Shiva-Mordred: Capitalism Dreamers


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Mordred (war-minded rival and nemesis of the fabled English kingdom of Camelot) about capitalism/consumerism virtues (and vices!).


SHIVA: Power is a mechanism through which we better understand governance.
MORDRED: Power is a tool that helps us illuminate fury.
SHIVA: We need wisdom to appreciate why self-control is manliness...
MORDRED: Empathy and teamwork are undermined by the deeds of lazy men!
SHIVA: If we look at consumerism-culture (i.e., Starbucks), we find 'creative profiteerism.'
MORDRED: We also find capitalism corruption (e.g., Enron).
SHIVA: When parents buy toy water-pistols for their kids, they're thinking about idealism!
MORDRED: When Americans complain about electricity-bills, they fantasize about escape...
SHIVA: Perhaps we can use engineering to create a new 'energy-saving matrix.'
MORDRED: Eco-activism and energy-efficiency initiatives mask a 'civilization regret.'
SHIVA: There's nothing wrong with 'creative politics.'
MORDRED: Are you suggesting capitalism is a mechanism for 'coordinated atheism'?
SHIVA: I'm simply saying we need to destroy our illusion that nihilism will solve the problem of gluttony.
MORDRED: I see, so you're saying 'Planet Starbucks' will save us from sloth with caffeine?
SHIVA: Precisely! Focused meditation on the use-value of political systems (e.g., capitalism) create optimism.
MORDRED: What about the corruption of Wall Street stockbrokers?
SHIVA: To hype the naysayers simply because capitalism/consumerism creates 'gluttony side-effects' is evil.
MORDRED: In that case, I dare say, Lord Shiva, you imply that the petroleum-minded Gulf War was 'ideal.'
SHIVA: It was indeed ideal, since it taught us about the basic value of 'modern warfare'!
MORDRED: Well then, you should teach a course at Yale titled "Mercantilism in Literature."



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