them in any way would cause grave danger to our national security'.

(Remarkably snowflakes find nothing criminal about such classified, national security-threatening material being on Hillary's un-secured, un-encrypted, un-approved server, not having been turned in to the State Department in accordance with the LAWS (she violated by not doing do) the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.)
Snowflakes?? Jesus man, if it was such an obvious violation of the law then arrest her already. The republicans and Trump control congress the whitehouse and the DOJ. Why has nothing happened?
I don't understand why they don't. I can only believe that the Clintons must be blackmailing Sessions
Wow, I think you figured it out!!! Well done!!!!

Yup old super spy cracked the case right there!

Thanks for the kudos, imbecile.
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics

No...the mueller indictments are the shiny objects......since he is now implicated in covering up the Uranium One scandal.....and regular political journalists are now calling for him to step down as the lead in the investigation....
What’s the Uranium One scandal? Be specific because I’ve heard a lot of false BS about it from the right.
/—-/ Oh that silly old uranium thingy? Hillary was just looking for some donations to her charity so she could help feed and clothe hungry naked children, nothing to it at all. P
I’ve heard the accusations but they haven’t lined up with facts. Like the Russians donated 150 million to the foundation while she was SOS so she passed the Uranium one deal. That’s what I’ve heard and it is outright false. So present the case with facts to support it. I’m all ears...
/—-/ we’re still waiting for the Trump Russia facts to be released after a year, so patience grasshopper
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics

All of this is nothing but political theatre. Trump needs to remember. It wasn’t the brainwashed masses that elected him. Hillary’s emails won’t change the fact that repeal did not happen and the wall wasn’t built before amnesty. Democrats need to realize this ain’t helping them either. They need to stop this nd get to work or 2018 will be bad for their money trains.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Trump is pulling a Clinton. When Clinton was being impeached by the House the day before the vote he bombed Iraq, and Trump want Clinton ( Hillary ) emails opened...

I agree he could have done it on day one, two or even three but with the annpuncement last week he now wabt to divert attention and his base will fall for it...
/----/ How do you equate bombing an aspirin factory with opening a bunch of emails?

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