SHOCK Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia Law - 25% Okay With Violence Against Infidels

Republicans say kill gays. I wonder what the percentage is. Anyone know?
republicans SAY 'kill gays' . Maybe some do but its against the law in the USA . In sharia run 'iran' and other sharia muslim states they kill gays all the time and their 'sharia' government approves RDean !!
think a lot of USA and Western laws are based on the Christian 10 Commandments aren't they ?? No murder , no stealing , yada , yada . They seem like good laws to me MScientist !!
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Christians won't bake cakes for gay weddings.
Muslim hang gays or cut their heads off.
Oklahoma GOP candidate suggests it's OK to stone gay people to death

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Imagine that.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
How about when Christian America made Native American Indian religious ceremonies illegal until a law was passed by Congress allowing them to be legal,,,in 1978??
what's the problem?

I guess if you feel that assimilation into a host country is not important. Then your right. It's also a sign that they do not appreciate being here. While they like the job opportunities and that people leave them alone, they would like to see America changed if they had their way . Shariah is. Pretty barbaric 14th century stuff. Maybe we should make the U.S. a Muslim majority country? Would that still be no problem?
please. there are plenty of communities that don't assimilate and you have no problem with them. i also have no problem with someone choosing to live by a set of rules.
and the poll contradicts the idea that they want the country changed.

None of the polls I've seen contradict that idea. Furthermore, their behavior in Europe indicates they do want to change the countries where the emigrate to.
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Christians won't bake cakes for gay weddings.
Muslim hang gays or cut their heads off.
Oklahoma GOP candidate suggests it's OK to stone gay people to death

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Imagine that.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
How about when Christian America made Native American Indian religious ceremonies illegal until a law was passed by Congress allowing them to be legal,,,in 1978??

That's because they use Peyote, numskull. They weren't illegal merely because they weren't Christian.
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Christians won't bake cakes for gay weddings.
Muslim hang gays or cut their heads off.
Oklahoma GOP candidate suggests it's OK to stone gay people to death

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Imagine that.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
Same evil peas in the same evil pod, called faith in this case.

Well killing I would call Evil.
Not wanting to be forced to bake cakes, do photos, catering or marriage licenses is not.

The moron liberal turds claim the two are equivalent. That's the only way they can justify allowing the muzzie savages to immigrate here.
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Christians won't bake cakes for gay weddings.
Muslim hang gays or cut their heads off.
Oklahoma GOP candidate suggests it's OK to stone gay people to death

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Imagine that.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
How about when Christian America made Native American Indian religious ceremonies illegal until a law was passed by Congress allowing them to be legal,,,in 1978??

That's because they use Peyote, numskull. They weren't illegal merely because they weren't Christian.
Only SW US Native American Indians use peyote...
How many American Christians want laws based on the bible, I wonder.
Christians won't bake cakes for gay weddings.
Muslim hang gays or cut their heads off.
Oklahoma GOP candidate suggests it's OK to stone gay people to death

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Mississippi Conservative Calls For Putting Gay People To Death On Facebook Page

Imagine that.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
Same evil peas in the same evil pod, called faith in this case.

Well killing I would call Evil.
Not wanting to be forced to bake cakes, do photos, catering or marriage licenses is not.
The mentalities are exactly the same, and just as dangerous to what is worthy.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
How about when Christian America made Native American Indian religious ceremonies illegal until a law was passed by Congress allowing them to be legal,,,in 1978??

That's because they use Peyote, numskull. They weren't illegal merely because they weren't Christian.
Only SW US Native American Indians use peyote...

Those religious ceremonies were the only ones that were against the law.

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
Same evil peas in the same evil pod, called faith in this case.

Well killing I would call Evil.
Not wanting to be forced to bake cakes, do photos, catering or marriage licenses is not.
The mentalities are exactly the same, and just as dangerous to what is worthy.

Are they as dangerous as the mentality that produced the below?

"There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps."
- PaintMyHouse -​

Has any of that been passed into laws like the Muslims have done? NO
One or two or three are not the many.
There are extremes in both sides of each party.
Same evil peas in the same evil pod, called faith in this case.

Well killing I would call Evil.
Not wanting to be forced to bake cakes, do photos, catering or marriage licenses is not.
The mentalities are exactly the same, and just as dangerous to what is worthy.

Are they as dangerous as the mentality that produced the below?

"There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps."
- PaintMyHouse -​
That's not a mentality, that's the wisdom of my source, a old Jew.
what's the problem?

I guess if you feel that assimilation into a host country is not important. Then your right. It's also a sign that they do not appreciate being here. While they like the job opportunities and that people leave them alone, they would like to see America changed if they had their way . Shariah is. Pretty barbaric 14th century stuff. Maybe we should make the U.S. a Muslim majority country? Would that still be no problem?
please. there are plenty of communities that don't assimilate and you have no problem with them. i also have no problem with someone choosing to live by a set of rules.
and the poll contradicts the idea that they want the country changed.

None of the polls I've seen contradict that idea. Furthermore, their behavior in Europe indicates they do want to change the countries where the emigrate to.
the poll in the op contradicts the idea.
When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%)
what's the problem?

I guess if you feel that assimilation into a host country is not important. Then your right. It's also a sign that they do not appreciate being here. While they like the job opportunities and that people leave them alone, they would like to see America changed if they had their way . Shariah is. Pretty barbaric 14th century stuff. Maybe we should make the U.S. a Muslim majority country? Would that still be no problem?
please. there are plenty of communities that don't assimilate and you have no problem with them. i also have no problem with someone choosing to live by a set of rules.
and the poll contradicts the idea that they want the country changed.

None of the polls I've seen contradict that idea. Furthermore, their behavior in Europe indicates they do want to change the countries where the emigrate to.
the poll in the op contradicts the idea.
When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%)

You're an idiot. "The broader U.S. population" means all Americans, not just Muslims.

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