SHOCK: Dem Stock Coronavirus Package With Green New Deal Handouts, Post Office Bailout, Union Cash


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
SHOCK: Dem Stock Coronavirus Package With Green New Deal Handouts, Post Office Bailout, Union Cash
23 Mar 2020 ~~ By Emily Zanotti
The Democrats, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), pulled an eleventh hour political move Sunday night, voting to pull a massive coronavirus recovery package after spending days negotiating with Republicans and top administration officials, in order to produce their own hastily constructed stimulus bill packed with handouts to Democratic constituencies.
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Early reports on the Democrats’ bill show a piece of legislation packed with handouts, bailouts, and cash offerings to the Democrats’ top constituencies, as well as provisions demanding enforcement of the Green New Deal, easing voting restrictions, and strengthening union allies.
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The bill also mandates “risk limiting audits” of elections, as well as same-day voter registration — a longtime Democrat wish list item that’s largely been considered a major hurdle to any voter rights legislation, given the possibility of abuse.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are immoral and unethical. To pull this stunt now rather than work with the President and Republicans is deplorable, divisive and low. In the end they are hurting individual Americans and their constituencies. They are playing politics with people's lives, proving they're petulant, selfish, shallow and infantile.
Their goal is to make the bill completely unacceptable to Republicans so nothing passes and the economy tanks..which they can then blame Republicans. Then they will run on “fixing” the economy.
This afternoon, Senator McConnell went to the people and unapologetically told the American people that these democrats are literally trying to exploit this crisis for their own political gain?
Clearly if you have lost your job, or worse have a loved one that has lost their life to the virus, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are cynically trying to use your misery as an opportunity to boost and cater to their own political interest, and that they’re currently holding up financial relief until they get what they want for themselves at the expense of the American citizen.
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Dems want to destroy this country. They hate capitalism and want to see it destroyed. They will only pass any bill that will help America only if they feel their political careers depend on it, and only with gnashing teeth.
Lookie what I found. From Germany-
Even though experts warn these effects won't last long, some, like Fatih Birol, head of the International Energy Agency, are fervently appealing to governments to use this "historic opportunity" to include renewable energy in their stimulus plans to offset an economic recession of historic proportions.

"This is the perfect time for a Green New Deal, a scaling up of clean, renewable energy and for a scaling up of low-carbon essential jobs such as home care workers, teachers, nurses, public health professionals, and service workers," Keya Chatterjee, executive director of the US Climate Action Network, told DW.
Pelosi, oh Pelosi
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Fake news.

There is no New Green deal to be enforced.

Among some of the things they want, are tax credits for wind and solar, and new emissions standards for airlines. Those were also in the New Green Deal, and have nothing to do with the original intent of the bill.
Nancy is the Speaker of the House. The is a Senate's Bill?????

You act like you think the Democrat Party gives a crap about separation between the two houses of Congress, and/or like you don't know that legislation has to go through both houses.
Fake news.

There is no New Green deal to be enforced.

Among some of the things they want, are tax credits for wind and solar, and new emissions standards for airlines. Those were also in the New Green Deal, and have nothing to do with the original intent of the bill.

You are correct, those things have nothing to do with the bill and should not be there. I was just reading about the stupid airline part of it, I had not seen it till just now.

I will admit I assumed people were talking out of their behinds, but this time they are not...I am with you all on this one, the Dems are fucking over the people for this dumb shit
Fake news.

There is no New Green deal to be enforced.

Among some of the things they want, are tax credits for wind and solar, and new emissions standards for airlines. Those were also in the New Green Deal, and have nothing to do with the original intent of the bill.

You are correct, those things have nothing to do with the bill and should not be there. I was just reading about the stupid airline part of it, I had not seen it till just now.

I will admit I assumed people were talking out of their behinds, but this time they are not...I am with you all on this one, the Dems are fucking over the people for this dumb shit

I don't really love you, ya asshole. But that was the most appropriate emoticon.

Fake news.

There is no New Green deal to be enforced.

Among some of the things they want, are tax credits for wind and solar, and new emissions standards for airlines. Those were also in the New Green Deal, and have nothing to do with the original intent of the bill.

You are correct, those things have nothing to do with the bill and should not be there. I was just reading about the stupid airline part of it, I had not seen it till just now.

I will admit I assumed people were talking out of their behinds, but this time they are not...I am with you all on this one, the Dems are fucking over the people for this dumb shit

I don't really love you, ya asshole. But that was the most appropriate emoticon.


That one is going to be lots of fun over the coming months! :laugh:

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