Shitty actor...shittier American

End the madness and stop the war on people who use none government approved recreational substances. That war is what caused the rise of el Chappo and all other cartels.
Everybody remembers Sean Penis meeting Iran's IslamoNazi president Ahmadi-nutjob a few years ago, and making him look like a good guy. So this shouldn't come as a surprise.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Penn could end up being charged criminally for this stunt. It would be poetic justice if he ended up in a cell with El Chappo, wouldn't it?
Yeah, he is a good actor, but that does not give him a get out of jail card.

He's in trouble.
Yeah, he is a good actor, but that does not give him a get out of jail card.

He's in trouble.

Why? What law did he break?
The DA will tell him.

" One might make an argument that Penn, based on what he revealed in the profile, knew where El Chapo was located, what his plans were, with whom he was consorting and how he had managed to evade recapture, and that he should have helped U.S. or Mexican authorities in their search. But Section 1071 doesn't mandate any affirmative duty to do so, and there's a long history of American journalists (and yes, Penn is a journalist as well as an Oscar winner, having written previously for Rolling Stone, Hollywood Reporter and other publications) secretly interviewing fugitives and despots without recourse. "Harboring or concealing a fugitive is usually more than just setting up a clandestine meeting. You have to actually help the fugitive avoid capture in some way," criminal defense attorney Page Pate told Mediaite.

Penn would have had to do things like provide money or other resources to El Chapo, tip him off or otherwise help him evade arrest, or used his influence as a wealthy celebrity to assist him in avoiding capture. Evidence of such behavior might yet emerge but these are all things that Rosengart likely would have advised Penn not to do. In addition, early evidence suggests El Chapo's interest in having his story told by Hollywood was a path that led to his recapture, so Penn's involvement might actually have helped authorities.

Will Sean Penn Face Legal Trouble for Secretly Interviewing El Chapo?
Yeah, he is a good actor, but that does not give him a get out of jail card.

He's in trouble.

Why? What law did he break?

He didn't break any laws.

People in the Mexican film industry were contacted by some of El Wapo's circle because El Wapo wanted to sell his story as a movie.

The best actors, like Penn, are forever interested in the human condition, even the worst of the human condition. It allows them to practice their craft as realistically as possible. For instance, when an actor portrays Hitler on screen they do mountains of research into his personality, habits, childhood, etc... It doesn't mean the 'like' him or 'support' him in any way.

But Faux News and con-media never miss a turn at demonizing Hollywood, so you have the flailing of arms you see now.

Was it prudent for him to interview El Wapo? I'd say not. But no criminal activity took place.

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